
DWR 2007

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Congratulations guys B| - Wish we were there!

Alan Thompson - you have been to many DZ in europe, suggest you and I get together and arrange something for the next DWR 2009 or 2010?
I am happy to host the arrangement but leave the formation slots to the captains.

Blue Skies

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Congratulations guys B| - Wish we were there!

Alan Thompson - you have been to many DZ in europe, suggest you and I get together and arrange something for the next DWR 2009 or 2010?
I am happy to host the arrangement but leave the formation slots to the captains.

Blue Skies

Cool deal. I know nothing about the European DZs except that the weather in the UK generally sucks... :D
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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While many of you guys were jumping at DWR, fellow deaf jumpers Mike Sweet and I were doing this:


That's a biplane flying circles around me with smoke and me landing with the flag. :)

"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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Which DZ we vote? Will you be there? Some not show up for the reasons. It was not easy with about half of them with a low jumps. We have 13 divers. I got about 5 want be a skydive from the deaf commuities and the deafnetworks. Seem will be more divers at Arizon Eloy DZ 2009. About 5 divers live in Arizon. We know not all of us can go over the sea. You need start to host the Euro deaf skydives. 5 Englands never jump together? We have talked about the Spain maybe next year? or later. Post your annoucments in the deaf commuities or networks to get more peoples interest in that sport. Hope we will get bigger next time : )

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Borgvar, Mads and me did come us well at home in Norway last week, no problem in the return. :-)

But we miss you all already.:(

We did have so fun with you all og many nice jumps.

Borgvar is still in the sky and is happy because he did meet many nice peoples and you and too miss you all hard.B|

We hope somebody organize a DWR in European next year. We cannot wait so long to meet you again!

Maybe I will be some back to US next year to visit somebody of you if no DWR in European in 2008.;)

Maybe I will be a rigger-student next spring!!:P

Tommy Andre, Norway

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There were quite a few of us who could not make it this time for several reasons - Andrew C, health; myself, young kid and finances; Mike Sweet, newly married and finances.

Hey?!?! what about me? The reason is families. :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r: How dare you for forget about me? :)
Flyin' Dawg or SkyDog

"To understand is to forgive, even oneself."

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hmmmm....i will send to all deaf skydivers email for which the best place for DWR in 2009 or 2010?? agreed?

2010 might be better... Okay, so it's your turn to host! ;)
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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I'm wonderin' is only Texas place for DWR every year, not out of US or other states in US?

YES! An wonderful place to jump, nice people :-D
Cheap flight to Houston from Norway, short flight, only 14-15 hours with change of flight in Germany.

Florida or Texas, YES! But Texas is perfect and only few hours flight from east, north and west in US?;)
Tommy Andre, Norway

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I'm wonderin' is only Texas place for DWR every year, not out of US or other states in US?


The first DWR was in San Marcos, Texas in 2001, the second DWR was at Perris Valley, California in 2003, then the third DWR was at Lake Wales, Florida in 2005, and then back in Texas at Skydive Spaceland near Houston this year for the fourth DWR.

Time to let the Europeans host it for once.
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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A big hello from Europe - Germany - to all deaf skydiver in the world B|
That´s a great idea to make the next deaf skydive meeting at europe. I like this Idea:P
Let´s keep contact and talk about that great Idea. I think Italy or Spain are good place to make this event. I personally prefer germany;), but the weather..... is not really positive... but why not....:ph34r:
Next year on march I`m at Skydive Arizona/Eloy for one week on a rw-camp, maybe I can meet an american deaf skydiver???
Blue Sky (blauer Himmel) and soft landings (weiche Landungen) wish you all
Linda from germany

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Maybe one Tommy from Norway interest to come also.B| Silent FreeFall, Fred

B| Maybe i will be come. I must check with the work to give holiday and can find cheap flight-tickets. MAYBE, MAYBE. I am hopeful.:S

I will be post here in the forum in januar about i will be come:)
Tommy Andre, Norway

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[:/] On March 1 2008 Deaf Expo will be in Texas I like to have the letures or the shows of the deaf skydives. Try to pull them go over near by DZ next day. Post your skydive's news in the deafnetwork or something when you have the deaf Expo or Deaf Convestion...near by DZ not tooofar !!!:)

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We do however, owe you Europeans a DWR somewhere in Europe. :)

I'd be up for an Euro DWR, sign me up.

I think I'm now much better at RW than DWR2005: I did a 26-point 2-way in Skyventure New Hampshire recently (60 second timespan). My last sky jump was a 4-way with 11 points (I think 8 or 9 of them in a 35 second time span)

I'm cleared for 4-way tunnel and going for another 2 hours with a novice group (250-500 jumps) again this coming January. I now have 3 hours tunnel time. That's more tunnel time than my sky time now. We got lucky to get a member of the Canada's 4-way champion team, as our 4-way tunnel instructor, roadtrips to SVNH only take 7 hour from here, and I hear Monteral will gain a Skyventure within 2 years (reducing the roadtrip to 2 hours!)

I am hoping to go to Perris Bigway camp next year May 1-4th, 2008 because I want to tryout for the Canada 100-way Record. (Gulp. Wish me luck!) Will register very shortly, once I confirm finances for the trip...

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Hey I would be interested in joining some other jumpers in Eloy or Europe. I would only be able to travel to one place for jumping next year. If we can agree on a place sometimes next year or make plans for a DWR or just a deaf boogie of some kind I would love to join. Keep me posted!

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