
Diabetic skydiver - should I?

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I'm 21 y.o boy and I have first type diabetes I'm very interested in skydiving but one year ago I got ill (1 type diabetes) so now it can be difficult to make my dream come true:((
I'm in a good control. It is no problem to me to check my sugar level before the jump, but there is one thing what make me happy - adrenaline make my sugar higer so I don't need afroid of low sugar level:)
What is your opinion of my skydive adventure?

Blue skies

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I'm 21 y.o boy and I have first type diabetes I'm very interested in skydiving but one year ago I got ill (1 type diabetes) so now it can be difficult to make my dream come true:((
I'm in a good control. It is no problem to me to check my sugar level before the jump, but there is one thing what make me happy - adrenaline make my sugar higer so I don't need afroid of low sugar level:)
What is your opinion of my skydive adventure?

Blue skies

Get a doctors report and providing you have it under full control then most DZ should welcome you.

At least mine would :)

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But the main problem is that I live in central Europe (in a very intolerant country) and it is pretty difficult (imposible) to get a Medical Certificate Class 3 for diabetic, you have to be very very healthy to get this certificate for e.g. when you carry a glasses about 1 dpi? you won't get it, so people not always tell the true.
I have already did my first bungee jump and my sugar went from 140 mg/dL up to 180 mg/dL - after jump because of adrenaline - it is not so bad, so I suppose that skydiving make my sugar level very simillar.
I'm not interested in AFF course I would be very happy to jump on static line, but now I'm totally depressed because of my disease and very bad law (they allow me to drive a car fill with people but I can't skydive and be responsible for my self - isn't stupid?

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But the main problem is that I live in central Europe (in a very intolerant country) and it is pretty difficult (imposible) to get a Medical Certificate Class 3 for diabetic, you have to be very very healthy to get this certificate for e.g. when you carry a glasses about 1 dpi? you won't get it, so people not always tell the true.
I have already did my first bungee jump and my sugar went from 140 mg/dL up to 180 mg/dL - after jump because of adrenaline - it is not so bad, so I suppose that skydiving make my sugar level very simillar.
I'm not interested in AFF course I would be very happy to jump on static line, but now I'm totally depressed because of my disease and very bad law (they allow me to drive a car fill with people but I can't skydive and be responsible for my self - isn't stupid?

Find a 'friendly' doctor ;)

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I know that in the US there are some states where it is required to put "Diabetic" on a drivers license, I suppose in the future they may plan to limit some diabetics from driving. I live in a state where it is not required. I too know many diabetic jumpers, and I know that when I excercise, my numbers go down, but nervousness makes them go up.
I doubt that many dz's in the States would ask more than a passing question or two. For instance, I would ask, "when did you test last?, what were your numbers?" And then I would make sure that your instructor was well aware of your situation, before you did your training.
Take your test kit, and some with you to the dz, make sure that you are honest in your answers to questions they may have and HAVE FUN!!

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But the main problem is that I live in central Europe (in a very intolerant country) and it is pretty difficult (imposible) to get a Medical Certificate Class 3 for diabetic,

What country would that be? Im an not aware of overfly strict regulations in central Europe.
Can you get a medical for a USPA license and then have it changed into a license of your country without medical?

If it does not cost anything you are the product.

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too many words, sry for this long talking
I'm in sport 8 yrs, DM type I, insuline dependent, 260 jumps, freefall sometimes daily 4-5 times 1200-4000 meters, live in Europe. I never had problem with DM and skydiving. Doctors said "You must stop skydiving 'cos DM I", I asked "WHY?". Because "you can be in unconsciousness and without control, you can die", or more stupid words about this... I never in my live lost consciousness, why now? I have food, I have unit to control sugar in my blood, I have insuline, I have informations... I have training, I'm ready for skydive better then my partners in aircraft, check myself more and better then they... I never jumped and will never jump without AAD ON ...What am I.... IDIOT? NO, I'm not. I'm considering in best sport in whole world....
Every authorities who required medical something to this sport are F...... 'cos by my opinion, who jumps ALONE from aircraft with AAD, selfcontrol and brain have no problem with his medical pieces of ... I know about many cases when heathfully jumper died AND???? I will die too, what is a problem???

p.s.: I'm not naturally borned U.S. or english speaking citizen so be patient pls... THANX

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too many words, sry for this long talking
I'm in sport 8 yrs, DM type I, insuline dependent, 260 jumps, freefall sometimes daily 4-5 times 1200-4000 meters, live in Europe. I never had problem with DM and skydiving. Doctors said "You must stop skydiving 'cos DM I", I asked "WHY?". Because "you can be in unconsciousness and without control, you can die", or more stupid words about this... I never in my live lost consciousness, why now? I have food, I have unit to control sugar in my blood, I have insuline, I have informations... I have training, I'm ready for skydive better then my partners in aircraft, check myself more and better then they... I never jumped and will never jump without AAD ON ...What am I.... IDIOT? NO, I'm not. I'm considering in best sport in whole world....
Every authorities who required medical something to this sport are F...... 'cos by my opinion, who jumps ALONE from aircraft with AAD, selfcontrol and brain have no problem with his medical pieces of ... I know about many cases when heathfully jumper died AND???? I will die too, what is a problem???

p.s.: I'm not naturally borned U.S. or english speaking citizen so be patient pls... THANX

Welcome to my neighbour from Slovakia;) Okey......... what I am try to tell You that... I DID IT!!!! ;)B| I have done 4 jumps in spite of stupid (extreemly stupid) law in my country and I am very happy because of this. Skydiving is the best thing I have ever done and diabetes is not a problem (my doctor has exactly the same opinion!) but officer (doctor) from Aviation Office has not.
Before jumps I always control my sugar level, I have a lots of food in DZ, I have sweets im my pocket, I have ADD on and I have mind - that is the most important thing. I'm very carefull and this is pretty much it.

I'm going to do another jumps. :)

P.S. Thanks to everyone who gave me a bravery to do that and for your honest opinios.

Blue skies!B|

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Congrats on the jump(s)!!! To add to words of encouragement of others here, Type I diabetes should not preclude you or anyone else from skydiving, or doing any other sport for that matter, as long as you have it under control. I, for example, have Type 1 Diabetes, and have been in the sport for 8 years with over 1300 jumps, I'm an S&TA and an AFF instructor at my home dz.

You need to watch out for your highs though, as excessive sugar can lead to some long-term health issues. What helped me is the use of Humalog type of insulin, which is very fast-acting, but does not stay in your system for too long. Also, be sure to keep a set of sugar tablets in your jumpsuit, just in case you feel a low coming ;)

Have fun and be safe!


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Same here, Type 1 since 1999 and I have been jumping since 1997! As long as you monitor it you will be fine. I wear an Insulin Pump that fits in the inner pocket on my jump suits. I have never had any issues even when filming 10 or more tandems in a day...........................
.......I hereby reject your reality and instead choose to insert my own!

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