HeatherObscura 0 #1 July 10, 2008 Im a new skydiver and i also have a supraventricular tachycardia.. Its rarely a problem in my day to day life but lately ive been having episodes upon landing..this makes total sense since one of the main causes of an episode is adrenaline and often they start as a result the initial jolt with the ground im hoping to get it fixed with cardiac catheterization pretty soon but im curious to know if any other jumpers have had any experience with svt? has it ever happened mid-air?? how do you lower your heart rate when you get into a sticky situation? just curious..thanks in advance -Heather Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
butcherman70 0 #2 July 10, 2008 First the disclaimer; ask your doctor, etc., etc. However, if you're not controlled with meds., haven't had a successful ablation, and still decide to jump, bare down like you're going to have a massive b.m. for a few seconds, (vaso-vagal maneuver), and see if that gets it. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HeatherObscura 0 #3 July 11, 2008 one of my cardiologists is a skydiver..he gets it. im having the procedure done next month so hopefully this wont be a problem at all soon i was prescribed beta blockers but those things make me so tired so ive opted to deal.. thanks for the advice Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JohnRich 4 #4 July 11, 2008 Quote i also have a supraventricular tachycardia.. What's that? Some kind of giant insect? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TonyJ 0 #5 July 11, 2008 i just had it done last month. mine was 270bpm but never happened during jumping... at work and out to eat.... the only way mine was stopped was with a shot.. the ablation was easy for me.. total time in the electro lab was 20 minutes, i was mostly out during the op... good thing i had insurance cause the bills are rolling in... they let me go after 4 hours of laying still and 1 hour of walking around...just glad i didnt have to spend the night... they were able to stimulate mine during the procedure... i could feel it beating like crazy but then it was back to normal... you are sore for acouple of days... where the port was put in... hope this helps tony the toprol i was on made me feel wierd and stoped it... also my cardo said splashing cold water on the neck and face might get it back into rythm... dont know if it works..... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HeatherObscura 0 #6 July 12, 2008 yes that is correct. im an giant insect human hybrid Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HeatherObscura 0 #7 July 12, 2008 thanks for the advice the procedure is scheduled for july 17th...next thursday i have to stay overnight in the hospital and im so scared, i hate staying away from home let alone in a hospital bed.. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TonyJ 0 #8 July 12, 2008 they told me i would have to stay, but they let me go 5 hours after it.... they just want to make sure no bleeding where the port is.... they went up both sides on me but most of the work was done on the right side.... i went to jfk in west palm, fl... good luck, tony Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HeatherObscura 0 #9 July 17, 2008 The procedure went great!!! Im posting from the hospital bed right now :) the dr said that it was a "text book" case and they might even let me go later tonight as long as there are no complications with the site... they went in with 4 caths, two on each side, and im assuming they did most the work on my right side too because its really sore.. The lady in the bed next to me gets one of those pca morphine drips and she's totally stoned! im jealous..anyway, im going to try to bribe someone to bring me some food. hospital food suuucks! i cant wait to get back into the sky..i have to take a few weeks off because the site is right where my harness sits, anyway, thanks for everyones help. bluuuueeess Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TonyJ 0 #10 July 17, 2008 Glad to hear it went well... i jumped 4 days after mine.... Dr said it was ok..... But had to wait at least 2 days min... i was having trouble walking for 2 days.... later tony Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HeatherObscura 0 #11 July 18, 2008 thats good to hear. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HeatherObscura 0 #12 July 24, 2008 im sort of freaking out right now, i just had a tachycardia episode of 200 bpm..i thought this shit was supposed to be fixed after the ablation.... i already called my doctor and left a message klajdflkajdsg Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TonyJ 0 #13 July 25, 2008 they told me that some people have to have it done twice... were they able to stimulate the event and stop it? they also said you will have some wierd things happen after the the ablation for about a month... i just went to the last cardo. follow up, she asked me if i had any flutter...none... post what your doc says... interesting....tony Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HeatherObscura 0 #14 July 28, 2008 they said that sometimes there is some "left over arrhythmias" I have to wear a halter monitor for 30 days (again) to see what else is going on. The dr said they were able to educe it, went to 199 bpm, found it, did the ablation, tried to stimulate it again and couldn't so he thought he had cured it. He also said sometimes people have more than one extra pathway..so we will see what happens after a month Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TonyJ 0 #15 July 28, 2008 keep us updated on it... thanks tony Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HeatherObscura 0 #16 September 1, 2008 ok so heres the update...the second procedure was thursday the 28th at 10 am and it went all wrong. There were 5 entry sites, 4 in my femoral arteries in my legs and one through my subclavian vein in my chest. The doctor realized that the accessory pathway that was causing my new arrhythmias was to close to my sinus node (which is the hearts natural pace maker) to successfully destroy the tissue so he left it alone and re-ablated the tissue that he destroyed in my FIRST procedure on july 17th. I was under anesthesia for 4 hours while he was looking for other pathways that could be causing my problem. When i woke up i had terrible chest pain and they did a chest x-ray. That is when they realized that in the process of the procedure, the needle in my chest accidentally punctured my left lung causing air to leak and fluid to get into my lung. They waited a while to see if it could possibly heal on its own but it wasn't looking good, so they kept doing chest xrays and once my lung collapsed 35% they decided to put a chest tube in me in order to drain the fluid and reinflate the lung. By now i was a mess and they didnt want to give me any pain killers in fear of it slowing down my respiration and my lungs failing. The chest tube was inserted and a dry suction was attatched to the tube that sucked out any lung fluid. I had to periodically sit up to make sure that the fluid drained and that i didn't get pneumonia... definitely not one of my finest moments. Luckily the doctor used his better judgement and didnt try to destroy the tissue near my sinus node otherwise i would have a pace maker right now. So by Friday night most of the fluid had drained from my lungs but not all of it, i could actually feel my lungs bubbling and gurgling! GROSS i know. On top of all this i kept getting the hiccups and that was awful! Saturday though was much easier, i slept all morning and then the surgeons came in and said the tube could be removed and i could go home. The tube getting pulled out was unpleasant but the relief that followed was incredible. They sent me home just an hour after the tube came out and now im at my mom's house getting looked after. So thats my story.. unfortunately they didn't fix the defect so i will be on beta blockers for the rest of my life but i plan on getting a second opinion eventually so who knows what will happen, im keeping my outlook good because what i went through isnt possibly the worst thing that could happen. I mean..fuck i could be dead Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TonyJ 0 #17 September 1, 2008 wow, at least he used good judgement about not going near the natural pace maker... i was worried about this myself.... cant believe all that happened..... the first one was so easy for you... i guess the bata blockers for life is better than a pace maker.... i bet he was freaking out for 4 hours... sorry it went so bad.... thanks for the update... tony Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jclalor 12 #18 September 30, 2008 270 BPM !!!!! Holy shit, thats just llike a hummingbird. I hope every thing works out for ya. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TonyJ 0 #19 October 1, 2008 so far so good, hasnt happened since the procedure.... thanks tony Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites