
1st paraplegic solo jump in New Zealand

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Way to go Dale!!! Great video. Great accomplishment.

Man that looked COLD. We are so spoiled here in California. I think it's really cold when it is 50 F on the ground.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Continent after continent ....
-do you think you'd make it to USA, and Canada some day?

You could jump with Lonnie in Canada, Russell in the USA (if I'm still alive then, we could jump here at my DZ), that would make a fine trip for jumping.

Would be a certain accomplishment to be able to jump in each continent-to experience the culture, and their views of individuals with disabilities...

-the Paralympic jump thought surely continues on as an important endeavor to strive for- while a visit to various places-to jump and educate Dale- your comic sense is hilarious-
-the comedy may be a way to bring out some educational material, along with a paradigm shift for many who look on
-if you would be able to travel the world.

How was the cold for your body?
( I'm having a terrible time with body temp regulation...)

I notice it here- and now even in the summer time
-got 'issues' with temp regulation.

Your video is great Dale, I was thinking just a few months ago I had been dreaming (not seriously), of jumping in Australia with your coach- I was 'in limbo', stuck in static line soup, and yearned for the chance to try the FF with the knee braces.
Then, it was only last month that my original coach and mentor Angus came on board and said he was ready to try this again-

While thinking of it -I was envisioning your comic self, and the manner in which you can use skydiving to hopefully motivate many.

What are your goals in skydiving?

It was easy enough, when you began on this journey (it was last yr. this time-that's TONS you've done in this sport in that time! B| ), to delineate that, but I don't recall what your hopes and plans are....

(mine is still the same-the completion of that FF program)

Do you have any new ideas, plans for modfication of gear, or are you happy with what is, and how its working?

I would like to modify my pants, mainly to make them more durable-two seasons out of a pair of Gimp FF pants seems too short. Seems the motorcross pants are not durable enough for sliding on.

To become active member in the Bonus Days Club you must very narrowly escape eternal freefall ... one exciting time.)-Pat Works

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Thats the plan for sure!


it is good to know that someone is willing to take on the journey, and bring this 'eye opening', 'paradigm shifting' jump to a DZ in as many countries as possible.

some may think it is a lofty goal,
but perhaps there is $ from sponsors (I used to think of such things= i.e. asking Visa for sponsorship -they can have the canopy with their logo if they want to donate enough B|...
and the 'national' airline of your country-for surely they are the ones who sponsor the paralympic and olympic games transporting the athletes...
and perhaps the DZ's may be helpful in accommodations with instructors, discount jump tickets, help to spread the word around that Dale will come to jump, and hopefully do some type of comic relief yet 'motivational' speech along with a dinner and beer would be niceB|...

and Dale could show the world how this is possible,
and hopefully others will give a try at fulfilling dreams which otherwise may remain unsaid, and hidden.

I hope I don't sound too much like a mushy romantic type=because I don't have that sappy sh*t on my ipod... but i think this is something worth sharing with the world...

it would be nice if some day there could be a skydivers equivalent of the "Freedom Wings" program we have in Ontario Canada-which modified 2 gliders for paralyzed individuals to fly...

it takes $, and getting it perhaps can only be done by one of the people who can show how its done.. a

I think Dale has the personality=out going,
comfortable with media and communication with crowds...
To become active member in the Bonus Days Club you must very narrowly escape eternal freefall ... one exciting time.)-Pat Works

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Yes, it sure looked cold up there, but your jumping is for sure hot enough to make up for it.

I would tell you to keep on keeping on, but it looks like you don't need anyone to tell you what to do.

When you get to the US of A, let me know so we can make a few jumps together.

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