
Solo Skyvan jump 14,000ft Dale Elliott T10 complete paraplegic

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Great, Love those skyvans

absolutely the best for us paralyzed ones for exits.
I must have done at leat 70+ back flip exits from our this season.
do a back flip exit (similar to Dales version of a gainer-except I just sit directly facing the back ad flip over).

For exists the skyvan was awesome but still I liked the Grand Caravan with the 900hp engine upgrade from the regular 595 hp.
To become active member in the Bonus Days Club you must very narrowly escape eternal freefall ... one exciting time.)-Pat Works

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Hi All,

Haven't been around much at DZ.com lately but ive still been jumping and developing my skydive gear.

He is a jump I did this week http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUFBRNkTwyA

Rock on!


Thanks for sharing I see the mods.
would you explain some of them for us- so we can understand

a) what are all the mods you did?
b) why?(what made you decided to change something)

and what differences do you find now with your new mods in comparison to before.

As there was this guy who sent me a PM =telling he is an engineering student designing something so that paralyzed people can skydive solo.
He had never known it was done,
after spending TONS of time gathering up ALL the links here from yu, from poolieland, packerJarrett, and Tonto's explenation of what he did with Peter,
trying to encourage him to contact the various folks on his own,
i havent heard back from him.
So now you have new mods!B|
that I'd like to learn about.

I see you liked the skyvan, is that going to be your DZ's plane for a while now? We leased one for this season and I love the back flip exits (or have folks toss you out of the plane on your belly- just grab you by the legs, and arms and out you go with a loud exclemation of being TIRED OF THESE GIMPS ON THE PLANE!) certainly has the tandems looking a little 'puzzled' and distracts them from their own fears of exiting the plane :)
To become active member in the Bonus Days Club you must very narrowly escape eternal freefall ... one exciting time.)-Pat Works

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Still working on perfecting my gear so its easy to gear up at the DZ and be ready for a load. I am also using a set of leg braces i made out of polycarbonate plastic that i can change the angles on. I am looking into how the different leg angles effect my flying and what angles are best for certain jumps. I have been increasing the padding in my pants as i feel that the landings are still risky as far as injury to my butt goes. I also want to do more work on the webbing in between my knees that helps grab air. I want to see what effect different porosity netting/fabric has on flying position. This combined with leg brace angles will start to give me a good understanding of how to trim out various flying positions. I get so many emails from new paras wanting to get into solo jumping that this research really needs to be done and tabulated. I am not at all comfortable coaching people or telling them what will work for them because i dont know. No one does. No one has done a detailed investigation and recorded the results. I want to progress into wingsuits one day and to do that i need to also have this basic research done in order to be able to share and discuss this with instructors. I would also like to run a 2 week camp for paras who want to get into jumping or progress with their jumping. I need all this data in order to make a manual for that.

My opinions are just that. What works for me prob wont work for others but I want to be able to say why and have the data to suggest something else.

Keeping this area of skydiving safe is my main priority right now. In all the excitement, shit can go wrong, and i dont see us paras getting too many chances if we stuff it up......

Get busy living or get busy dying!

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AWESOME ideas!!!

very well thought out. I'd love to hear more details of your experimentation with the angles. as I've done that with the old metal braces that I have (which by luck have the ability change angles by 10 degrees from `20 degrees down to 0) but having them on top like you do are not an option for my type- as they need to be set into their angle and then I still worry about the fact that i have two metal bars 2" wide and 1/4" thick on both sides of my thigh- so I worry that it will take just one 'bad' landing for those metal rods to dig into my leg-and worse yet get shoved upwards the 4" they need in order to find my artery or vein down my leg. I've only been fortunate that in a few hundred dives this has not happened-yet.

The porosity of the mesh is also something that I've started to work with, and am in the process of reconfigure a tracking suit to fit the para leg needs, which is now forcing me to abandon those old braces and go forward into the realm of completely changing them to become an 'on to' feature....
which was where my interest in seeing you leg braces on the outside spurred from.

You definitely have lots of long term plans that are well thought out. If I recall it being August 07 that you emailed me asking for basic info on your quest to start flying again after your injury,
and when I think of the progress you have made in the realm of skydiving for para's I find your dedication to be beyond motivating!
As you said, it only takes on fubared landing by one of us in this sport to seriously slow down the progression and possibly halt it totally- for other paras to start this journey.
And remember telling you that although initially my dream was to jump into the 2012 Paralympic opening ceremonies, but your personality serves that purpose much better... and I think i see it somewhere that it is now one of your goals.

that I am glad you have taken on this journey not just for your self but for the greater good of all paras wanting to dive

Dale I'm glad you have joined us all in the skies, for your dedication to documenting, researching and continuing to further your outlook is not merely inspiring but needed from someone on the 'inside' of this world- someone who can speak from experience...

my 'kudos' to you for taking on the journey i had hoped someone with intelligence and determination would tackle and i trust will develop something very uniwue and useful.

My journey has me flying other canopies, and skydiving, although i seem to do quite a bit of it (how can I not with the skyvan parked in my front yard),
has become the testing grounds for my plans and thoughts.

But my journey is not terribly useful for the majority of para's who want to fly canopies (seeing that skydiving is the main interest there-rightfully so-it's the safest option) so lately I've tossed up some videos of plain old '1st attempt at..' (like the RW tunnel camp and the backflying -when I saw the broken knee brace that sent my leg flying in all directions unwanted)-with the hopes that if not informative in 'how did i do this' way, then in the 'don't try this' manner.

(perhaps that is a part of my journey to show the 'don't try this- because this wil happen' videos- as there certainly have been enough emails coming my way asking if this or that is possible and i go out and give it a try-to show more often then not- that it isnt possible- at least not for me- but then showing why it didnt work for me- hoping that if the person really wants to try it- perhaps wseeing why it did not work for me will help them eliminate that option and move directl onto something more do-able).

While I watch your progression with great interest as you take on the very oppostie approach.. which is a good thing, not all of us need to be out there showing what not to do ;)

at the end of the day,I'm impressed,
and very intrigued because I do believe that your wing suit dreams will be reality sooner then you even may realize.

Keep at it Dale this was a nice surprise to see the video of all the work you have done

To become active member in the Bonus Days Club you must very narrowly escape eternal freefall ... one exciting time.)-Pat Works

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Hi All,

Haven't been around much at DZ.com lately but ive still been jumping and developing my skydive gear.

He is a jump I did this week http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUFBRNkTwyA

Rock on!


Thanks for sharing I see the mods.
would you explain some of them for us- so we can understand

a) what are all the mods you did?
b) why?(what made you decided to change something)

and what differences do you find now with your new mods in comparison to before.

As there was this guy who sent me a PM =telling he is an engineering student designing something so that paralyzed people can skydive solo.
He had never known it was done,
after spending TONS of time gathering up ALL the links here from yu, from poolieland, packerJarrett, and Tonto's explenation of what he did with Peter,
trying to encourage him to contact the various folks on his own,
i havent heard back from him.
So now you have new mods!B|
that I'd like to learn about.

I see you liked the skyvan, is that going to be your DZ's plane for a while now? We leased one for this season and I love the back flip exits (or have folks toss you out of the plane on your belly- just grab you by the legs, and arms and out you go with a loud exclemation of being TIRED OF THESE GIMPS ON THE PLANE!) certainly has the tandems looking a little 'puzzled' and distracts them from their own fears of exiting the plane :)

HAHAHA tired of these gimps hahaha if someone did that while i was doing my first jump i would indeed be puzzled

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