Neely47 0 #1 May 3, 2014 Hi everyone, I'm planning on doing the AFF Level 1 sometime this summer. How big of a risk would it be not to wear my hearing aid during the fall? Because I understand you have to use the radio to land the canopy; obviously, without my hearing aid, I will not be able to hear from the radio. Does anyone here who skydives wears hearing aids (or knows someone who does)? The thing I'm worried about if I wear my hearing aid during the fall, they may get damaged. Thank you! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
faulknerwn 38 #2 May 3, 2014 We have trained several deaf jumpers as well a a hearing impaired jumper. Instead of radios, we use paddles to point the direction we want them to go. You should make sure you are very confident in understanding the canopy control before you go up just to make sure. But it wasn't an issue for them. A tandem where you work on canopy skills can be very helpful. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RickH 0 #3 May 3, 2014 I just recently ( 1 year ago) started wearing hearing aids in both ears. My hearing loss was a culmination of 25 years of law enforcement ( SWAT, firearms instructor) and 11,000 plus skydives over a span of 19 years. I am outfitted with NuEars which fit comfortably in my ear canals. I wear a helmet ( which you will be required to do as a student) and the results have been amazing. I am able to hear my tandem students while I am under canopy with them and it has in no way impaired my ability to skydive. I would suggest going to the DZ you plan to jump at and place a helmet on with your hearing aids in place have the instructor place a radio in the same place it would be on your jump, stand in front of a fan to simulate wind noise and have them speak to you. Please understand that a radio is just a back up device and shouldn't be relied upon, they do sometimes fail. You will be taught all of the necessary skills to land your parachute safely without the use of a radio. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Neely47 0 #4 May 8, 2014 Thank you everyone for the helpful responses. One last question which is unrelated to my OP, how difficult is AFF Level 1? Do most people pass it? Thanks again Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tetra316 0 #5 May 9, 2014 I've worn hearing aids in both ears since I very young. I did my AFF at a small Cessna dropzone which did not use radios. They used paddles in the landing area for all students which worked just fine. Don't remember if I kept my hearing aids in or not for AFF but I always wear them now with both my closed face and open face helmets. Depending on the student helmets available, your hearing loss and their radio set up you might be just fine using radios. Definitely test it out in a loud environment first. If that doesn't work my concern would be someone paddling you in who has never used can be confusing if they are trying to mirror you to get you to do what they want. Never had an issue in 2700 jumps with hearing aids....well except for that one time I forgot to buckle the helmet and felt it start sliding off my head. Just kept one hand on my helmet until after I deployed Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites