
Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP)

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Hello Skydivers!

I figured this was the best place to get a solid opinion on my concern. Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP) has been a worry for me growing up, because one side of my family has it. I was tested for it when I was younger, but it didn't manifest at the time. However, I was almost guaranteed to have this diagnosis by the specialist I was seeing - it was just a matter of time before it started to take effect.

Over the years (I am 25 now), I had kind of put it to the side in order to not let it effect what my goals and aspirations were. I didn't want it to get in the way of what I wanted to do and I couldn't cure it, so I figured I would check up on it after some time.

My eyesight has become a little worse than before, but not really enough to make a major difference. So, I went back in to check on the progress of the RP and it has sure enough started to manifest itself. I have the autosomal dominant form, which is the most common and the gene that, for lack of a better term, is the slowest when it comes to deterioration of sight and has the highest chance of curability in the future.

How do I proceed with this going forward with any DZ's that I may go to? I do have my A license, but now that the RP has started to manifest itself more, I feel an obligation to let people know. Has anyone been in a similar situation? How do I go about this? At what point should I stop skydiving?

I do want to also continue on and obtain other licenses, but in regards to night jumps (for D license), those are definitely out of the question as I have always had night eyesight problems due to this.

I realize there may not be a strict, clear answer to this, but I would like to hear what people think.

Thanks everyone.

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risk is inherent in this sport, if you feel you can mitigate the risk of deteriorating vision I would encourage you to keep jumping, don't give up because genetics dealt you a bad hand, now that being said under canopy at high traffic dz's such as eloy this could be a greater risk to yourself and other jumpers, you might want to find a cessna club or dz and keep the risk of canopy collision to a minimum, if there are only 3 other jumpers in the air with you they can all be aware of your handicap and adjust procedures easily to help you out, and maybe find the closer jump crew who can help you deal with what you are going through as a good sky family does, oh yeah and double up on audibles haha, i'd still jump with you, and i hope you find a treatment that helps nip this in the ass.

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Thanks Adamkrum! I really appreciate your input. I can definitely see how the canopy traffic is the biggest concern in all of this. Even though I can still see fine as of right now, I still am on the extra cautious side under canopy. I'm wondering if I just try to hang around under canopy a bit longer (and wait for the majority of traffic to land before I start my pattern) if that would be considered more safe. I would think some people might be a bit annoyed at that, though.

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risk is inherent in this sport, if you feel you can mitigate the risk of deteriorating vision I would encourage you to keep jumping, don't give up because genetics dealt you a bad hand, now that being said under canopy at high traffic dz's such as eloy this could be a greater risk to yourself and other jumpers, you might want to find a cessna club or dz and keep the risk of canopy collision to a minimum, if there are only 3 other jumpers in the air with you they can all be aware of your handicap and adjust procedures easily to help you out, and maybe find the closer jump crew who can help you deal with what you are going through as a good sky family does, oh yeah and double up on audibles haha, i'd still jump with you, and i hope you find a treatment that helps nip this in the ass.

Yep, what he said.

Stick with the sport and stay on the conservative side and you should do just fine. Most of all, live life to the fullest! Good luck.
I'm back in the USA!!

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