skygal3 0 #26 May 20, 2003 Yup. Mom rarely smoked around me but my father did. Windows up--long car rides, dinner, whatever. Then when I was 16 and came home from the hospital after my first asthma attack he told me I was crazy to believe the Dr. when he said second hand smoke as a child did it to me. "It'll never hurt you" I think he said.. Well, it did. Even to this day I have exercise induced asthma. Which sucks major balls because I love to run. I love to run, I just can't breathe! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gatorbait 1 #27 May 20, 2003 Quote If people had to pass an IQ test in order to procreate, a lot of population problems wouldn't exist. LOL I so agree....well said! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MrHixxx 0 #28 May 20, 2003 Quote But it seems a bit draconian to me to accuse/charge parents who have an addiction with child abuse when the substance they are addicted to is 100% legal... Well in that case, maybe we should free all the alcoholic parents that are in jail for violence towards their children while under the influence. I mean, alcohol is legal so it isn't their fault? Viewpoint from a recovering alcoholic ex-smoker. Part of the recovery process is making amends to all that you harmed with your addiction if possible... -Hixxxdeath,as men call him, ends what they call men -but beauty is more now than dying’s when Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KawiZX900 0 #29 May 20, 2003 At work I know a girl who's 7-8 months pregnant and smokes a 1/2 a pack a day. I know she has no idea that there is a human being inside her and that it picks up her genetics, shared outlook and all those other Mother baby things... too bad the bond is cowboy killers... Accelerate hard to get them looking, then slam on the fronts and rollright beside the car, hanging the back wheel at eye level for a few seconds. Guaranteed reaction- Dave Sonsky Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gatorbait 1 #30 May 20, 2003 I imeediately don't have any respect for mothers who don't quit smoking when they are pregnant. That in my opinion, is the bigest display of ignorance. Especially with all of the education that is offered today. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lurch 0 #31 May 20, 2003 I hate smokers with a passion . ... OK. No more mr. nice guy. I'm pissed. One too many safety nazis/smoking nazis weighed in here to just lurk it. (lurch takes deep breath and summons the ringing echoing thundergod voice) ENOUGH! I grew up in cloud of smoke. It sucked. If I ever have kids I will consider it my duty as a parent not to poison their air. As an adult I smoke...and I know enough not to subject others to it. Meaning outside when needed, downwind when needed, or just wait till later...if you smoking nazis would shut the fuck up for a minute you'd hear me asking if this bothers you! I am also equally sick of the smoking nazis loudly shrieking about how smoking within 25 yards of a child while downwind of that child in a hurricane is still somehow secondhand smoke poisoning them far more than I'm poisoning myself of course and needs draconian measures to protect that child from even the awareness of the existence of tobacco not to mention all us evil child-poisoning secondhand-smoke spreaders! If you're such an oblivious parent (my own mom, thanks bitch) you can't tell your kid can't breathe that shit especially in a confined area you got no business raising kids! I'm kinder and more considerate to my fucking CAT! I'm also equally sick of the fucking seatbelt nazis! I spent most of my childhood being horribly endangered and abused by my evil parents for not strapping me in to the car every time it moved! Punish them! Even more horribly, I even did such hideously neglectful, obviously terribly child-endangeringly criminal acts such as riding a bicycle without a helmet or supervision and ("GASP") riding in the back of a pickup truck! fuck seat belts, not even a seat!!!!! Imprison them!!! What the hell happened? You wanna know why Columbine happened? And WILL happen again, in increasing numbers? I hear there's an old prison term for it...they called it "stir crazy". Your kids are, quite literally, wild animals. Try to domesticate them at your peril. When did it become viewed as criminal to let your kids run free, unrestrained and unsupervised? Go to the park alone? Wander at will in the real world? When did it become a crime to let the kid ride a bike without a helmet and an adult watching their every move? When did it become a crime to not seat belt the kids in for a run to do some errands? When did it become criminal to allow the kid a boatload of unmanaged, unscheduled, unsupervised time? When did it become viewed as criminal to allow your kid to take a fucking RISK! To swim without a life preserver a lifeguard or even an adult present! Run in the fucking halls! Watch TV without having an adult filter it for any possible positive reference to sex drugs violence alcohol or risky behavior! Learn to use power tools without taking the ul approved Safety Course! Learn to safely handle a gun! Climb things without a safety net and harness! If I allowed my hypothetical kid to climb the tree in my front yard today I'd be arrested! When did mandating everything replace good judgement! What happened to things like responsibility! What happened to letting the kid develop at the kid's pace! What happened to "the kid is ready to handle it when the kid indicates by inclination and responsible behavior that he's ready to handle it"? When did it become necessary to "protect" your kids from awareness of the existence of things like sex, guns, tobacco, danger, REALITY? Every stupid mistake I ever made as a teen out of ignorance and unawareness was made because I was raised in a box and despite my best efforts to self-educate as a child I was successfully "protected" from knowing about puberty, childbirth, female genitalia...(existence, purpose, function and structure of), human development, alcohol, drugs, firearms, self-defense, violence and fighting, ("turn the other cheek! Run away! Go get help! Tell an adult! Pray!" (lot of fucking good that advice and training does me when I'm back to the wall surrounded fighting for my fucking life, been there done that, (picture that recent hazing video that caused such a storm)...been there several times, survived by sheer desperate savage viciousness, they didn't expect the skinny kid to actually really try to kill them with teeth and nails to escape) Several broken limbs and severe injuries resulted from that meelee caught on video. The ones who went down under a lord-of-the-flies wave of struggling bodies probably went down still trying to organize an encounter session group to sit down and discuss their aggression issues....because thats how they were taught to deal with conflict and it is NOT applicable to the real world outside their rules and boundaries. I refuse to have kids because too many other adults will try to govern my raising of them and convince them they need to be helplessly protected from everything. If I ever do have kids I'll raise them somewhere they have room to roam and explore without someone trying to force them to wear a helmet and pads before they're allowed on the jungle gym! Kids have been dealing with unbuffered, unprotected unhelmeted reality for about the last 500,000 years or so, with an unavoidable and utterly necessary level of darwinian attrition: Failure to shield head when wiping out on bike=fatality. Failure to recognize too-deep water=fatality. kid who eats the most marbles or plays alone with hammers and rifle ammo doesn't grow up to have kids of his own! The kids have been doing just fine surviving helmetless bikerides harnessless treeclimbs and restraintless pickuptruck-bed rides for generations, and protecting the kids from everything means they know how to handle NOTHING! The new batch of bike helmeted protected kids can't deal with the pain of a case of road rash caused by falling on pavement. They can't deal with the idea of being on their own, unguarded, unmanaged, unsupervised, unprotected. They can't defend themselves for shit because it used to be a fistfight was par for the course, part of its occasion for a psych evaluation, severe punishment and anger management classes and maybe a course of Ritalin! An overactive inquisitive quick learning child is labelled "a.d.d." and drugged so their curve matches the rest...drug induced mediocrity. Splendid. end rant: I'd continue but I've run out of gas and made my point. I dread the stiff and helpless results of todays childrearing trends...I still haven't fully recovered from all the damage caused to my own development by how well I was "protected"...and by today's standards they were criminally negligent. God help tomorrow's adults, because they sure as hell won't be able to help themselves, they'll still be waiting patiently for a grownup to come and do it for them. Previous generations took on the world as they came of age, with various levels of success or failure. The protected ones? I fear for them. When they go forth to take on the world they will do so utterly unprepared for the hostile aggressive dangerous and utterly merciless world they will encounter....and they're going to get slaughtered. In another 20 years I expect a really vicious backlash against this sort of "protecting"....but by then, too late. Nuff said. Somebody had to. I probably just pissed off every politically correct individual within 5,000 miles. I'm ready. Bring on the flames.Live and learn... or die, and teach by example. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Michele 1 #32 May 20, 2003 Quote female genitalia...(existence, purpose, function and structure of) You have learned about that by now, haven't you? Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lurch 0 #33 May 20, 2003 ...Huh? Yeah, after I got out I kinda found out some about that, although I'm always looking for a willing mate to kinda teach me more about it.... Live and learn... or die, and teach by example. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gatorbait 1 #34 May 20, 2003 Not pissed here, I have had many heated discussions about this very thing with my husband (minus the smoking). We grew up in a very different world, with alot less risks. I can remember doing everything as you achild you mentioned, & it was fun, heck its some of the best memories of childhood I have. Would I let my own kids do it? No, why...b/c there are 10 times the child predators & other crazed wastes of human flesh then there were when we were growing up. It s no longer safe to let your child go to the park alone, for fear of kidnappers or even worse murders who lurk out children. I love my children with every last breath I have & I will go to any length to protect them, even if it seems extreme in others eyes. I would rather raise my kids on the more sheltered side and have them to raise, then to let them run a muck and be taken from me prematurely. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MC208B 0 #35 May 20, 2003 Hi Michelle, damn, you put things down in words so very well The anti smoking zealots (as opposed to non smokers that have reason) will not be happy no matter what, till smoking is outlawed-period! The only time rights are important is when it applies to them. I'm also a polite smoker and if someone is reasonable with me, I'll sure do the same for them. But as Sonny Barger said "treat me good, I'll treat you better. Treat me bad and I'll treat you worse". And for those of you that have lost loved ones to tobacco, I feel your pain, my Dad passed away from lung cancer a bit over 4 years ago. BTW, cigarettes are not addicting. Over my life I have been addicted to things that are addicting, so, yes I can speak with some authority on that matter. Never have wound up shitting and puking, alternately freezing and roasting, staying awake for days on end and contemplating shooting myself when I was out of smokesJunk science is just that-junk. Data about second hand smoke, high tension wires, cell phones and brain cancer and on and on, can and is manipulated. Figures don't lie but liars figure One of these days, I might quit smoking for longer than a month or two. When that day comes, I don't want it to be under the possibility of commiting a crime if I don't stop when the gov says stop. Mike PS, the gov will have to have a new "target" to demonize and sue before tobacco will be shut down, they wouldn't want to kill this cash cow now would they?!? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PhillyKev 0 #36 May 20, 2003 Quoteb/c there are 10 times the child predators & other crazed wastes of human flesh then there were when we were growing up. No there's not. There's 10 times the media sensationalization of it. Look at the actual stats. It's media induced paranoia. Everyone thinks society is going downhill into a cesspool of crime and deranaged whackos roaming the streets. Every year we get safer and safer, that's the fact. But the media sensationalizes every bad thing that happens and that's all you hear about. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChrisD 0 #37 July 2, 2013 Got into an interesting conversation with some smokers the other day about second hand smoke. They instantly turned the conversation into something about rights and personall freedom. What I noticed is that when I pointed out that their smoke was causing me to cough, on an airplane no less, somehow this was my problem. I tried to tell them akin to having a bonefire or spreading anthrax, or plain old their actions were like firing a gun into the air without a care in the world where the round landed, thier actions do infact have a consequence that I can not control. That profoundly affect my health. The fact that so many raise the freedom argument and loose sight of the second hand smoke does affect others raised an interesting point inside smokers mentality. And that being: Smokers don't seem to care about other people! The fact that they value their "freedom" over the negative effects of second hand smoke is a very telling phenomenon. It's kind of like some sort of justification for their actions. Charlie manson, when questioned about the Tate murders was heard to say: "I just thought they were rotten people." In other words for Mr. Manson, his freedom and rights were more important than any others life or happyness. While this is an extreem example it does illustrate the held belifes of the smoker that raises the issue of freedom. Smookers belive that they have the right to pass second hand smoke, they justify their actions by saying that the smoke dosen't cause problems, or the smell is the problem of the recipient smellee. Never the less the ability to put yourself in anothers shoes or express any concern for another human being is lost on these people. They just don't care, they are incabable of careing and for the most part they lack empathy and as a consequence for most of us that don't like getting Cancer we are wasting our time speaking with these people! This is why we passed laws, not to limit anothers personal freedom. But to protect ourselves. Something to consideer when dealing with a smoker that starts to point out how their "rights" are more important than the consequences of smoke. They don't give a shit about themselves, why do you expect them to care about others???? C But what do I know, "I only have one tandem jump." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BillyVance 34 #38 July 2, 2013 Dude, every time I see a parent smoking in a car with children in the back seat, I just want to stop them, grab the cigarette and stab the parent in the eye with it. And that's from someone who lived with a parent's smoking for years and fucking hated it. "Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BigMikeH77 0 #39 July 2, 2013 QuoteOh absolutely. As does any number of things that we all suffered through in our childhoods but survived... y'know, things like riding bikes without helmets, getting spanked, "driving" the car while sitting on dad's lap, etc. Oh, and what about what the mother does while she's pregnant? Smoking, taking any kind of drugs (legal or not), not eating right - all can affect the baby; shouldn't those be considered child abuse too? I'm in agreement with you 100% on this one. Is exposing kids to secondhand smoke an intelligent thing to do? Certainly not.. Can it cause respiratory issues? Most definitely. Shoult it be a criminal act, punishable by fines, jailtime, visits from CPS because of nosy jackwagon people who have nothing better to do than tell someone else how to be a better parent? Hell no. I'm a big advocate for parent's rights. NO ONE should have the right to tell me how to parent. Whether it's giving my kid a good smack across the mouth or lighting up a cigarette in the house, those things are a part of being a person, and no-one is a perfect parent. So get out of my business. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChrisD 0 #40 July 2, 2013 BillyVance Dude, every time I see a parent smoking in a car with children in the back seat, I just want to stop them, grab the cigarette and stab the parent in the eye with it. And that's from someone who lived with a parent's smoking for years and fucking hated it. I love you man,...err in a non gay way.... Why is it that when we see some kind of jackass driver, cut across two lanes with the directional blinking in the opposite direction,...they are inevitably smooking? CBut what do I know, "I only have one tandem jump." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tristansdad 0 #41 July 2, 2013 Not only that but; -Not making your child go to school. -Not making them do thier homework. -Not knowing were they are or when they will be home. -Feeding them fast food. -Letting them play Xbox to much. -Not getting involved and ecouraging them to partake in positive activities such as team sports or other constructive hobbies. -Not teaching them the value of hard work. -Not teaching them that Government is not the answer to any problems. ect....ect....ect.... Just a an opinion, nothing more Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
normiss 803 #42 July 2, 2013 "giving my kid a good smack across the mouth" THAT will get you arrested and prosecuted. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chemfx 0 #43 July 2, 2013 Smoking while driving with kids under 13 years of age is punishable by law here in PR. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
grue 1 #44 July 2, 2013 My feelings can be summed up as follows: 1. I think it's a filthy habit and I avoid people who partake for the most part. 2. I think it should be legal for any consenting adult to do anything with his or her own body, in the privacy of his or her own home, so long as he or she is not affecting the life, liberty or property of others without their consent. 3. Children cannot give informed consent, thus exposing them to smoke is a direct violation of point 2. 4. I don't like children, but I dislike overregulation more so I don't think the government is the solution. 5. I DO like the idea of people being called out and shamed by their peers for things like that. 6. My mother smoked, I thought it was disgusting, but couldn't do anything about it because she was my mom and I was a kid. She also drank too much and that disgusted me as well. Thus, I do not drink or smoke, and never have. 7. This protein shake is delicious. edited to add: 8. Attn: Smokers – STOP. FUCKING. LITTERING. YOU. GOD. DAMNED. TWATWAFFLES.cavete terrae. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stumpy 284 #45 July 2, 2013 grue 8. Attn: Smokers – STOP. FUCKING. LITTERING. YOU. GOD. DAMNED. TWATWAFFLES. This - a million times this. I think there is a blind spot where smokers think a cigarette end is not litter. Even if there is a trash can 3 feet away. ETA. I like the word Twatwaffle.Never try to eat more than you can lift Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
oldwomanc6 52 #46 July 3, 2013 Stumpy *** 8. Attn: Smokers – STOP. FUCKING. LITTERING. YOU. GOD. DAMNED. TWATWAFFLES. This - a million times this. I think there is a blind spot where smokers think a cigarette end is not litter. Even if there is a trash can 3 feet away. ETA. I like the word Twatwaffle. To add to this: if you are at a non-smoker's house, take your effing butts with you! Not in a planter, the sidewalk, driveway, the bushes, etc...lisa WSCR 594 FB 1023 CBDB 9 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BillyVance 34 #47 July 3, 2013 Stumpy *** 8. Attn: Smokers – STOP. FUCKING. LITTERING. YOU. GOD. DAMNED. TWATWAFFLES. This - a million times this. I think there is a blind spot where smokers think a cigarette end is not litter. Even if there is a trash can 3 feet away. ETA. I like the word Twatwaffle. Yep, and fuck those assholes who flick the butts out the window when driving. And especially FUCK that shithead who flicked one out at night and it exploded in a shower of sparks off my windshield. "Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Darius11 12 #48 July 3, 2013 No its not. The worst child abuse that is rampant now days is making “your” little shit think he/she is the center of the universe. I can think of so many things that supposed good parents do every day that are worst then a little smoke. Narcissism is bad for the whole race.I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
turtlespeed 221 #49 July 3, 2013 Darius11 No its not. The worst child abuse that is rampant now days is making “your” little shit think he/she is the center of the universe. I can think of so many things that supposed good parents do every day that are worst then a little smoke. Narcissism is bad for the whole race. That, and pageants.I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Darius11 12 #50 July 3, 2013 Right man, I rather have a parent blow a few cigarettes in to their daughters face then have them go through that shit.I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites