
GWB speech last night

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is it just me or did he look a lot like a deer caught in the headlights?

and as far as his delivery... omfg... like a howdydoody puppet with a bad ventriloquist.

it's as if he was reading it for the first time right there off the teleprompter. i hope. if he prepared for that speech i am even more convinced that he is complete moron. :|

just my exhalted opinion. dissenters are invited to go stuff themselves.

minor flame retardant applied.
namaste, motherfucker.

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is it just me or did he look a lot like a deer caught in the headlights? ***

doesn't he always look like that? He's flying in to Nashville today, just at the time I need to get to the airport to leave on a business trip... it's really going to fuck up my day. Dammit.

-the artist formerly known as sinker

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is it just me or did he look a lot like a deer caught in the headlights?

and as far as his delivery... omfg... like a howdydoody puppet with a bad ventriloquist.

it's as if he was reading it for the first time right there off the teleprompter. i hope. if he prepared for that speech i am even more convinced that he is complete fucking moron. :|

just my exhalted opinion. dissenters are invited to go stuff themselves.

Don't even get me started...

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Don't even get me started

hey, dont get me wrong, i have absolutely no problem with morons. they make good cannon fodder. i just dont think they should be at the head of the class.

I guess you would have rathered have Gore up there hugging a tree while he made his Speech. Perhaps you miss Clinton standing by idolly while the U.S.S. Cole was bombed or the World trade center, for the first time in 1993. Or maybe you miss the national embarassment that we had when Jimmy Carter was in office causing the true Gas Crisis because of his stupidity and inability to deal with the Middle East. And, oh lets not forget about the hostages that proved the middle east knew what an idiot they were dealing with. Remember the 66, 52 of which were held for 444 days until we finally got a predident that was NOT and idiot (Reagan) in office.
If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass.
Can't think of anything I need
No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound.
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is it just me or did he look a lot like a deer caught in the headlights?

OMG! I usually don't respond to political threads, but I love this remark!

Good one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.

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i completely respect your opinions and observations. you have some valid points regarding our history.

and i most especially respect you for having the decency to not refute the indisputable fact that GWB is a moron.

he serves as a prominant reminder that the presidency has become a castrated office relegated to the role of talking head for the 'people' that actually control the country.

bah. i am a miserable fuck, aint i?
namaste, motherfucker.

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I guess you would have rathered have Gore up there hugging a tree while he made his Speech. Perhaps you miss Clinton standing by idolly while the U.S.S. Cole was bombed or the World trade center, for the first time in 1993. Or maybe you miss the national embarassment that we had when Jimmy Carter was in office causing the true Gas Crisis because of his stupidity and inability to deal with the Middle East. And, oh lets not forget about the hostages that proved the middle east knew what an idiot they were dealing with. Remember the 66, 52 of which were held for 444 days until we finally got a predident that was NOT and idiot (Reagan) in office.

Steel, that is the first intelligent thing said in this forum. If you have a problem with Bush, state your opinions in a productive manner. Just bitching and making fun of him, does absolutly NOTHING but get people worked up. I don't agree with everything he does, but i still think he's doing an overall good job and fulfilling his commitments to the people.
=========Shaun ==========

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and i most especially respect you for having the decency to not refute the indisputable fact that GWB is a moron.


I did not address that because I did not think it was necessary. Needless to say I do not think GWB is a moron. The guy graduated from and Ivy league college and scored a 1300 on his SAT's. In the end unfortunately he is not the great president that Ronald Reagan was but he is by far the best choice that we have now. The liberal media pulled the same crap with Quale. I didn't fall for it then and I am not falling for it now.
If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass.
Can't think of anything I need
No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound.
Nothing to eat, no books to read.

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thank you, thank you very much. i'm sky and i will be here all week. g'nite.

Obviously PDS has no intentions but to just start a flame thread. To whoever reads this: Let this Thread die - be the bigger man and walk out.

Blue ones,
=========Shaun ==========

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Remember Steel, lefties have Ted Kennedy at the head of their fight help the NEA remain powerful....er...improve the nation's schools. Their definition of moron is different than ours.

Bwaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahhaaaaa! Como estas, senor Kennedy? Que tal con la senorita Kopechne ahora mismo?

Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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oh relax.

and r.e. graduating from an ivy league college and scoring 1300 on his sat's, i dare say that was 30 years ago, a different time and a different world. have you heard the guy speak without a script in 2003?

it isnt my primary intention to piss people off, but damn, it seems so obvious to me. he's not the sharpest tool in the shed, but i guess if you got the money to put something on tv, you gonna sell lots of it.

i suppose i just excel at being the smaller man.
namaste, motherfucker.

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I don't agree with everything he does, but i still think he's doing an overall good job and fulfilling his commitments to the people.

I don't. I think he has completely ignored all domestic issues and broken most of his campaign promises.

-What happened to privatizing social security?
Anyone heard anything about this?

-What happened to campaign finance reform?
He promised to sign McCain Feingold bill while campaigning, then said he would veto when he got to office.

-What happened to "free trade from northernmost Canada to the tip of Cape Horn."?
He imposed 29% tariff on soft wood imports from Canada

Then there are his political appointments...I'm sure these people were the best qualified and nepotism had nothing to do with it:

-Elizabeth Cheney, the vice president's daughter, deputy assistant secretary of state
-Her husband, Philip Perry, left the Justice Department to become chief counsel for the Office of Management and Budget
-Much much more, too much too list http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn?pagename=article&node=&contentId=A10476-2002Mar11¬Found=true

Then there's his famous "leave no child behind":
-Weeks before the invasion of Iraq he removed compensation to schools that teach children of military personnel off base
-School lunch funding cut to increase livestock relief program
-Eliminated requirement that drug companies perform testing of affects on children for adult medications commonly given to children

I could go on and on.

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but i still think he's doing an overall good job and fulfilling his commitments to the people.

Well, i hope you plan on working a bit more and spending a bit less. With $87 BILLION needed for Iraq, you will be paying more taxes at some point. But Bush will probably just leave it for the next guy, because other than waging war, he really has done nothing else of any substance.

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>is it just me or did he look a lot like a deer caught in the headlights?

Oh, he always looks like that. Complaining about that is like complaining about Cheney being fat.

After listening to it, I got the following:

Iraq is 'ground zero' for terror, and beating the crap out of terrorists there will prevent terror pretty much everywhere else. It's my #1 priority, way more important than civil rights here, but not so important that I'm going to raise taxes to pay for it, cause that could cost me the election. We need 87 billion just to tide us over until the next request; we'll deal with those messy "where does the money come from" questions after the next election.

Not quite sure what's going to happen over there. Iraq will either be a bastion of democracy and freedom or an evil tyrannical terrorist-breeding state; I really can't see any other possible outcomes. After all, our allies over there are all bastions of democracy and human rights. Fortunately, there are only two kinds of Iraqis - peaceful, democracy-supporting formerly oppressed Iraqis who love the US, and evil tyranny supporting terrorists - and they're easy to tell apart. If we killed them, they're the latter. That makes this war the most humane one ever fought.

And remember all that stuff about "you're with us or you're against us?" And about how France was part of the "old Europe", not part of the future? And about how we don't need the UN? Well, now we need you guys; we'd rather have French soldiers die than American soldiers. So send us some troops that we can send to their deaths, and maybe we'll just call you foolish instead of blithering idiots in the future. But don't ask about that oil; Cheney's company already has that contract all sewn up.

Finally, I want to thank our men and women in the Armed Forces for their unwavering loyalty and commitement. To show I stand behind you 100% I've rolled back hazardous duty pay, and I'm cancelling that increase in survivor benefits for families of active military.

Thank you and god bless america.

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And remember all that stuff about "you're with us or you're against us?" And about how France was part of the "old Europe", not part of the future? And about how we don't need the UN? Well, now we need you guys; we'd rather have French soldiers die than American soldiers. So send us some troops that we can send to their deaths, and maybe we'll just call you foolish instead of blithering idiots in the future. But don't ask about that oil; Cheney's company already has that contract all sewn up.

Come on, billvon, you're always oversimplifying things... I'm sure the US wouldn't mind France kicking in a few billions to help pay for this as well. ;)
A One that Isn't Cold is Scarcely a One at All

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Something he did 35 years ago is not that important any more. Lots of people score 1300 on their SATs, and lots go to Ivy League or Ivy League-class universities. You probably don't think they're all smart.

And lots of very smart people did neither. His commitment to "winning the war on terror" could be seen as admirable. His "I and mine define what constitutes winning, and we can change our minds" is not. Because while he is the leader of the executive branch, the power is to be vested in the office and the structure that supports it -- not in the particular people who are there.

That's a significant part of why our government has withstood the changes it has, because it's the office. Of course, when you're in power for 4 or 8 years, you tend to focus on the short term, because the US is quite power-oriented, and getting more so.

We as voters have to educate ourselves in the long-term view, so that we can make sure the elected officials pay some attention to it.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Maybe not his best speech, but he still has my vote. Time is running out for the Democrats to bring forth a formidable candidate. To quote Rhino....Tic, Toc, Tic, Toc.

Liberals just hate that fact that most Americans believe GWB to be an inherantly honest man.

BTW, there are as many Muenkel's in Massachusetts voting for Bush as their are Kennedy's voting Democrat. I enjoy cancelling out their votes.:D



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