
GWB speech last night

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As uninformative as it was (basic rehash of recent events), at least it didn't do a lot of further harm. No comments such as, "bring it on".

I saw the speech as more of a reaction to the beating he took during the Democratic debates earlier this week.

The ONLY new bit of information he had to give us was the $87,000,000,000 he wants to pay for this current part of the war. Let's see, 87,000,000,000 / 290,342,554 = hmmmm about $300 per person.

Now, will somebody please explain to me how tax cuts for the wealthiest 1% of the country and $300 tax rebates to families with children helps?
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Now, will somebody please explain to me how tax cuts for the wealthiest 1% of the country helps?

Easy, just like Bush handels all other domestic and economic affairs......just don't deal with it. Who cares about that petty stuff anyways, my gun is bigger than your gun and that is really all that matters in life.

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>Now, will somebody please explain to me how tax cuts for the
>wealthiest 1% of the country helps?

Uh, voodoo economics has been a favorite of the GOP for quite some time now . . . basically, the premise is that if you give a rich CEO a $1 million tax break, he might hire a few more people because he's richer and can afford it. Then you tax the people with the new jobs and get $100K back.

And more importantly you get $200K as a campaign contribution from the rich CEO.

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Liberals just hate that fact that most Americans believe GWB to be an inherantly honest man.

So was Barney Fife, but he wasn't even equipped to deal with the troubles of Mayberry.

Being honest and well-intentioned aren't enough. Being president calls for more. So far, he has done a pretty poor job.

Let's go over a quick checklist:

Kill Saddam Hussein - Not yet.
Rout out the Taliban - Not yet.
Find the Iraqi WMD - Not yet.
Explain the tax cut - Not yet.
Piss off Muslims everywhere - CHECK!
Piss off Europeans - CHECK!
Ask Europeans for help - CHECK!
Ignore the economy - CHECK!
Give money to the rich - CHECK!
Ask for money for war - CHECK!

Nice record.

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Some of your statements are true, some are spin. Methinks you've set your own time frame.

As for him taking care of the rich, which is constantly touted by liberals, why is it that it is mostly middle-class mainstream Americans who support him? Hmm, could it be that they are too stupid to know better?:P


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Uh, voodoo economics has been a favorite of the GOP for quite some time now . . . basically, the premise is that if you give a rich CEO a $1 million tax break, he might hire a few more people because he's richer and can afford it.
Well I can see you know the answer but your persistance to make a mockery of it, just as the Democrats in congress do and therefore continue to hinder the cause by filibusting and rolloing back the accomplishments is unfortunate. If you really need proof of this, why not look at Arkansas? Is that not among the four poorest states in the entire U.S.? Was that not the state that was blessed by three terms of Bill Clinton? Maybe in reality they were damned, Don't you think?
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Some of your statements are true, some are spin.

Then tell me which of them are false.


why is it that it is mostly middle-class mainstream Americans who support him?

I don't know that I believe that. The down-home, middle-America, working-man focus is as much spin as anything else.


Hmm, could it be that they are too stupid to know better?

Yes. Perhaps they believed the campaign-trail lies.


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>Well I can see you know the answer but your persistance to make a mockery of it . . .

That IS the premise of supply-side economics. Make the rich richer, give large companies tax breaks and they'll hire more people who will then pay more in taxes, and thus the economy will improve and the government will get more revenue. Good idea in theory; didn't work in practice.

>If you really need proof of this, why not look at Arkansas? Is that not
>among the four poorest states in the entire U.S.?

Uh, yeah, but what does that have to do with supply side economics? Texas has its highest unemployment level in nine years and one of the worst environments in the US; however, Bush is no longer running Texas, and hasn't been for two years. Clinton hasn't been running Arakansas for over 10 years.

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why is it that it is mostly middle-class mainstream Americans who support him? Hmm, could it be that they are too stupid to know better?

i will not be the one to call joe sixpack stupid. in all honesty i think the vast majority of middle-class mainstream americans buys what is sold. and it is the 1% that is selling it to them.

they are not stupid, they are asleep and have been for quite some time. and i am not restricting this assumption to the president. and i am not speaking in a partisan light. sheeple glom onto even the appearance of safety and prosperity and the man behind the curtain with enthusiastic, patriotic and unwavering loyalty. the 'establishment' would have it no other way. megacorps-advertising-television, the new trinity. the seperation isn't really that clear, but it sounds good for my argument.

yes, i am still a miserable, simple minded, reactionary and opportunistic muckraker. oh well. somebody just call me an idiot and get it over with.
namaste, motherfucker.

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Let's go over a quick checklist:

Kill Saddam Hussein - Not yet.
Rout out the Taliban - Not yet.
Find the Iraqi WMD - Not yet.

Nice record.

Yes, because we could all go out and look in a cave in the Middle East, see Bin Laden, and fire a gun at his head. You forget that these men are intelligent as well, only they use their intelligence for evil. But they can play hide and seek rather well. It's something that terrorists seem to have practiced frequently.
Besides, at least the attempt is being made.
As for his level of intelligence, you forget that he is a southern boy. Just because he talks slow does NOT mean that he's stupid! So everyone can just leave that one alone.

Blondes do have more fun!

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Nicely put Bill. I usually like to keep my posts short and to the point, and I try to stay away from the political stuff. But oh well. Here's my rant.

I'm no democrat, and I'm no liberal, but GWB is one shitty president. His "no child left behind" (teachers call it "no school left intact") program has robbed needy schools of money. He has spent unreal amounts of money after giving huge tax cuts. I'm all for giving tax cuts, but common sense would dictate that one must spend less after giving tax cuts. His diplomacy is a joke. He aliented the rest of the world and the UN when he rushed into war, and now he wants their help. Remember just after 9/11 when the rest of the world showed their sympathy and love for the US? Why is it that just 2 years later, we have more enemies than ever? Maybe because the rest of the world wanted to "give peace a chance", so we told them to fuck off? Or maybe they saw how stupid is was to get attacked by Bin Laden, then justify that as a reason to attack Saddam Hussein? And as much as I hate Saddam Hussein, the war in Iraq has little justification. If we really wanted to liberate people, then why have we done nothing for our close neighbor to the south, Cuba? Life is so bad there that people risk their lives every day, crossing 90 miles of ocean in home-made rafts for the chance to live in the US. Here in Key West where I live, we had 20+ people land here this weekend alone. GWB recently made a speech in south Florida and talked about his vision for a free Cuba. Right. The day W helps people without personal gain is the day I eat my own shit. Maybe someday we'll figure out how to help people without bombing them and killing a bunch of them.

Even with all that, I could still have an ounce of respect for the man if he would just once take personal responsibility for what is happening. But what does he do? He shifts the blame. "The economy is in the crapper because of the war, not because of me!" Well excuse me W, but it's your war, your responsible for everything associated with it. He wants to take all the glory for a "free" Iraq, but he doesn't want to take the responsibility for the side-affects of that victory. All he would have to do is own up to the damaged he has caused, and maybe I wouldn't hate him. But that would mean going to Iraq and explaining to little children who have had their limbs blasted off by our bombs why their parents are dead. The day he apologizes to them and explains this war to them is the day he becomes human again. But I still won't vote for him.

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These are still fun threads, but less than when I first started reading the forums.

The absolute and unwavering vitriol from the left is tiring though and I'm still not sure exactly what another administration would have done (actions, not words) differently or, even so, if something different would have turned out better. I'm sure some different actions would have taken longer.

I hear a lot of complaints, but only rhetoric, not alternatives.

In general, I think GWB is direct and honest and intends well (I did not feel that way with the last president, or many of the current congressment in power now). The actions so far, some are ok, some less so. Who has done exactly perfect, from everyone's perspective, in their job in the last 3 three years? I'd like to meet you and hire you for some high level projects.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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"Kill Saddam Hussein - Not yet."

You are correct here. But since he hoarded billions of dollars that belonged to the people of Iraq, he has a more effective way of hiding. The administration never gave a date as to when he would be found.

"Rout out the Taliban - Not yet."

Doing a damned good job of it though. Once again...your time frame. Mr. Bush has said from the beginning that the war on terror would take a very long time and asked for patience because it was worth it.

"Find the Iraqi WMD - Not yet."

I agree here, although there is plenty of evidence that Mr. Insane did a really good job hiding them...like perhaps Syria.

"Explain the tax cut - Not yet."

Has been explained. Just not to the liking of the left.

"Piss off Muslims everywhere - CHECK!"

Total spin. Not all Muslims are pissed off. Some are actually thankful.

"Piss off Europeans - CHECK!"

See above

"Ask Europeans for help - CHECK!"

True, but what's wrong with that?

"Ignore the economy - CHECK!"

Once again, total spin. His way of dealing with the economy is not to the liking of the liberals.

"Give money to the rich - CHECK!"

I don't know about this. Barbra Streisand and Alec Baldwin still seem pissed. They must not have received their checks yet.

"Ask for money for war - CHECK!"

Were you expecting the war to be free? Maybe he should have went to the Salvation Army.



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Let me start by saying that I don't care if the next administration is republican or democratic, just as long as this entire administration's reign ends...:)
One of the things that I think is really sad, is how far the 87 billion could be going for, say something like, public education in the United states... I mean, seriously, that enough dollars to expand classrooms, buy computers, purchase books, and hire more teachers all across the country...

Instead, "we" went and attacked a country that was not threatening us (still haven't seen any proof, right?), we did it with out the approval of the United Nations (which in this day and age, does mean something in the world's eye), ligitimized the assassination of a country's leader (still haven't got him yet, right?) justifying it as our moral obligation...etc, etc, etc...

Don't even get started with all those great tax cuts!
Our country's deficit is growing and growing, there are more and more cut backs, and there really isn't any light at the end of the tunnel.

The worst part of it all is that you know he's going to win the election even if he doesn't get all the votes... Sh*t, he did last time, what's stopping him from doing it again.

While we focus on ending global terror, like it's some sort of religious crusade or something, other country's economies are going to overtake ours, and they will become economically dominant.
$87,000,000,000... nice job Bush!... good thing we attacked Iraq, right?

There was a great skit on comedy central where they had a debate with george bush as a governer, and george bush as the president... They used actual clips from various speeches, and you wouldn't believe some of the incredible contradictions he was saying between then and now... One of my favorites was that he didn't think "...it was the US's role to police the world", and "it not right to attack a foreign country and impose our way of life there"...
Anybody else seen it?

Just because you don't like Bush doesn't mean you're a liberal... Nice label, though!

And may God continue to bless America... Yip Yah!!!


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Besides, at least the attempt is being made.

I'm not saying the attempt is a bad thing. It just annoys me how the current administration has been trying to shift the focus away from previous promises and priorities. When he was blustering that we had plenty of military might to decisively take out the Taliban, some people believed it. Then Iraq got thrown into the mix, and still, he said we could handle it, because, by God, we are the most powerful nation in the world.


You forget that these men are intelligent as well, only they use their intelligence for evil.

I didn't forget that. Bush seems like he did. If he really understood that, perhaps he wouldn't have gotten us comitted to two totally separate wars without a practical plan for either. Maybe if he really understood the magnitude of what he was starting, he wouldn't have been so quick to go it essentially alone (or with the just ever-ready Brits).


As for his level of intelligence, you forget that he is a southern boy. Just because he talks slow does NOT mean that he's stupid!

You're right there too. Talking slow doesn't make one stupid. Consistently saying and doing stupid things, however, is a good indicator of being stupid.

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I look forward to meeting you at Jumptown.

I've actually been going to Pepperell lately just because it's closer . I'm sure I'll make it out to Jumptown at some point. Hey (I haven't been following well) have you finished your progression yet or are you still grounded?


Let's just remember to not talk politics.

Good idea, but I can't resist:


Liberals just hate that fact that most Americans believe GWB to be an inherantly honest man.

It's not that we hate the 60%-and-falling. We're just completely baffled by a failure to come to terms with the obvious! :P
A One that Isn't Cold is Scarcely a One at All

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Maybe not his best speech, but he still has my vote. Time is running out for the Democrats to bring forth a formidable candidate. To quote Rhino....Tic, Toc, Tic, Toc.

You mean it always comes down to two candidates? Ever consider voting for somebody who is neither a democrat nor a republican? People need to start thinking outside the box. This two party system is going to be the death of our country, as taxes will do nothing but increase and our freedoms will do nothing but decrease.

Find a candidate who doesn't suck balls.

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Uh, yeah, but what does that have to do with supply side economics? Texas has its highest unemployment level in nine years and one of the worst environments in the US; however, Bush is no longer running Texas, and hasn't been for two years. Clinton hasn't been running Arakansas for over 10 years.
Texas which is where I happen to live now has most of its money (or atleast its highest standard of living) in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. In the nice parts of Dallas are the people who made money from oil. That is not exactly booming but its really not doing nearly as bad as Telecom. Telecom is in a mass depression believe me I (ex-Nortel employee) know that all too well. The telecom depression, which BTW is world wide, has ofcourse hit the telecom hot spots (RTP, Richardson, Texas) the hardest. Also the telecom situation is Clintons fault. Nortel stocks were on their way down 6 months before the election. Cisco was no different. Lucent had dove drastically long before that. MCI CEO Bernard Ebbers followed the Clintonian way of lying and deceiving to postpone your inevitable failure. I guess this annoys me quite a bit because I have to deal with the burst bubble that has come due to the lack of morality that Clinton brought to the U.S. presidency. As for Arkansas there is a direct relationship as governer there for so long his taxing and spending did bring the state lower or at the very least did not prove any validity to his theories that if you tax the hell out sucessful people that you will create some kind of Utopia.
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>>"Rout out the Taliban - Not yet."

>Doing a damned good job of it though.

?? The Taliban are pouring back into Afghanistan, and the fighting is steadily increasing in the border regions. The US-installed regime has no power outside Kabul. The opium trade is back. Warlords once again control the small towns and villages outside Kabul, and most Afghanis have seen no change in their lives since the US invaded.

This is "doing a damned good job?" What would a bad job be?

>"Piss off Muslims everywhere - CHECK!"

>Total spin. Not all Muslims are pissed off. Some are actually thankful.

I agree that some are, but the majority of Iraqis are pretty pissed off.

>"Piss off Europeans - CHECK!"

>See above

Can you quote one European who said they are thankful the the US invaded Iraq?

>"Ask for money for war - CHECK!"

>Were you expecting the war to be free? Maybe he should have went
>to the Salvation Army.

Are you expecting the war to be free? If not, where will that 87 billion come from? Contrary to popular belief the government can't just print money and then use it.

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> Also the telecom situation is Clintons fault.

> . . .followed the Clintonian way of lying and deceiving to postpone your inevitable failure.

> . . .come due to the lack of morality that Clinton brought to the U.S. presidency.


Arkansas problems - Clinton's fault.
Texas problems - Clinton's fault.
Telecom depression - Clinton's fault.
Enronesque trading scandals - Clinton's fault.
Failure of all that is decent in the US - Clinton's fault.

Your obsession with Clinton is sorta odd. I have yet to see a post from you on any political topic without you dragging Clinton into it - even when he has no bearing to the topic.

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I hear a lot of complaints, but only rhetoric, not alternatives.

Here are some alternatives. Leave the rest of the world alone except for when they ask for our help, or when we are directly threatened. End the war on drugs and put the money into education and health care. Stop taxing the hell out of us for every fucking thing imaginable. In other words, stop doing the things that are causing way more harm than good, and focus on making life better, first for Americans, then for the rest of the world.

Wow. That's three very firey political posts from me in less than an hour. I'm sorry, world.

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Arkansas problems - Clinton's fault.
Texas problems - Clinton's fault.
Telecom depression - Clinton's fault.
Enronesque trading scandals - Clinton's fault.
Failure of all that is decent in the US - Clinton's fault.

Finally, I agree with you!:D


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