
Tacker Clamping discussion for lines

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After a number of months of hard work, replacing and adjusting parts I think I finally have a reliable tacker. Next topic is how to clamp lines so you can get an accurate tack each time. Does anyone have any ideas or examples for my B430 machine?

Thinking out loud I can machine a line-sized groove in the clamp to hold the line consistently. Getting those tacks dead centre each time every time, is that just an issue of using a clamp with a small enough opening? I can also build/get a variety of rubber clamps, pullies or cleats to ensure the line is exactly in the same place every time.



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Have you seen MEL's plates with a pin added off to the side of the plate. For end bartacks he hooks the loop on the pin, pulls it out the other side and goes. Not only in the right position down the line but would help center. I'm sure he will chime in. I haven't done enough to work on making it easy but need to. I have a custom extra wide clamp that came with the machine that may be helping me some.
I'm old for my age.
Terry Urban

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