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quade 4
What a crock of politically motivated trash.
Remind me again of who empowered the commission to begin with?
The World's Most Boring Skydiver
Gee, no comment about anything else I said? Doesn't surprise me.
I thought you libs wanted a non-partisan 9-11 commission? Isn't that what the libs claimed they wanted? Is this what you call non-partisan?
No? Now we understand why GWB didn't want Condi to testify. So the next time Reps. tell your political hacks NO, I don't want to hear any "we need a non-partisan (fill-in -blank). Libs are incapable of non-partisanship. It's all about gaining back power and political correctness and damn the security of this country.
Hey have you heard the latest from Andy Rooney? Doesn't he just make you proud to be a Dim?

Michele 1
I hope pictures like this will spread around so that people will start thinking with their conscious instead of their greed.
~What greed, Rinard, do you think motivates this?
~Do you really think that these photos are not able to be viewed in the US?
I also heard that the Americans administration is afraid of such pictures being spread around and anti-war resentiment might rise again.
~I think you've heard propaganda if that's what you really heard...
~I don't think it will help inflame anti war sentiments to see these.
~I think that instead, it demonstrated more effectively what our soldiers - and that of the coalition - face on a daily basis...ununiformed, masked, unidentifiable people dressed in cultural ways who have weapons that they use against them. I understand better what my countrymen face - and have more sympathy for them, as there is no clear enemy.
~Can you translate the arabic writing for me? I don't read it, and I am willing to bet that it's propagandized rather dramatically.
I'm fully aware that many innocent Iraqi civilians are being injured and killed by US bombs, and that's horrific.
~Indeed, it is horrific. However, what would your solution be?
~If the enemy would cease using mosques and homes as cover for their attacks, perhaps then the innocents would not be dead. Or don't you realize that's what's happening?
I am interested in where you live, and why you thought this would be interesting to post here. You've posted some educational stuff in the past, and I know I've learned from it (irrespective of whether or not I agree...). I am therefore disappointed in you for stooping to propaganda such as this. I expected better from you.
~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~
billvon 3,030
> wringing their hands and whining about how GWB should have known
> Al Qaeda would attack and he should have done something?
>Then in almost the same breath, they whine about the Political
> Incorrectness of Racial Profiling and the Patriot Act?
Yeah, geez, next thing you know they'll be saying that we should have been better prepared for Pearl Harbor, but at the same time say that US concentration camps are wrong. Crazy liberals! They should know that you can't have freedom without concentration camps.
>Can you imagine how in the world GWB could have done anything to
> prevent the attacks and still remained PC?
He would have had to be un-PC. And I think it would be great if we had a leader who was willing to be un-PC to prevent an attack that cost 3000 US lives. Believe it or not, there are more important things than being popular.
Chrisky 0
And doing ... could have ...
Lets just hope it turns out to be a somewhat stable coutry with a government that the whole population feels represented by and that is not comprised of clerics...
I'm at work right now

Nice playin, night night.

From the edge you just see more.
... Not every Swooper hooks & not every Hooker swoops ...
>Don't you just love to sit back an laugh at how the Libs run around
> wringing their hands and whining about how GWB should have known
> Al Qaeda would attack and he should have done something?
>Then in almost the same breath, they whine about the Political
> Incorrectness of Racial Profiling and the Patriot Act?Yeah, geez, next thing you know they'll be saying that we should have been better prepared for Pearl Harbor, but at the same time say that US concentration camps are wrong. Crazy liberals! They should know that you can't have freedom without concentration camps.
You must have missed my post on another thread about Liberals always jumping into their time machines to make a point since they seldom can make a suggestion on current events. Hey, think you can get a muffler for a 66 Caddy next time you take a trip thru time? BTW who said concentration camps?
>Can you imagine how in the world GWB could have done anything to
> prevent the attacks and still remained PC?He would have had to be un-PC. And I think it would be great if we had a leader who was willing to be un-PC to prevent an attack that cost 3000 US lives. Believe it or not, there are more important things than being popular.
Yep, and look at how you libs are screaming about your civil right after Sept 11. What would any libs have wanted GWB to do before Sept 11 that wouldn't have involved "infringing" on your civil right and still protect us?
quade 4
billvon 3,030
>always jumping into their time machines to make a point since they
> seldom can make a suggestion on current events.
Sometimes it actually makes more sense to learn from history, rather than repeating it. But feel free to repeat the same mistakes if you must. I'd prefer to not have another 9/11 myself, but that's just me.
>Yep, and look at how you libs are screaming about your civil right
> after Sept 11.
I always expect the civil rights afforded me by our constitution. Expected em before 9/11, expect em now. For you conservatives, the constitution is another old historical document that we .iberals use since we live in the past so much. I know, who wants to heed an ancient document when we have so many shiny new ones we could use? Us liberals are funny that way.
>What would any libs have wanted GWB to do before Sept 11 that
> wouldn't have involved "infringing" on your civil right and still protect
> us?
Determine that the Al Qaeda terrorists mentioned in the PDR and the terrorists training to fly 757's that the FBI were watching were one and the same. Then arrest them. Believe it or not, we could arrest terrorists before 9/11 too, even if they committed no crimes in the US!
Then in almost the same breath, they whine about the Political Incorrectness of Racial Profiling and the Patriot Act?
Can you imagine how in the world GWB could have done anything to prevent the attacks and still remained PC? Imagine if he knew Arabs were going to attack. He would have had to have had to set up surveilance on equal numbers of Blacks, Asians, Whites, Native Americans etc. as so not to be accused of profiling.
Can you imagine searching people before they got on airplanes and carrying out most of the security measures put in place since Sept. 11, before Sept 11th? The Libs would have strung him up in front of the White House.
I must say, the sideshow of this Sept 11 Commission with Bob Kerry and Ben Veniste is worthy of breaking out my prized stash of Kettle Corn. What a crock of politically motivated trash.
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