
What would you do if there was a draft?

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The one thing that really bothers me about the proposal for updating selective service is the idea of drafting based on useful skills. It seems to me that young people might be deterred from pursuing studies in language or computers, if they feel such studies would make them more likely to be drafted. I'm not sure that dissuading America's youths from entering critical fields is the best way to strengthen our nation. The idea of extending the draft registration age to 34 also concerns me because I think an effective draft should be designed to interrupt people's lives as little as possible (allowing military service to fall just after high school or college, if possible), but simply keeping a registration of everyone under the age of 35 doesn't mean all age groups within that range would necessarily be drafted from. The government could keep a registration of everyone under the age of 35 and still only draft people under the age of 26, except under certain exceptional circumstances. It's easy for those of us young enough to be drafted to get caught up in thinking about how it would interrupt our lives, but a lot of young people don't realize that Elvis was drafted, and I'm pretty sure there was some other stuff going on in his life at the time. I do have some concern for young couples with children, and I would like to know how the new system would deal with those types of situations. I also want to know how the Selective Service System plans to close the loopholes that once allowed the wealthy and well connected (cough...cough...not mentioning any names) to avoid military service. I don't want to join the military--I have other stuff going on--but if they really need me, I'll probably enlist to make sure I get a good job. I'd rather spend four or five years doing something I kind of like than spend two or three doing something I really hate.


I don't have an M.D. or a law degree. I have bachelor's in kicking ass and taking names.

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>It seems to me that young people might be deterred from pursuing
> studies in language or computers, if they feel such studies would
> make them more likely to be drafted.

Or might make them more likely to be kept in their current jobs, or assigned a non-combat role. I spent three years designing weapons systems for the navy and air force; someone like me would likely end up designing more weapons systems for them.

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like that scenario. It wouldn't matter, though. He could just come back some way illegally and we'll give him the rights and privilages of legal citizens. It doesn't pay to follow the rules.

Sadly, I think you're right there. He'd just gain entry illegally, and then collect welfare while working under the table illegally sucking up our resources. :S

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No it's not. As a citizen you don't get to pick and choose the wars that you might be called to serve in.

You are supposed to be able to do exactly that through elected representatives. But when military action is taken without a congressional declaration of war, then that choice is removed from you.


If the draft is reinstated, for whatever reason, it's your duty as a citizen to register, and to go if you're called up. You know that old saying, "Freedom isn't free"?

There's a big difference between a declared war with congressional support, and drafting for military action being carried out based on deception. That holds true for Vietnam and it holds true for Iraq.

When my country needs me I'll be there. When the guy in the white house and his cronies need me, forget it.

I'm sure someone will say "Congress authorized use of force against Iraq". True, but it was with many stipulations that were circumvented through deception. And they sure as hell didn't authorize a draft.

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So I guess the attack on the WTC was in foreign soil, and the threat of radical islamist trying to destroy this country as well as any other is not sufficient?

Try to keep up. I said that removing Hussein furthered US interests. Sticking around to build our version of a democracy does not. Being a pawn in the false containment theory in Vietnam did not. I'd also hesitate to describe his regime as one of radical islamism.

Being an American means more than just paying taxes and joining the army whenever the President calls you. You also have a responsibility to think and to challenge government decisions. Following orders is not enough.

This is a government for the people, by the people. Don't lose track of it.

(or the fact that conscripted armies are always inferior to volunteer ones)

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Well, medically I wouldn't be on the front lines due to scoliosis and issues relating to that. Also, I am 31 and generally considered out of the age group that would be drafted.

However, with the first gulf war there was talk of the draft for a short period of time - I would have gone if called up just for legal reasons. Funny, I'm curious how long I would have been with them before I ended up in jail - my personality doesn't fit in with the military mindset and I would have spoken my mind.
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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I like that scenario. B| It wouldn't matter, though. He could just come back some way illegally and we'll give him the rights and privilages of legal citizens. It doesn't pay to follow the rules. [:/]

Off topic, but anyway:

The GF's daughter's car was creamed on Sunday by a DUI uninsured illegal "immigrant" going the wrong way on a one-way street. He was arrested and given a court date, but the police said SOP is that he'll just disappear and re-surface elsewhere. She has no recourse.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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When was the last time 59 year olds were drafted? Germany 1944 maybe?

Hey, if you can jump, you can fight. ;-)

I expect I could, but unless the enemy was at the end of my block I think the government would find it more useful to put me in a weapons R&D lab.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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No it's not. As a citizen you don't get to pick and choose the wars that you might be called to serve in.

You are supposed to be able to do exactly that through elected representatives. But when military action is taken without a congressional declaration of war, then that choice is removed from you.

No you aren't. You elect representatives to act on your (society's) behalf, but you know as well as I do that your representative doesn't consult everyone in his district before making a decision. Even if he did, there's still the possibility that you would be in the minority. You hope that your elected official will make decisions that you agree with, but there's always the possibility that he won't. Plain and simple, you don't get to pick and choose the wars or conflicts that you might be called to serve in.


There's a big difference between a declared war with congressional support, and drafting for military action being carried out based on deception. That holds true for Vietnam and it holds true for Iraq.

Irrelevant to the topic at hand. If the draft is reinstated and you're called then you go, plain and simple. Again, you don't get to pick and choose, unless of course you're willing to deal with the consequences.


When my country needs me I'll be there. When the guy in the white house and his cronies need me, forget it.

Good thing for all of us that the guy in the White House can't simply pick up the phone and call for the draft. I'm sure you know this, but it takes an act of Congress, the President can't do it on his own.

"Like" - The modern day comma
Good bye, my friends. You are missed.

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>And friends they may thinks it's a movement.

Only if they had twenty-seven 8 x 10 colored glossy photographs with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one explaining what each one was.

I got it.:P

If there was a draft, I would get out. Been there, done that. It's not worth the aggravation.
Shit happens. And it usually happens because of physics.

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