
Al-Qaeda BEHEADED U.S. Contractor

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I'm still waiting to see this broadcast, in all it's uncut gruesome nature. If you haven't seen it, Nic screamed until they sliced through his windpipe. Then there was just a gurgling sound. I'll never forget what that sounded like.

I just watched a newspaper editor on CNN talk about how they plan to run a still shot with the lead butcher holding up Nic's head, BLACKED OUT!

Show us the damn video. Don't you think we can handle it? We had to handle a steady stream of prison photos for two weeks. I think we were thoroughly desensitized by the extreme brutality of a guy wearing panties on his head. And that other one with the dog collar? Oh, the humanity!

Nic was snatched in early April before the prison scandal hit the news. If those photos hadn't hit the airwaves, they would have found another reason to slice and dice him. By the way, Nic was a nobody. He wasn't a soldier, a political figure, or a Halliburton merc. He was just some sap over there looking for some work improving the communication net. That was after spending time in Ghana teaching science and basic building to villagers (among other things).

Pearl had his throat slashed. Perhaps someone can correct me, but I don't remember anything happening to bring that about. That Italian was executed with a hood on his head, struggling to get it off yelling 'I'll show you how an ITALIAN dies!' Four bodies burned and strung up in a bridge. Was there a 'trigger' for these events? Swift retribution for supplying more electricity and clean water than Hussein, rebuilding schools, and trying to get the country back on it's feet? Yeah, that deserves an immediate retaliation. Let's not forget the Red Cross, the FIRST people to schow up after a disaster, flood, earthquake, random village slaughter, you name it- those barbarians definitely deserved a truck bomb for their involvement.

Those who keep blaming this on Bush, or the prison, or the Marines attacking Faluja, or whatever other 'reason' can keep their head in the sand. These people have been slashing each others throats for two thousands years. This year is no different. The only difference is the throats aren't wearing a headress right now.

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What was the excuse for the burning, hanging of corpses from a bridge, and dismembering of those who had that happen to them a few months ago (or was it weeks? I don't remember).

Well, there was this, as seen from this perspective. It's not much of an excuse, but it does provide a different perspective.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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It's not much of an excuse, but it does provide a different perspective.

A. no excuse.
B. The same website with this comment
Beheading Americans in Iraq should be seen as a colateral damage as US went to Iraq under false pretext and mallafide intention. In a war enemy never should be conceded.

Or this comment:
" Why is not there coverage of the american head being cut off on this website. We would love to see his head being cut off. This is a dream for islam!! It should shown in all its glory! Islam should feel proud that we do things like this!"


And just in case someone may still think this is an independent, unbiased website, this page should belie that thought.

Look, it's always good to read everything one can on a subject. I venture to say that I've read a ton of stuff which is as rhetorical and pedantic as this site, and not bothered to quote it nor use it even as the slightest, most minor justification of the brutal and inhuman beheading of a non-military person.

There is no excuse, no justification, no explanation I will accept to take a non-military person and hack his head off, tape it, and then claim "Allah is good." None.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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A Civil Engineering colleague who is now retired was invited to a wedding in Iran during the eighties. During the festivities two Iraqi prisoners were produced. The first was crudely beheaded with a combat knife while the second was forced to watch up close; he emptied his bladder in his trousers while the wedding party cheered, including the youngsters too. The second Iraqi was slaughtered likewise shortly thereafter. The engineer said it was the most barbaric act he'd ever witnessed.

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"What does that leave me with? The understanding - clear and unambiguous - that the men who did this, and all those who protect, offer aid and succor, and who assist these men, deserve no less than the most we can deliver to them."
Hey Michelle, not disagreeing with you and I share your disgust at his act, but there are some factors which may need to be considered when addressing this.
Its still an accepted and official means of execution in 3 countries, The UAE, Saudi Arabia, and The DR Congo. (source http://www.nutzworld.com/amerikaarticles/methods_of_execution_by_country.htm) At least 2 out of 3 of these countries are our 'friends', and we (the civilised West) support them with trade agreements, supply military equipment and training, etc.
To me beheading is barbaric, and as for public execution using this method, disgusting. So too is the death penalty, another topic entirely methinks though.....

The alleged perpetrators of this abomination:-
Supposedly the guy responsible for this is Abu Musab al-Zarqawi: his real name is Fadel al-Khalayleh. Reportedly he served with the Mujahadeen in their resistance against the Soviets in Afghanistan, back in the 1980s. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/3483089.stm. As such I can only surmise that he, like OBL, was at one time supported, trained, and actively encouraged by the US in this struggle, albeit 20 years ago.

He is suspected of setting up terrorist training camps in Kurdish Iraq, he is one of the terror links Colin Powell referred to in the justification for the invasion of Iraq.
"Intelligence reports indicated he was in Baghdad and - according to Mr Powell - this was a sure sign that Saddam Hussein was courting al-Qaeda, which, in turn, justified an attack on Iraq." He is suspected of links with Ansar al-Islam, a particularly nasty bunch, hell bent on stirring up sectarian hatred. Judging by some of the anti muslim posts recently, he is succeeding.

To those who want all Iraqis to die a long slow death by radiation sickness, instant vapourisation, or swift retribution at the hands of the USMC because of this, think again, the guy who is assumed to be behind the beheading is a Jordanian by birth (where he has been tried in absentia and sentenced to death), and a Palestinian by upbringing, you would be nuking the wrong country. Would you nuke the country of his birth, the country of his upbringing, or would you nuke the country that created this animal?

By all means hunt him down and bring him to justice, even administer the death penalty upon him (I accept that my protestations against the death penalty will go unnoticed in this instance), but we must be careful what sort of creatures we are spawning in places like Uzbekistan, Chechnya, Afghanistan, etc. If you train a dog to kill, and encourage it to do so, you'd better be sure he doesn't bite you.

I also agree with you over the timing and presentation of this murder. Its political (read sectarian), and has nothing to do with (alleged or otherwise) abuses of coalition detainees. I actually believe that Nic Berg's ticket was stamped the moment he was kidnapped. He unfortunately represents too many things that Arabic Islamic fundamentalists despise, and was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Thanks for reading, you can all now return to your outrage and frustration over this atrocity.

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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Ok, i am not sure I understand this. When the abuse of prisoners came to light, people were saying that we should not judge all soldiers based on the actions of a few.

Now, this video comes out, as abhorrent as it is, and now two whole nations are responsible for the actions of a few and both countries should be leveled with nuclear arms? I don't get it.

Actually, when the abuse came out, some did blame "the US military" and "it went all the way to the top".

When the beheading happened, some did blame the entire Muslim culture.

The key word here is 'some'. There will always be knee jerk reactions and overly simplified reaction statements.

Both positions are wrong and the individuals need to be captured and dealt with to avoid this ever happening. The only difference here is we are directly dealing with our problem people. I hope to hear the same from the Muslim community someday. Oh, and another difference is the severity of the actions of course. Beheading does not in any way = humiliation.

Fair enough. I would agree with you, if it only was humilliation. Sticking a broomstick up someone´s ass is much more than just humilliation. Besides there has been deads due to torture among Irak´s files. To me it is the same to die beheaded or by someone steping on my neck.

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You mean, like, judge all of them based on the disgusting actions of a few sadist nutcases?

We have dropped 2 nukes in on cities. Why do you think that happened? And did it end the war?

Pull the troops... BOOM.. Bye bye Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran.. Anyone else wants to be a bunch of fucking whining little children BOOM.. Tired of this shit.. Some drastic measures should be taken..


They would do it to us if they had the chance... I'm so pissed off about that fucking video I can see red...


This is not mean as a personal attack, but you are not very smart. Think it again.
You nuke Syria, afganistan, irak, and whoever you want. You kill 99,99 of inocent muslims that don´t give a shit about al-quaeda.(the other 0.01 could be terrorist). Then the sleeping cell of al-quaeda who are living at the moment in Germany, or spain, or even the US get pissed and blow a dirty nuclear weapon on NY. Everybody in the world would think you deserve it.
Are you afraid and you want to protect yourself. Protect your country, don´t invade other countries. It is that simple.

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and so now we should kill them? We invaded for political reasons. It's not their fault that our invasion is going poorly. From their perspective, we invaded, destroyed their country, took over, started rebuilding it - and now we are arresting and torturing them by the hundreds. And we are still shelling their cities. How are we different than Hussein if we start slaughtering them for not loving us?

We fire bombed Dresden in WW2, killed innocents by the hundreds, if not thousands. We won that war. I just don't understand why we aren't pursuing this war with the same vigor. They kill thousands of people in cowardly acts of terrorism, they dance in the streets over the burned corpes of our soldiers, they (again) chop off the head of a civilian on camera while wearing masks to hide their faces. I'm sorry, but I don't want to be reasonable, I don't want to understand them, I don't want to be sensitive to their needs, I want them dead. That's just my opinion, and yes, even I am thankful that I'm not in charge of things, because I would act rashly.

***How are we different than Hussein if we start slaughtering them for not loving us?

I'm not saying that we should start, oh let's say, start gassing them the way the previous regime gassed the Kurds. I'm saying that we should find the terrorists and kill them. I don't care if they are cowering in a mosque, or a cave, or a spider hole under the dirt.

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Not aimed at anyone...Just thought I would post it.

Here is the thing....

Nic was a dead man as soon as he was captured. He was Jewish and there was no way he was going to survive.

Its war. People die. Nic or the people who became bodies burnt and hanging from a bridge...Are casualties of war.

I do find it funny that we get all riled up by pictures of 9/11 or the video of a captive being beheaded...Don't you think they get as pissed at pictures of their dead?

You know the difference? Its not that they are uncivilized...Its not that they are animals. It is simply that they encourage the pictures to be broadcast....Here in the states we censor our news...When was the last time you saw the planes flying into the twin towers? When was the last time that you saw people jumping to their deaths to avoid the flames? Papers are going to block Nic's head out when they print the pictures....

AlJeezera (SP?) does not do that...They show every graphic second of every body they can find...They wave it as a call to arms. Of course "average" people celibrate in the streets when our guys get killed...You would do the same if the Western world showed every US body that has been killed. If you could you would grab any Arab extremist you could get your hands on and you would kill him in the exact same fasion.

That is human nature...Go read "Lord of the Flies".

And expect much more before this is over...I don't think it will ever be over.

1. We go to war against these extremists....

a. We do our best not to kill innocent people...However it does happen. While doing so innocent people, and not so innocent people get killed. This just supports the Extremists explaniations of how we are evil...Hell, we killed Bob and his family. They begin to feel just like you did after 9/11. They join the fight against us...and they cycle continues.

b. We NUKE them(Or any vicious killing spree)...Really a bad choice. While I can understand the use of the two bombs in Japan...And in that case I feel it did save many lives on both sides...You can't nuke a city and only kill the people that are against you....You would kill them all. And that would just give the US a really bad name in the World, opposition to the US would mount and the rosters of the terrorist's would overflow...The US can't fight the world.

2. We do nothing....We pull out of all middle eastern countires. Stop giving aid to Israel, and Israel goes back to the lines they had before 1968.

a. Well we ignored them pretty much before 9/11...They still attacked us. They would wait some, but the attacks would come. They would see that we are weak and they would want more. It has been said that they want us to all convert to Islam. Well, thats not an option for the US. The real issue is a hatred for all things western..Not just that we have more money, not just that we live better lives...But the whole thing. The issue is that the leaders can encite the people very easily to hate us...Based on religion, and the images the media show them and the things they see everyday just backs those feelings up. In OBL "Letter to America" He says that the US is morally corrupt. He mentions things like we use our women and sex to sell...Well we do. He mentions how Clinton got a hummer in the oval office and we did nothing to him for it, and considered it no big deal. We make and use drugs and alcohol. It is very easy to use these kinds of things against us to "prove" we are corrupt and must be punished according to Islam Law. Due to this there will always have people willing to wage a religious war against us.

Right now they are planning more giant attacks against the US. The thing is they are waiting. Right now the tide is turning in the world, and in the US to a distaste for this war. They know that will effect the elections in Nov, and they want Kerry in office.

a. They also know that if they were to WMD an American city off the map that we would get sympathy from the world back...They don't want that. They want us to be seen as an Agressor. An attacker, not a defender. The world has largely forgotten 9/11, and is now focusing on what the US is doing...A Terror attack against the US would shift that focus back.

b. If it looks like Kerry is not going to win...Expect another attack. Just like what happend in Spain. There might be an attack anyway just to make sure. It will be very close to the election, so that Bush does not have time to counter attack. I would almost say the attack would be in Florida. Many anaylists are saying the canidate that wins FL will win the election. If they don't attack before the election...They will after. They waited 8 years between WTC attacks.

Like it or not we are screwed. We could not ignore them after 9/11 and any course of action was just going to give them more fuel for their propaganda machine to create new terroists. The ONLY course of action left:

1. Beef up our defenses. We will loose personal freedoms by doing this, but the other option is more attacks.

2. Remove support for Israel and make them fall back to pre 1968 boarders.

3. Recognize a Palistanian state.

4. Wipe out the leaders of any extreme faction. Surgical attacks with limited collateral damage.

a. This is harder than you would think...We can't find them.

b. Any deaths thay do happen just make them Martyrs and any innocent deaths just fuel the terrorits propaganda.

And all this does is delay the issue. Its a religious war...they have made it one, and thats all it takes. If we gave them everything they want, they will still attack us to "convert" us, Just like the Christains tried to convert them, the American Indians...Ect.

I'm not saying we should treat it as a religious war...but we do need to recognize that it is one from their perspective.

Read Tea with Terroists http://search.barnesandnoble.com/booksearch/isbnInquiry.asp?userid=ZYw1H3gN3K&isbn=0971448116&itm=1

Its a fiction book, but it provides some really interesting insite.

Can't stomache the fact that its a ficton book?
Hell, just read the Qur'an. http://search.barnesandnoble.com/booksearch/isbnInquiry.asp?userid=ZYw1H3gN3K&isbn=0940368188&itm=1
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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"Read Tea with Terroists ...

Its a fiction book, but it provides some really interesting insite."

The author (Craig Winn) doesn't hold your Mr Bush in very high regard though. Have you checked out his open letter to the president?
"Enough already. Your political future isn’t worth the blood of 600 American boys. How many more fathers and sons, husbands and brothers will you allow to die? ....I began this open letter with a harsh claim. I said that you were deceiving the American people and allowing America’s best to die for your own political agenda...So that brings us to Iraq. We now know that Saddam’s regime wasn’t involved in 9/11 and that it wasn’t a clear and present danger to America. So your reasons for invading must have been personal and political, not defensive....Next, reclaim the American oil assets that were stolen by Islamic warlords in the sixties and seventies. The billion dollars a day that we transfer to Islamic dictators is being used to tyrannize their people and terrorize ours. By enriching these evil regimes we are funding our own funeral."

Full text here http://www.prophetofdoom.net/openletter.doc
There's a lot of ranting about the evils of Islam in there, based on what he says in his letter, I doubt I will be opening any of his books.

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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I pretty much agree with your analisys. How can someone defend against terrorist willing (hoping for) to inmolate taking as many casualties as possible?
But think how much safer would be the US (albeit not 100%) if all the troops in Irak would go back to the US (it wouldn´t be a retreat, just a tactical relocation of troops so no pride would be hurt) and dedicate his time to do background checks, protecting airports, train stations, etc.

Edites for spelling.

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The author (Craig Winn) doesn't hold your Mr Bush in very high regard though. Have you checked out his open letter to the president?

If he likes Bush or not has no impact on where I get my information from. I readd ALL the information I can, not just the sides I agree with.


There's a lot of ranting about the evils of Islam in there, based on what he says in his letter, I doubt I will be opening any of his books.

Then you limit what you learn by your ignoring available information just cause you don't agree with it...Thats your loss.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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"Then you limit what you learn by your ignoring available information just cause you don't agree with it...Thats your loss."

Probably, but I've seen enough sectarian shite in my time to read or listen to the likes of this guy. Much of his stuff looks like opinion rather than factual information. The book you referred to was by your own account fictional which raises real issues. There are lots of books around that do that. The other book you recommended for example, was 'Lord of the Flies' a thought provoking book, but not a text book by any means. "Lord of the Flies commands a pessimistic outlook that seems to show that man is inherently tied to society, and without it, we would likely return to savagery." It doesn't mean that every group of people who are marooned out of the influences of society will necessarily revert to savagery though.

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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>>Q. Is it OK for US news services to show pictures of people we tortured and killed?
>No, not if they are still prisoners, yes if they are ALREADY DEAD.

So if they are alread dead that's OK.

>I am niether condoning, or suggesting either act as "OK"

But you're not saying it's OK.

Are you writing for Kerry?

You're purposely being obtuse. I hate wordsmithing.

OK - allowed by the Geneva Convention
"OK" - Clint doesn't personally think it's right to do even if it's OK (see first definition above)

Anyone can see it. It's a crappy debate tactic, right up there with correcting spelling errors. You're better than that as we all know.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Morning, all.

Can anyone link me over to a story where Nic Berg was Jewish? I ran a few searches and was unable to find that. Admittedly, I'm more than a bit tired this morning, and only 1/2 way throught my first cuppa coffee, so that may be it, but I wasn't able to locate a reputable story about it.

Thanks in advance!


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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Wonderful post. Depressing, too. But when you look facts and likelihood straight in the face, at least then you can begin to do something that won't fall all over itself.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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It's not much of an excuse, but it does provide a different perspective.

A. no excuse.
B. The same website with this comment
Beheading Americans in Iraq should be seen as a colateral damage as US went to Iraq under false pretext and mallafide intention. In a war enemy never should be conceded.

Or this comment:
" Why is not there coverage of the american head being cut off on this website. We would love to see his head being cut off. This is a dream for islam!! It should shown in all its glory! Islam should feel proud that we do things like this!"


You have to be kidding me. For one thing, you're quoting an international discussion forum, not any sort of official statement. That's not to say it's a *bad* thing to read, because it does give us perspective into folks presumably as "average" as those of us using THIS forum are, but for pete's sake, you ignored a fair amount of the condemnation to find that support, e.g.


First of all, I condemn all kind of brutality from any side wither it is USA or the Iraqi resistance.
"A.F.E.", United Arab Emirates


I just want to say that it is a shame that a deranged few, whether in the West or in the East, are currently making the headlines and giving the impression that our world is one of violence, ugliness and sick minds. To the minority of those who do represent all that, I ask Allah to guide them.
"Nadia", Egypt


As a Muslim and an Arab, I am disgusted by the beheading of an American civilian in Iraq. This has NOTHING to do with Islam whatsoever! I would like to extend my sincere apologies to Berg's family who must be going through a very trying time indeed. I pray that God helps them through their suffering. I want the American people to understand that Islam does NOT condone this behavior nor encourage it in any way. Islam is a noble religion which protects human dignity and the people who have committed this crime have sadly corrupted or misunderstood Islam. Yes, they may be angry and frustrated by the US occupation of their country, but at the end of the day, the man was not a US soldier, and therefore, they had no right to do what they did.


what happened to the american is not related to islam at all.iam so sorry for that and i apologize to all americans..please check these links to read more about islam and how we should deal with prisoners and innoncent civilains

Islam’s Stance on Prisoners of War,
Did Muhammad (PBUH) Ever Torture His Enemies?
, Did the Prophet Kill Enemies Slowly?, Treat Them Kindly

"Muslim against Beheading"

Also understand that the topic in that forum is supposed to be "Abuse against one human's dignity is abuse against me and you.
Share what can be done to stop the mistreatment of prisoners worldwide.", and what they're responding to are things like this (NSFW - contains scenes of apparent rape)

The scroll across the top says "al-Azhar Scholars Denounce Berg's Beheading" and "Iraqis Condemn Beheading of American Civilian", and the top ad on the page shows a picture of Berg and takes one here, where Berg's killing is stronly condemned.


And just in case someone may still think this is an independent, unbiased website, this page should belie that thought.

I'm not sure of your point with that link. There are a couple articles, and then links to many bulletin-board postings (i.e. anyone can write in...it's forums like this one). Would you say Dropzone.com is horribly biased against the Iraqi people simply because some people yesterday were calling for us to nuke them?


Look, it's always good to read everything one can on a subject. I venture to say that I've read a ton of stuff which is as rhetorical and pedantic as this site, and not bothered to quote it nor use it even as the slightest, most minor justification of the brutal and inhuman beheading of a non-military person.

There is no excuse, no justification, no explanation I will accept to take a non-military person and hack his head off, tape it, and then claim "Allah is good." None.

Agreed, however I can see where other's who've seen things we haven't might mistakenly reach a different conclusion. I won't go so far as to post picture of dozens upon dozens of dead Iraqi babies and children (many of whom likely suffered for longer than Nicholas Berg), but I hope you can understand that people who do see those things, in real life, might become so enraged and full of hatred as to respond in an unjustifiably brutal manner.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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>OK - allowed by the Geneva Convention
>"OK" - Clint doesn't personally think it's right to do even if it's OK
> (see first definition above)

I was not prepared for someone to use the same word to mean two different things in the same post. It's a rather unusual tactic for an internet board, where words are the only thing you can use to convey information.

In any case, it sounds like Turtle thinks it's acceptable per the Geneva Convention but not personally acceptable to _him_. Is that accurate, Turtle?

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Good post Ron. I agree with almost every point.

Points of disagreement:
From their perspective, we weren't pretty much ignoring them before 9/11, because we were supporting Israel.

While this war definitely has a religious aspect, I do not believe converting the US to Islam is even in Al Quaida's top 10 list. I do not believe that any group is so stupid as to believe that by killing our innocents, they will convince us to join them in worship of Allah.

I guess I'm just a bit more optimistic than you in that I'm confident there is a way out (rather than just delaying the inevitable). I simply don't know what it is right now.

For starters, I wouldn't completely withdraw support from Israel, but I would substantially reduce it and make them fall back to 1968 borders. I would also establish normal diplomatic relations with a Palestinian state. I would attempt to set up Iraq for success and get our troops out of there as quickly as possible (by the end of this year), and I would work to establish an international agency solely responsible for the tracking and elimination of "terrorists". None of those groups would be safe to practice their form of resistance (intentionally attacking innocents), regardless of whether they are Palestinian, Irish, Philippino, African, Russian, South American, or for that matter American.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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It's amazing to me -- though not surprising -- that you would find some twisted way of making this out to be the fault of the American military.

I guess when people expect you to say something, they miss sarcasm. I was lambasting the article that said that. Give me some freakin' credit.

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It's amazing to me -- though not surprising -- that you would find some twisted way of making this out to be the fault of the American military.

Come on, bro. You should know by now that everything is the military and Republicans fault. Those comments are carbon copies of everything else posted by him.

You seem to do a lot of slamming of people who post in this forum over in the bonfire. Self hatred?

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Morning, all.

Can anyone link me over to a story where Nic Berg was Jewish?

A quote from this article:

Berg's father said his son was Jewish and had a fringed religious cloth with him, but he did not think Berg wore the clothing in public. Still, "there's a better chance than not that they knew he was Jewish," Michael Berg said. "If there was any doubt that they were going to kill him that probably clinched it, I'm guessing

(drink Mountain Dew)

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>OK - allowed by the Geneva Convention
>"OK" - Clint doesn't personally think it's right to do even if it's OK
> (see first definition above)

I was not prepared for someone to use the same word to mean two different things in the same post. It's a rather unusual tactic for an internet board, where words are the only thing you can use to convey information.

In any case, it sounds like Turtle thinks it's acceptable per the Geneva Convention but not personally acceptable to _him_. Is that accurate, Turtle?

My bad, I really did believe that you were just yanking his chain and assumed you got it and were pretending not to. It's funny, but frustrating after 3-4 cycles.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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