
rossi revolvers

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i figured id better post this here....whats ya'lls overall opinions of the rossi revolver? both 38 spec and .357 mag. ive never owned or shot a rossi, but we're in the market for a revolver and as far as price goes, rossi is at at the top of the list....

any thoughts?
Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!

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It's a very cost-effective revolver. If it's just for self-defense, it's a thrifty choice. The drawbacks to them are that they have heavy, rough trigger pulls that are difficult to "tune". A better pistol is the Smith and Wesson, and that one has a trigger that is easily made glassy smooth.

If you just want a short barelled revolver for self-defense, and don't plan on spending a lot of time working on your accuracy on the shooting range, there's nothing wrong with the Rossi.

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deuce - im not a new gun owner. i own a glock 26 right now...i have owned a 17 and 2 rugers. ive shot the lady wesson, and i wasnt too fond of it. perhaps another model s&w would better suit me....other thoughts on the rossi?? i dont want to buy just b/c its cheap, and get a low quality weapon
Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!

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I'm not sure I'm sold on Rossi firearms. I think some of them may be a little too cheaply built. I bought my daughter a Rossi pump 22. The magazine wasn't parallel with the barrel. Looked like a manufacturing defect.

I've always liked the look and feel of S&W revolvers. If I remember right Rossi revolvers look very similiar. It would be nice if you could try one out before buying. I hate a stiff trigger or one that has too much play in it. This alone would cause me to change my mind on a gun purchase. Talk to a gun smith and see if there is anyway that it could be adjusted. I've never shot a Rossi pistol so I guess I'm not much help. The S&W revolvers that I've owned were all very accurate. I would recommend spending a little more and get something you truly like.

As far as triggers go, I don't mind the ones on my S&W revolvers. Maybe they could be a little ligter. I have a S&W automatic though that has a terrible trigger. You have to pull about a 1/2 inch of slack before it even engages. I should trade it off....Steve1

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Then don't get a Rossi. Since you know something about guns and care more about function, I'll give you my impression that the fit and finish of them is lousy. The trigger pull is so bad and gets worse that they are not any fun to shoot.

As to calling it a pistol or a revolver, I really should care more.


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yeah every s&w pistol ;) ive ever shot has had a heavy trigger. i didn't notice that as much with the 60LS lady wesson (or is it ladysmith?) lol.i just didnt like the fit. i dont have a whole lot of experience w/ revolvers. i started shooting w/ a 9mm ruger and ive pretty much stuck w/ ruger pistols and glocks...

the gun shop ive been dealing with seems to be in favor of the rossi, but the local shooting range doesnt have it to rent. im getting mixed opinions. if im going to be compromising quality by going w/a rossi though, maybe i should stick w/ ruger! or look a little more closely at the s&w...
Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!

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Hey, let me know why you laugh, I would like to participate..

No ideas on Rossi. Just mentioned that Smith & Wesson cal .357 is a revolver and not a pistol! That's all.

On pistols, I only own 1 Walter and a Sig Sauer 9 mm.

Still to not understand why you LOL ???

Try Sauer...

dudeist skydiver # 3105

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Back when I subscribed to "Gun Tests" magazine, they did a review of a Rossi revolver that put me off them forever. They TRASHED the thing.

I feel it is far better to spend even several hundred dollars more and get a gun from Taurus, Ruger, or several other very reputable brands than to go with one that was ever in question.

Taurus is reasonably priced, and has a lifetime warranty on their guns. They also do very well in reviews I've read.

Good luck.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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Hey, let me know why you laugh, I would like to participate..

No ideas on Rossi. Just mentioned that Smith & Wesson cal .357 is a revolver and not a pistol! That's all.

On pistols, I only own 1 Walter and a Sig Sauer 9 mm.

Still to not understand why you LOL ???

Try Sauer...

Do you know that you give two very different impressions on this board? On the one hand, you are strictly in favor of Germany's draconian gun-control laws; on the other hand, you own two handguns.

So which is it? Should it be hard for people to own guns, or should it be relatively easy? Or should it be easy for YOU, but the rest of the public be damned? (You know, kind of like the pundits here in the U.S. who have no trouble telling us we shouldn't have guns, and then they and/or their bodyguards have state-of-the-art, and carry permits where carry permits are scarcer than hens' teeth. I'm thinking Diane Feinstein, who was telling us we should have guns banned, even as she was carrying concealed.)

Just what is your position on this??

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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By technical definition a revolver is a type of pistol; pistol is just an archaic term for handgun. Most people when they use the term are referring to semi-automatic handguns which use a different system to cycle the ammunition (the sort I showed you).

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"I want hot chicks in my boobies!"- McBeth

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It's just more stuff guys made up to make them sound important when they talk about stuff. Trust me, I'm a guy and I used to go to the meetings when we planned this strategy.

It allows for neato arguments about nothing:

"Nice pistol!"

"It's not a pistol, it's a revolver"



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Most people start with the deliniation between handguns and long guns. Then with hand guns, the two common categories are semi-auto and revolver (leaving out single shot pieces and full auto).

Most people today call semi-autos 'pistols.' The two best examples of the 'pistol' category are Glocks and any 1911 clones. They have magazines in the grip and are semi-automatic in operation (the force of one shot ejects the spent casing and loads the next round).

Revolvers are handguns with a cylinder that holds the cartridges in separate 'holes.' They are what you see in westerns, but are also still made today.
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A better pistol is the Smith and Wesson, and that one has a trigger that is easily made glassy smooth

Last time I held my S&M cal .357 in hands, it was a revolver, not a pistol ;)


christel, you have a .357 ??? :o
will try and write in better german on the Stammtisch then :)
I have a 9mm SIG... and had it for free.
and another model which is NOT a handgun...
my P210 is not exactly the same model, but quite close, all black.
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Lots of useful(?!!!???) info in this thread. I'll give you my experience with a Rossi product.

Yep, I'd heard that they were cost effective and a good bargain, and years ago, I purchased a stainless Rossi 971 in .357 magnum. It has a 3" barrel with a compensator, btw.

After I had put 100 rounds of .357 mag and .38 spl through it, it started to jam, And I mean jam badly. I would fire one shot through it and the entire mechanism would completely lock up. Nothing - hammer, trigger, or cylinder would move. I had to wiggle each very gingerly for about 10 minutes to free everything up.

Was it out of timing? I dunno. I tried .38's, .357's, shooting double and single action, and the darn thing would jam every single time, and I would spend the same 10 or 15 minutes trying to free up the lockwork. Frustrated, I finally took it in to a dealer and had him look at it. He seemed very surprised and told me that Rossi revolvers are usually very good and very tough.

He said he'd take care of it: Rossi would fix it free of charge. They did, and good on 'em. The revolver came back in a few weeks in a working condition, and I didn't have to pay a cent. I've since put probably another 100 rounds through it, and while it has functioned properly, I am still wary of its history. I have a Beretta 92FS and a S&W 686 .357 that serve as my primary defensive handguns now.

The Rossi's trigger was heavy and seems a little clunky when compared to the Smith. I think you can do better with your money.



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that's where im getting confused. the guys in the gun shop were ALL FOR rossi. i was looking at s&ws and they were trying to sway me toward the rossi! for less money! they were both older men, in their 60s, and they kept talking about rossi's wonderful reputation and warranty etc etc...nothing but good things to say.

my dad trashed it - but he's a ruger man. and no one has said a good thing about it here. i just cant get why these guys at the shop think rossi is such hot shit! they almost had me convinced...hmmm[:/]
Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!

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Remember, a salesman's job is to get you to bring home a product that benefits you and him. You need to make sure the first is more important than the second.

There have been lists compiled before, but basically, in revolvers the trusted names are Ruger, Taurus, S&W, and I suppose Colt. Anything else is just that, anything else.
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