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winsor 236
Rossi is now, to the best of my knowledge, owned by Taurus. Taurus is one of the companies that started out making cheap S&W copies, and has discovered the benefits of high-quality manufacturing, so an old Taurus is not on a par with the current offerings.
I've had my eye on a small 22 cal. stainless revolver made by Taurus. I think it is nine shot. Anyone have in opinions on it? I would rather have a kit gun made by S&W, but these are no longer made and are expensive, when you do find a used one. Thanks,....Steve1
I have a blued Model 94 Taurus (their stainless models work just as well) with a 4" bbl, and I like it a lot. I am very impressed with the strides Taurus has made in the quality department since they came on the scene, and this is just one example.
Blue skies,
MC208B 0
I bought an old Rossi .38 a long time ago. I loaded it up with .38 +P and the damn thing blew up on the first shot

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