
rossi revolvers

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thats my point though - he would have benefited more with a larger sale! the s&w i was looking at was around 550ish or so - this rossi he was trying to sell me was around 280. plus, i would benefit more from a well made, functional weapon then i would with one that locks up and has a bad overall reputation for malfunctioning.

they dissuaded me from checking out the taurus behind the counter - i like these guys, but maybe i should shop for this one somewhere else lol. you cant just overlook this many bad opinions.
Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!

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Go with what Kennedy just said. You will serve yourself well to sacrifice a few bucks and go with a name that is never in question. That means Taurus, Ruger, S&W, Colt. The guys in your shop may have motives of varying degrees of nobility, but anyone who pushes a Rossi revolver is not likely doing so with your best satisfaction in mind, I think. They are not some sort of "sleeper" wonderful gun that people just haven't heard much of. They are not just unsung gems. Reputations are built on strength and reliability, and the other companies mentioned have that in spades over Rossi.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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thats my point though - he would have benefited more with a larger sale!

But think, the largest financial sale is not always what a salesman is going for. Think car dealers; sometimes they have incentives to move certain models, sometimes the need to clear inventory, and sometimes they want to dump a POS on the next poor slob they think will take it. Now, obviously a gun shop can't get away with everything a car dealership can, but the same nuances apply.
(yes, I was a salesman - buyer beware)


they dissuaded me from checking out the taurus behind the counter

The bastards !!!
(I'm a wee bit biased) :P


i like these guys, but maybe i should shop for this one somewhere else lol. you cant just overlook this many bad opinions.

Normally I always tell people shop around and get away from faces you recognize, but in this case, if I were helping you, I'd insist.

ps - I miss seeing the magaritaville birds ona regular basis...I may have to go get that pic or something. nope, playing One Particular Harbor took care of it. B|
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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Mixing threads?

The one you're referring to was completely different and BTW: has nothing to do with my person! :|

If one is prepared to march that long way through months of learning, training, examinations (and probably failing at the end!), spending huge amounts of money, has got enough perseverance...
everybody could try this to finally achieve the goal called license (hunter's), enabling him to buy his own guns. Provided his personal background is clean: why not? But main point on that thread was:
Private possession of guns is not that publicly in Germany as in the US.

Actual thread is called Rossi revolvers, right ? ;)


dudeist skydiver # 3105

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i figured id better post this here....whats ya'lls overall opinions of the rossi revolver? both 38 spec and .357 mag. ive never owned or shot a rossi, but we're in the market for a revolver and as far as price goes, rossi is at at the top of the list....

any thoughts?

Like with a variety of companies, the vintage of the product has a lot to do with what you can expect of its quality. Some companies once turned out a beautiful product but have fallen on hard times and now make junk, others started out making cheap products and have graduated to the manufacture of world-class high-end products.

Rossi is now, to the best of my knowledge, owned by Taurus. Taurus is one of the companies that started out making cheap S&W copies, and has discovered the benefits of high-quality manufacturing, so an old Taurus is not on a par with the current offerings.

I have a couple of Model 92 Rossis (Winchester clones) that I like very much, but none of their revolvers. If the Taurus management has mandated any of their quality initiatives, I expect that Rossi pistols should be a good value.

FWIW, the semantic distinction between "revolver" and "pistol" is singularly pretentious. It's like that Basic Training tripe that seeks to distinguish between a "weapon" and a "gun;" so why didn't they call an M-60 a "machine weapon?" A Louisville Slugger makes a fine weapon, and an M-16 falls nicely into the gun category.

A revolver is a pistol, but a pistol is not necessarily a pistol. Handgun, sidearm, pistol, etc. - a rose by any other name....

Blue skies,


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i bought my wife a rossi 44spl.3 inch barrell.hammer has been burred from the factory.my wife can hit a 6 in pie pan from 25 yards 4 out of 5 shots with the gun we have had that gun a few years now and have never had a problem with it. but as for me ill stick with my h&k usp in .45 acp.

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Rossi is now, to the best of my knowledge, owned by Taurus. Taurus is one of the companies that started out making cheap S&W copies, and has discovered the benefits of high-quality manufacturing, so an old Taurus is not on a par with the current offerings.

I've had my eye on a small 22 cal. stainless revolver made by Taurus. I think it is nine shot. Anyone have in opinions on it? I would rather have a kit gun made by S&W, but these are no longer made and are expensive, when you do find a used one. Thanks,....Steve1

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Rossi is now, to the best of my knowledge, owned by Taurus. Taurus is one of the companies that started out making cheap S&W copies, and has discovered the benefits of high-quality manufacturing, so an old Taurus is not on a par with the current offerings.

I've had my eye on a small 22 cal. stainless revolver made by Taurus. I think it is nine shot. Anyone have in opinions on it? I would rather have a kit gun made by S&W, but these are no longer made and are expensive, when you do find a used one. Thanks,....Steve1

I have a blued Model 94 Taurus (their stainless models work just as well) with a 4" bbl, and I like it a lot. I am very impressed with the strides Taurus has made in the quality department since they came on the scene, and this is just one example.

Blue skies,


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