
A little girl with an obviously huge vocabulary =) (Anti-Bush)

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An American Dad is putting his little girl to sleep:

Girl: Daddy, why did we attack Iraq?

Daddy: Because they had Weapons of Mass Destruction

G: But the inspectors didn’t find any of WMD.

D: They didn’t because Iraqis hid it so well.

G: And that is why we attacked them?

D: Yes, invasions always work better than any kind of inspection.

G: But after the invasion we still didn’t find any WMD, right?

D: It all happened because it has been hidden so well. Don’t worry we
will definitely find something, maybe even right by the time Election
2004 gets here.

G: And why does Iraq need all this weapon?

D: To use it during the war, silly.

G: Wait, I don’t understand. If they have such a weapon and they
wanted to use it in a war against us, then why didn’t they use it when
we attacked them?

D: Well, I guess, they just didn’t want anyone else to know that they
had such a weapon. That is why they preferred to allow us to kill
thousands of them instead of trying to defend themselves.

G: But when you have such powerful weapon it’s stupid to die instead
of using it against us.

D: It’s a different culture, honey, it’s impossible to understand.

G: I don’t know about you, but I don’t think they have the weapon our
government talks about.

D: You know, to tell you the truth, it doesn’t really matter if they
have WMD. We had another really good reason to attack them.

G: Oh yeah? What was it?

D: Even if they didn’t have any weapon, Saddam Hussein was a very
cruel dictator, and that is a very good reason to invade a foreign

G: Wait, why is a cruel dictator a good reason to invade a country?

D: Well, he was oppressing his people, for example.

G: Like it is done in China?

D: Please! You can’t compare China and Iraq. China is a good business
partner. In China millions of people work for scanty earnings, so big
corporations in the USA can make even more money.

G: So, if a country allows exploit its people in order to make USA
more prosperous then it’s a good country even if the people are

D: Correct.

G: So why were the peoples of Iraq oppressed?

D: Well, they didn’t have any freedoms. For example they couldn’t
openly say anything against their government. People who said anything
were imprisoned.

G: Doesn’t the same happen in China?

D: Stop it. I told you that it is all different in China.

G: So what is so different between China and Iraq?

D: Well, for example in Iraq the party in power was the Ba’th party,
and in China it’s the Communist party.

G: Well, didn’t you tell me one time that the communists were bad?

D: No, it’s the Cuban communists that are bad.

G: Why are those bad?

D: Well, on Cuba they put people who say something against the
government to prison…

G: Just as in Iraq?

D: Right.

G: And just as in China?

D: I told you that China is our partner and Cuba is not.

G: Why isn’t Cuba our partner?

D: Well, at the beginning of 60’s our government made a law that the
Americans can’t sell or buy anything from Cubans as long as they are a
communist country and not a capitalist one like us.

G: But if we annul those laws and start trading with Cuba wouldn’t
that help them to become capitalists?

D: Look who is talking, Ms. Smarty Pants!

G: I am not even trying to be Ms. Smarty Pants!

D: Well, anyway, they also don’t have a freedom of religion in Cuba.

G: Just like in China?

D: I asked you not to say bad things about China. And anyway Saddam
Hussein got his power during a military coup d'état, so he
doesn’t have any rights to be the ruler of Iraq.

G: What is military coup d'état?

D: Well, it’s when military forces take the power from the government
using their force, instead of having a free election, like we do.

G: Didn’t the government of Pakistan come to power during military
coup d'état?

D: Are you talking about Pervez Musharraf? Well, I guess he did. But
we are friends with Pakistan.

G: So why are we friends with Pakistan if its government not legal?

D: I have never said that Pervez Musharraf is not a legal head of the

G: Didn’t you just say that if somebody took power from the legal
government during a coup that it’s not legal?

D: No, that is only about Saddam Hussein. Pervez Musharraf is our
friend, he helped us during the invation of Afghanistan.

G: And why did we invade Afghanistan?

D: Well, because of the September 11th.

G: What did they do to us on September 11th?

D: On September 11th 19 people, of which 15 were from Saudi Arabia,
hijacked four airplanes and flow then into buildings killing 3000

G: So what did Afghanistan have to do with that?

D: All these people were trained in Afghanistan under the dictatorship
of Taliban.

G: And Talibans are those bad fundamentalist Islamic militias, who
chop people’s arms and heads off?

D: Yeah, that’s them, and besides all that they also oppress women.

G: Didn’t Bush give them $43 million in 2001?

D: Yes, but that was for fighting against drugs.

G: Fighting against drugs?

D: Oh yeah, Talibs helped us a lot in not letting Afghanis grow opium.

G: How did they manage to do that?

D: Well, that was very easy, those who were caught doing it were
either beheaded or their arms were chopped off.

G: So cutting heads and arms for growing plants is good, but for
something else is bad?

D: Yes. It’s OK when it’s done for growing plants, but if that’s a
punishment for stealing, say, bread it’s too cruel.

G: Don’t they cut heads and arms in Saudi Arabia?

D: That’s a different story. Afghanistan is a patriarchal country and
they were oppressing women there. They were only allowed to appear on
the street wearing a cloak, and those who didn’t obey were stoned by
the mob.

G: Aren’t women in Saudi Arabia supposed to wear a cloak as well?

D: No, in Saudi Arabia they are only required to wear traditional
Islamic clothes.

G: Really? What’s the difference? A traditional Islamic outfit worn by
women in Saudi Arabia is modest, but very stylish clothes that cover
everything except for eyes and fingers. And cloak, worn by the women
of Afghanistan, is a horrible invention of patriarchy that covers
everything except for eyes and fingers. Sounds like two different
names of the same things.

D: You really can’t compare Afghanistan and our friends from Saudi

G: But I thought you said that 15 out of 19 terrorists on September
11th were from Saudi Arabia.

D: Well, yes, but they were trained in Afghanistan.

G: And who trained them?

D: Oh, a very bad person named Osama ben Laden.

G: Was he from Afghanistan?

D: Well, no. Actually he was also from Saudi Arabia, but he was a
very, very bad man.

G: Wasn’t he our friend at one time?

D: Only when we were helping mojaheds get the Soviets out of
Afghanistan in the 80’s.

G: And who are the Soviets? Is that that awful communist empire that
Ronald Reagan was talking about?

D: Well, the Soviets don’t exist anymore. The Soviet Union broke up
some time in the 90’s. Now they have elections and capitalism just
like we do. We call them the Russians now.

G: So the Soviets, I mean, the Russians are they our friends now?

D: Well, not quite. They were our friends for many years, after the
USSR broke up. But when they refused to support our invasion of Iraq
we got really angry with them. We also got very angry with the French
and the Germans, because they didn’t help us either.

G: So are the French and the Germans bad too?

D: Well, not very bad. But they are bad enough to rename French fries
and French toast into Freedom fries and Freedom toast.

G: Do we always rename food when a country doesn’t do what we want?

D: No, we only do that to our friends. If it’s our enemy we attack

G: But Iraq was our friend in the 80’s.

D: Well, they were our friends for some time.

G: Was Saddam Hussein in power then?

D: Yes, but back then he was fighting with Iran, so he was our friend.
For some time…

G: Why did that make him our friend?

D: Well, because at that time Iran was our enemy.

G: All this was when he was poisoning Curds with gas, right?

D: Yes, but because he was fighting Iran at that time, we pretended we
knew nothing about it, so he would understand that we were his

G: So the one who is fighting against our enemies immediately becomes
our friend?

D: Well, as a general rule, yes.

G: So will the one fighting our friend become our enemy?

D: Well, sometime it is so. But if we can make money on selling arms
to both sides that would be much better.

G: Why?

D: Because war is good for economy, which means it’s good for the USA.
And since God is on our side then anyone who is against the war is
godless anti-American communist. Do you understand now why we attacked

G: I think so. We did that because that’s what God wanted, right?

D: Yes.

G: And how did we find out that God wanted us to attack Iraq?

D: Well, you see, God talks to George Bush and tells him what to do.

G: So it turns out that we attacked Iraq because George Bush hears
voices in his head?

D: Yes! Finally you understood how this world works. And now close
your eyes and go to sleep.

Wrong Way
D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451
The wiser wolf prevails.

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it must not be an iraqi girl or her dad would have been tortured and killed long ago.

...probably by a US soldier who would then knock her up and have his picture taken with her brother and a message on a board describing the whole thing.:P

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