
Al Qaeda growing stronger?

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What do you think we should do about it?

We didn't address the problem before the first WTC bombing attempt, they moved forward with their plans. We didn't respond to the first WTC attack and they came back again, with success.

Anything we do is apparently wrong, according to critics. However, we know from recent history that doing nothing is not working at all.

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"What do you think we should do about it?"

Look at why they hate you, and deal with the cause as opposed to the symptoms.
But that means revisiting some of your less public foreign policies, such as supporting unpleasant regimes, training and funding unstable freedom fighters, or providing military aid to governments with piss poor human rights records.

Well, thats what I think anyways, I'm sure there is more that could be done, and I'm sure we are about to hear all about it.......

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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>What do you think we should do about it?

1. Concentrate on getting Bin Laden. We're looking like idiots lately - "The US is closing in on high value targets on the Pakistan border! Oops, they all got away." This means not starting any new wars until the old ones are finished.

2. Stop trying to prop up government A against government B. Stop arming rebels in country C so they will kill people of type D for us. Go to a simpler foreign policy plan - "we will try to get along with everyone until you attack us, then we will blow you to bits."

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What do you think we should do about it?

"Don't take your eye off the ball" as my old cricket coach used to say.

Unfortunately, we already did just that.

At least we could stop running their recruiting campaign for them.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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"What do you think we should do about it?"

Look at why they hate you, and deal with the cause as opposed to the symptoms.
But that means revisiting some of your less public foreign policies, such as supporting unpleasant regimes, training and funding unstable freedom fighters, or providing military aid to governments with piss poor human rights records.

Well, thats what I think anyways, I'm sure there is more that could be done, and I'm sure we are about to hear all about it.......
Sure there's more. We could all convert to Islam.

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>Sounds like an excellent idea. Which ones are those?

Well, fundamentalist religious terrorists would be one good group to avoid funding. I forget how many billions we gave to the Mujahideen. On the other hand, secular scientists who want to do research into AIDS cures are pretty unlikely to blow up the Sears Tower 15 years from now.

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Well, fundamentalist religious terrorists would be one good group to avoid funding. I forget how many billions we gave to the Mujahideen.

True, think of the money we'd have saved if we let the Russians continue to slaughter them from the air 15 years ago. It would be tough to support that back then though.


On the other hand, secular scientists who want to do research into AIDS cures are pretty unlikely to blow up the Sears Tower 15 years from now.

Long as they don't change their mind and use it as a bio-terrorism weapon. An aerosol AIDS, that only one country has the antidote for, would suck.

As long as they are better morally than the other biologists who invented other bio-weapons. So you are absolutely sure this won't happen 15 years from now? They don't seem very trustworthy as a group.

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>True, think of the money we'd have saved if we let the Russians
> continue to slaughter them from the air 15 years ago. It would be
> tough to support that back then though.

Right! Much better to slaughter Russians.

>As long as they are better morally than the other biologists who
> invented other bio-weapons. So you are absolutely sure this won't
> happen 15 years from now? They don't seem very trustworthy as a
> group.

Pretty sure, yes. I know a bunch of them.

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There is no doubt that the Bush administrations actions in Iraq is a "gift" to Al Qaeda and similar groups.

The Islamic world thinks the US is at war with their Religion. Living close to SEA and traveling there regularly I can feel the surge in anti-western pro-Islam "mood".

As a secondary effect, the US has also pissed off people in "western" countries who are supposed to be allies. I have not seen as much ant-American sentiment in Europe since the Vietnam war - maybe even greater.

Here in Australia people are starting to turn against the Americans to. You could normally win elections by being close to the US - at the moment looks like the current government which is close to the US will loose the coming election - mostly because of Iraq.

So nice work Mr. Bush - not only have you strengthened Al Qaeda and its affiliates - you have also alienated your traditional allies. And OBL is still on the loose in Afghanistan - and troops have to be moved away from Korea to plug holes in Iraq.

PS: Interesting to see how the usual suspects - just dismiss these issues and call all critics ant-american and tell all foreign critics to go and fuck themselves.
When people look like ants - pull. When ants look like people - pray.

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PS: Interesting to see how the usual suspects - just dismiss these issues and call all critics ant-american and tell all foreign critics to go and fuck themselves.

That's pretty funny coming from a guy who consistently regurgitates the same old tired themes, over and over and over . . . ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz ;)

. . =(_8^(1)

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PS: Interesting to see how the usual suspects - just dismiss these issues and call all critics ant-american and tell all foreign critics to go and fuck themselves.

That's pretty funny coming from a guy who consistently regurgitates the same old tired themes, over and over and over . . . ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz ;)

That's pretty funny coming from a guy who consistently posts smartass one liners attacking posters instead od debating the issues... ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz
When people look like ants - pull. When ants look like people - pray.

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PS: Interesting to see how the usual suspects - just dismiss these issues and call all critics ant-american and tell all foreign critics to go and fuck themselves.

Which usual suspect told you to go fuck yourself?

. . =(_8^(1)

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I had to pick a person to reply to so I choose the person who opened the thread. This post is not aimed at a particular person but a thought process.

To every American here who posts a one liner slam or a thoughtless diatribe at non-Americans who don't agree with you, maybe you should see the trend. A large chunk of the rest of the world is pissed off at us, not just Muslim fundamentalists.

Everything American is not perfect. Plenty of things from other political and religious systems make sense. Three years in Germany taught me that they care far more for their neighborhoods and cities than we do. Austrians are some of the most fun people I have met. My parents tell me of wonderful times in Chile when I was too young to remember. England and Wales are also great places.

Do you remember that kid in school who said eveyone else was a jerk because he/she was unliked? Hard to believe wasn't it? The US has become that child.

"Truth is tough. It will not break, like a bubble, at a touch; nay, you may kick it about all day like a football, and it will be round and full at evening."
-- Oliver Wendell Holmes

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"PS: Interesting to see how the usual suspects - just dismiss these issues and call all critics ant-american and tell all foreign critics to go and fuck themselves."

Och thats okay, I can take a little constructive criticism, feedback, or even debriefing after a fucked up skydive.:)
"The Islamic world thinks the US is at war with their Religion."
Ack, every time I hear this I try to imagine Mohammed Ali, and Cat Stevens plotting to murder me in my bed, and it just doesn't gel.;)
But I hear what your saying, and its not that good.[:/]

"at the moment looks like the current government which is close to the US will loose the coming election - mostly because of Iraq. "

Blair will do well to hold onto his job too.

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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training and funding unstable freedom fighters
Sounds like an excellent idea. Which ones are those? Which ones will be bad 15 years from now? If you have the list, the state dept would love to see it."

Which ones?
All of them.

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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>True, think of the money we'd have saved if we let the Russians
> continue to slaughter them from the air 15 years ago. It would be
> tough to support that back then though.

Right! Much better to slaughter Russians.

It always seems this way. There is some conflict in the world. Then, there is a lot of hand-wringing and crying over the plight of the poor . "Something must be done..."

At the time, the Russians were in Afghanistan, diplomacy was not an option. Did you personally favor letting the Russians exterminate the Afghans or giving them weapons to defend themselves?


>As long as they are better morally than the other biologists who
> invented other bio-weapons. So you are absolutely sure this won't
> happen 15 years from now? They don't seem very trustworthy as a
> group.

Pretty sure, yes. I know a bunch of them.

That is exactly the point. You don't know ALL of them. You aren't personally holding the govt purse strings. You aren't personally giving govt money to just YOUR friends.

There is no way to predict the future behavior of everyone, but somehow you expect that of govt officials. An impossible task.

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