
Some good news for human rights

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Recently the US State Department has announced that they will stop sending millions in aid to Uzbekistan until they clean up their act with regards to torture and political killings. For a long time, our support of the dictatorial regime in Uzbekistan was making a bit of a mockery of our claims that we don't support terror; I am glad to see that we're finally putting our money where our mouth is.

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Bill your ears must have burnt with the collective "Uzbeki-what?" that this post generated.

It is excellent news that the US government has finally stopped providing financial aid to a brutal regime accused of crimes against humanity.

Also, today: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/asia-pacific/3752363.stm

I hope at some point the Bush administration or whoever succeeds them realises that it is going to be difficult to be taken seriously as a moral authority when they are turning a blind-eye to the activities of regimes simply because they rent them land for air-bases.

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Most excellent, this is really good news, my faith in the US has been partially restored.
Any chance of speeding up the investigation and diverting the Uzbek funds to Darfur?

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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