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benny 0
Why grant this? Because when somebody at age 17 or 18 has demonstrated the maturity to make such an adult commitment and shoulder that kind of adult responsibility, then they deserve some of the adult privelege.
I'm wondering how you and the rest of the group feel about prosecuting children as adults. Surely if we command the same level of responsibility we should offer the same privileges. Seems that anything less would be a violation of the concept of equal treatment under the law.
Never go to a DZ strip show.
kallend 2,055
Why grant this? Because when somebody at age 17 or 18 has demonstrated the maturity to make such an adult commitment and shoulder that kind of adult responsibility, then they deserve some of the adult privelege.
I'm wondering how you and the rest of the group feel about prosecuting children as adults. Surely if we command the same level of responsibility we should offer the same privileges. Seems that anything less would be a violation of the concept of equal treatment under the law.
"If you call a tail a leg, how many legs has a dog?
Five? No, calling a tail a leg don't make it a leg." Abraham Lincoln
And calling a child an adult don't make him one, either.
The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.
QuoteI'm not quite sure how this applies to the list of things quoted above. Beer, wine, and pot are often manufactured in peoples basements, hence they're dificult to control. I can't say the same thing about most guns.
Then you don't know enough about guns.
I myself cannot manufacture a gun on my own, but there are probably thousands of people around this country who can, because they have knowledge, access to tools, and access to materials. Some of them might make very simple guns -- simple, but enough to pull off a stickup. Others can make effective multi-shot guns.
Would a prohibition against guns also include internment of all people who could feasibly design and build a garage-workshop gun? Would it involve burning all books that contain the necessary information on how to do it?
"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"
No, I couldn't build a kimber from scratch in my basement (I'm sure some people could). But I guarantee I cou ?`
? `??mmething that will put holes in people with parts from the hardware store.
Obviously. Hence the word "most".
What is it with the need to argue every little point? The word "most" clearly implies there are exceptions.
Anyone can qualify a statement to death until it is impossible to assail it.
The point is, banning guns would not result in banning guns. That's when you'd see a growing number of "entrepreneurs" begin making them in underground shops and distributing them among those who want them ... and who do you think would be so interested in having illegal guns? It wouldn't take long for the criminal market to have all the guns it required to ply its trade.
"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"
QuoteQuoteIf the "age of majority" is EIGHTEEN, and you can be a legal adult, sign contracts, vote, and join the military (without parental consent), you should also be entitled to drink alcohol and own any legal firearm (handgun, not just long gun).
The idea that there are secondary or tertiary "ages of majority" depending on the subject is bullshit.
What do you think about the age restriction for being President of the USA?
That's not about a common freedom enjoyed by the masses.
And it's probably a good idea to have the president required to be 35 or older. Christ, if the minimum age were 18, we could see Britney Spears elected president. As it is, it's pretty terrifying that if Madonna were to decide to run, she could probably work up a decent percentage of the vote.
"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"
see the world!
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