
Cut away cable length & RSL

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I have been traveling with my rig recently and due to local rules I need to remove my main to get the weight down sufficiently for carry-on. I just check the main.

When I got my rig a few years ago I replaced the cutaway handle and a rigger trimmed the non-RSL side a bit.

However with my recent removal of the main I am not confident in the difference between the two sides. It can't be much more than 10mm (eyeball measurement not wearing the rig). What is the recommended difference in the cable lengths to ensure the RSL side doesn't release first even in a situation with twisted up risers ect.

I'll remeasure wearing the rig to confirm the difference once I have an idea on the correct length.
Even better would be the total lengths of the cables.

Rig is a Vortex II-4 (170)

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It only needs to be sufficient measurement (as you said) to make sure the one side does not release egregiously before the other. How much "difference" are you looking for / expecting / wanting to see?

The correct way to tell, is not by trying to judge a total net measurement difference of the cables, and looking for some certain pre-set "offset", once they are removed from the rig - - - as from rig-to-rig, that net measurement difference can vary widely. Instead, what you want to do, is when you've re-assemble the rig - do a slow-pull of the cutaway, and observe effectively when each cable end, clears the retaining-loop on each side. Optimal result and "answer" you are looking for would be probably more closer to near SIMULTANEOUS than offset on either side, by too terribly much, actually.
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Some manufacturers have a spec for this, check the manual. If there is no spec I usually go with a 1" (2.5 cm) difference. But you need to be careful the overall length is not too short. You really should ask a qualified rigger to look at it.
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Some manufacturers have a spec for this, check the manual. If there is no spec I usually go with a 1" (2.5 cm) difference. But you need to be careful the overall length is not too short. You really should ask a qualified rigger to look at it.


In a perfect world, both cables would release at the same time. However there are so many variables that we err on the side of the RSL side cable being the LONGEST to ensure that it releases LAST.

Best to measure with cables inserted into housings, main risers attached attached, etc. pull the release handle slowly and watch which main riser releases LAST.

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