
Jumping with White People Rocks

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I'd just like to state, that there is nothing cooler than an all white skydive. (well, and a very cool Latin camera flyer )

There is something about jumping with other white people that is calming, relaxing, fun, low-stress, and just all out cool as hell. B|


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I'd just like to state, that there is nothing cooler than an all white skydive. (well, and a very cool Latin camera flyer )

There is something about jumping with other white people that is calming, relaxing, fun, low-stress, and just all out cool as hell. B|


i'll bite, what the fuck, over

Never go to a DZ strip show.

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I'd just like to state, that there is nothing cooler than an all white skydive. (well, and a very cool Latin camera flyer )

There is something about jumping with other white people that is calming, relaxing, fun, low-stress, and just all out cool as hell. B|


i'll bite, what the fuck, over


I LOOOOOOVE flying with white people. It is sooo much fun and makes me so proud to see my white sky brothers and sisters ROCKING out in the sky. I LOVE IT!


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For some reason he's making fun of the women in the women's forum who posted that "jumping with chicks rocks!". He used exact quotes. I don't know if that was to make us girls feel stupid, sexist, separatist, or if it was just a joke, but I think it needs to be explained. I kind of have the feeling that this is once again the wrath of the world's most feminist male. [:/]


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i'll bite, what the fuck,

Crwmike is doing his best to provoke a gender conversation based on the contents of his post and one which is currently in the Woman's forum about girls liking to jump with other girls. What he wants to accomplish with this I don't know. I wish CRWmike would just be open and direct about what he wants to state, rather than trying to be "subtle."


Edited to add: (Mike seems to have posted his reasons two minutes prior to my post...)

~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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i'll bite, what the fuck,

Crwmike is doing his best to provoke a gender conversation based on the contents of his post and one which is currently in the Woman's forum about girls liking to jump with other girls. What he wants to accomplish with this I don't know. I wish CRWmike would just be open and direct about what he wants to state, rather than trying to be "subtle."


Edited to add: (Mike seems to have posted his reasons two minutes prior to my post...)

Well I dunno, like I said, jumping just plain rocks. I don't see why we would limit ourselves to one race or gender or whatever. Jump often and jump with multiple different partners (this isn't sex people, you're not gonna catch anything and you haven't jumped with all the people your jump partner has jumped with).

Never go to a DZ strip show.

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i'll bite, what the fuck,

Crwmike is doing his best to provoke a gender conversation based on the contents of his post and one which is currently in the Woman's forum about girls liking to jump with other girls. What he wants to accomplish with this I don't know. I wish CRWmike would just be open and direct about what he wants to state, rather than trying to be "subtle."


Edited to add: (Mike seems to have posted his reasons two minutes prior to my post...)

I like jumping with girls. For one thing, the plane smells better.;)

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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I like jumping with girls. For one thing, the plane smells better.

I can ship you some of ours....in fact some of the raunchiest farts on the plane have been products of some female skydivers I've jumped with. Kudos to them for owning up to it though, better than the "wasn't me" group...yeah you guys know who you are....sissies! :)
Performance Designs Factory Team

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For some reason he's making fun of the women in the women's forum who posted that "jumping with chicks rocks!". He used exact quotes. I don't know if that was to make us girls feel stupid, sexist, separatist, or if it was just a joke, but I think it needs to be explained. I kind of have the feeling that this is once again the wrath of the world's most feminist male. [:/]


I have no reason to think you stupid, Kelly. Sexist and saparatist? (and a flair for alliteration :) ...most definitely.

In all seriousness, Kelly, we all live on this planet. We need to let go of some of the attitudes that we grew up with in order to share it peacefully and equally. Do you disagree with this???

It's usually pretty easy to see bigotry in others (intentional or just societally imprinted), it is more difficult to see it in ourselves. I grew up in an area and an era where racial and gender discrimination were a way of life. I saw the wrongness of it and have tried to change the way I live.

Let's say I wasn't holding up the Women't forum post for examination and was just sincerely posting my comfort and pleasure of only having white people on my skydives. Would you see something admirable in that?

I'm not trying to fight you, Kelly. I sincerely believe we are entering the time (finally!) where we all can be equal partners in this world ...but it's gonna take some soul searching, work and sacrafice on all our parts. I'm hoping you (and others) would share this belief.

I am a humanist, not a feminist.


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How come this isn't in "Bonfire"?:o

Cause it's a post about blatant discrimination and how easy it is to see other people's bigotry.

I got that; I was kinda bein' sarcastic...

That explains that 'whoosh' sound I heard flying overhead.

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I have edited this so as not to be provocative, but I also would rather that someone be more upfront with how he/she begins discussions. This is a little hurtful towards the posters in the thread in the Women's Forum, imo.


Your 'provocative' opinion was just fine with me. It was honest and straightforward. I expect that from skydivers as it promotes open discussion.

I recently reported a nurse (woman) who was sleeping while her patient choked to death on an untended tube feeding. She felt that I hated women also ...so you may be on to something.


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If we could shrink the earth's population to a village of precisely 100 people, with all the existing human ratios remaining the same, it would look something like the following.
There would be:

Asians: 60
Europeans: 12
Western Hemisphereans: 15
(9 Latin Americans/Caribbeans, 5 North Americans, 1 Oceanian)
Africans: 13

52 would be female
48 would be male
70 would be non-white
30 would be white
70 would be non-Christian
30 would be Christian
89 would be heterosexual
11 would be homosexual
6 people would possess 59% of the entire world's wealth, and all 6 would be from the United States.
80 would live in substandard housing
70 would be unable to read
50 would suffer from malnutrition
1 would be near death
1 would be near birth
1 would have a college education
1 would own a computer


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Your 'provocative' opinion was just fine with me. It was honest and straightforward. I expect that from skydivers as it promotes open discussion.

I do, as well, expect strightforwardness from everyone, men and women on these forusm, which is why I do not understand you belittling my post in the Women' Forum by making fun of it in this thread. Why not PM me personally instead, if you felt the need to make fun of something that I (or anyone else) wrote. I just don't understand. Would you have done the same thing to a man?

I have never had many female friends...EVER. I have always wanted more female friends. My one and only closest female friend, who was like a sister (I have no sisters) to me, died almost 6 years ago in a car accident on her way to work one morning.

In skydiving, I have finally found a place where women seem to encourage and support each other, not degrade and hurt each other as has been the case with other women. I really, really value that. My closest friends are male...and they always have been. I LOVE my male friends and would do anything for them. Also, I always jump with mostly men. That is why it is so special to me when I jump with women.

Also, I was raised the conservative "latin" way as a sweet, "girl" who would never even think to jump out of planes...because "proper ladies" would NEVER do that, right? I was given a very, very sheltered life. My mother was frightened to even let me ride a bicycle down the street. Anyway, despite being extremely girly and playing with Barbies galore, as I grew older I began to break those barriers down and explore.

Yes, you are going to hate this also because it may be "racist", but I am also so proud that even though I am a latin woman, I am able to be a skydiver. It is something that is sooo looked down upon...you have no idea. It makes me feel so good to know that despite my early conditioning and despite my long-term health illnesses that I've had for 14 years, I still live my life to the fullest. When I see other women out there, like Eliana (also latina) form Airspeed or Julianna (latina freeflyer/tunnel rat), who excel in this sport...I know some of what they may have gone through to get there. We have talked about some of it. Even the fact that my father worked his bum off to get to this country, so that I could have more opportunities...like choosing to become a skydiver...makes me feel so lucky and proud of my parents. (Trust me...it would NEVER have happened if I had stayed in Peru.)

You may think that just being an ordinary female skydiver, like me, is no big achievement, but I will ALWAYS be proud of myself and proud of all the women in this sport for ANY achievement that they make.

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Yes, you are going to hate this also because it may be "racist", but I am also so proud that even though I am a latin woman, I am able to be a skydiver. It is something that is sooo looked down upon...you have no idea.

Girl you need to come down to SE Florida, there are LOTS of latin skydivers here, many of them women.

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Yes, you are going to hate this also because it may be "racist", but I am also so proud that even though I am a latin woman, I am able to be a skydiver. It is something that is sooo looked down upon...you have no idea.

Girl you need to come down to SE Florida, there are LOTS of latin skydivers here, many of them women.

Oh boy...

I was born in Peru into a very strict household...this is my personal situation that I am talking about. We latin women are not all alike, you know...:ph34r:

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Mike, I'm not a greenie, but am a fan of Speaker's Corner and post here quite a bit. You've made a few overt and inferred personal attacks here in this thread that cross the line dude. If I were a greenie I would delete several of them and lock this thread entirely.

Let's have some fun folks.
Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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