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QuoteAll I'm asking you to do is first realize there is a box and then try to think outside of it.
The strange part is that you fail to see that people may also be thinking "outside the box", even though they do NOT agree with you or your specific viewpoints. Women being happy to have other women to jump with is not a bash on men, imo. I think that perhaps you are reading too much into innocent statements.
Did you perhaps also want a debate about men vs. women in skydiving...
The truth is that since I am new and still ambitious in my learning, when accepting myself onto a load, I tend to jump with whatever group of jumpers is more serious, whom I feel that I could learn more from the most. There have been times when this was mostly men and sometimes I was giving up jumping with mostly women to jump with the men. Sometimes, it's been the opposite. Jumping for me has been very sex non-dependent.
Yes, I love jumping with both sexes and, frankly, I would prefer to jump with the better jumpers regardless of their sex. That is honestly how I decide whom to jump with. The persons whom can fly the best are always the absolute most fun for me to jump with because the jumps are just better quality and push me to higher levels.
I would like to think that this is why men want to jump with me, too. Is it always the reason why so many men want to jump with me? Perhaps not, I have no idea. I have been recently told by a gentleman, however, that although I am "pretty" that the coolest part about jumping with me is that I do what I am asked of me, do it 110% to my best ability and am consistently right on. I love that people can see that I want to learn and improve...and that perhaps my sex is irrelevant.
I think that the women were reacting with confusion and shock to the fact that it seemed that you were "poking fun" at the other thread. I was a little surprised to see you "quoting" my original post, which was not written in my usual style, with "white people" substituting "women". It seemed to show a lack of respect for that thread, and its intended female bonding sentiments.QuoteI used a Berkely think tank exercise from the 60's and substitued 'white people' for 'women' from the original post. The point was to see if people would react differently ...well I guess we can see they did. :) clarify one of my prior posts, I had NO childhood illness that I overcame. I first became ill at the age of 19 and will remain affected (ill, but not terminal) with my 2 auto-immune illnesses (one is specifically female-related) always. I was explaining my personal story to you...sorry if it was hard-to-follow or diverted from YOUR desired discussion. I was trying to show that my desire to skydive is TOTALLY "outside of the box" in my life/environment. However, thinking outside of the norm or outside of accepted viewpoints is relatively speaking "different" for everyone, imo. Everyone's "box" or "norm" is different, you see, based on their environment. In other words, the box is not the same for people in different countires and/or even in different states.
Forgive me, but I still think that you have a problem with women not from just this thread, but from having read many of your prior posts. Perhaps it is my misunderstanding not with what you are trying to say, which I agree with to a certain degree as I am completely AGAINST affirmative action (despite being 100% latin), but more with how you go about trying to say it. Food for thought.
Btw, I have nothing against you, Mike, personally. You really know how to get a girl's attention...lmao!

Anyways, I can't say that jumping with any one particular group rocks because you will find jerks in every group. I can't say that, "Jumping with left handed people rocks!" because I know some left-handed people that are jerks. I know catty women. I know mean white people. I know less than ideal people in every group, so therefore, I cannot say that there is an entire group of people that rock to jump with (except for one group which consists of my friends.)
I agree, though, that I see nothing wrong with bonding, though. If a bunch of guys want to get together to jump, go for it. If a bunch of people over 40 want to jump together, go for it.
kallend 2,070
QuoteQuotecongrats troll; you have replies. you aren't even a skydiver but you're havin' fun, aren't you. when you reach your twenty-first birthday, i'll buy you a drink and you can tell me how fun it was to start a race argument. i used to crank call the local seven-eleven and boy, it was fun, then. when your balls drop, all of us will take you to rantoul for some real fun. i'm drunk...peace.
I am soooooo busted :(
What gave me away?
Probably your 4 digit license number and your world records.
The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.
QuoteForgive me, but I still think that you have a problem with women not from just this thread, but from having read many of your prior posts.
Not that Mike needs anyone to defend him, but I completely disagree. It seems he has a problem not with just women but with anyone who accepts the standard way of life for their own comfort instead of looking inside themselves and try to live their lives to the fullest. I could be wrong, though.
I've always had friends of every gender/race/sexuality. Maybe it's because I went to a college where there were far less women than men, but the cattiness in skydiving was a bit of a culture shock for me. It's pretty easy to walk away from, luckily, but I've come across far more women in skydiving talking about me behind my back than I have outside of skydiving.
However, one of the reasons why I like my dz so much is because there are more women there (it makes it easier when I forget my tampons!

Anyways, the caffeine hasn't kicked in yet, so this probably didn't make much sense. Oh well!
Skyrad 0

Lucius Annaeus Seneca
rehmwa 2
et al - this is always a great way to see how people think. You can really draw a line between the group of politically correct thugs and those who 'really' believe in taking people one at a time.
Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants
Know what? With the jumps that I did on Sunday, I was the only woman on a 7-way.

Know what else? Each jump to me was special for various reasons. Each one I learned something on. And jumping with women does rock! There is a difference in the vibe and feel of the dive. There are days, when I'd love to jump with all women - others, all men, and others a mix. Why? Each group brings their own little "uniqueness" to a dive. Doesn't add/detract from the other groups - just is.
There are times when I prefer jumping with Oren, others with Boxman, others with Roy, others with a smaller group of friends...again...none of these jumps are discriminatory in the mix of why I choose to jump with who I do. It has everything to do with my mood and what I want to learn or do on a skydive.
Jumping with Oren and Roy - learn a lot, less pressure, a ton of fun, smaller jumps, mixed skillset. Jumping with Boxman - learn a lot, more pressure, ton of fun, larger jumps, higher skillset. Jumping with a smaller group of friends - more fun, learn a lot, pressure usually non-existent, usually 4-way, mixed skillset. Jumping with all men - learn a lot, ton of fun, more pressure. Jumping with all women - learn a lot, ton of fun, less pressure. Jumping with a mixed group of men and women - learn a lot, ton of fun, medium amount of pressure.
And, all of the pressure is what I perceive - not what the group does. So, for's what do I want to do that day? What level of pressure do I want to put on myself? And once those questions are decided, I then "attach" myself to the group that I would be best suited for that day.
TheAnvil 0

Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL
QuoteVal - Men have lots of 'female related concerns'. It pretty well consumes all of our time.

Quotecongrats troll; you have replies. you aren't even a skydiver but you're havin' fun, aren't you. when you reach your twenty-first birthday, i'll buy you a drink and you can tell me how fun it was to start a race argument. i used to crank call the local seven-eleven and boy, it was fun, then. when your balls drop, all of us will take you to rantoul for some real fun. i'm drunk...peace.
Dude, you have NO idea who you're talking to.
Mike, great post brother. Too bad people are getting offended when they should only be thinking about what you're saying. Keep on keeping on.
I am soooooo busted :(
What gave me away?
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