
Fairenheit 9/11 review

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Nice title - EXCEPTIONALLY witty.

Shame about the film.

If only Dubya could be persuaded to abolish books... Or at least be filmed burning some...


Taking the piss out of the FrenchAmericans since before it was fashionable.

Prenait la pisse hors du FrançaisCanadiens méridionaux puisqu'avant lui à la mode.

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Moore is as biased as they come and I'm sure the film is way slanted. This article, however, is also way slanted the other way. I especially like this quote describing the evidence that Moore presents against Bush.


It must be evident to anyone, despite the rapid-fire way in which Moore's direction eases the audience hastily past the contradictions, that these discrepant scatter shots do not cohere at any point.

It sounds like a perfect description of the intelligence used to justify the Iraq war.

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This is true, the author would have saved himself and me alot of time if he had kept it to something like this:

"Michael Moore is an asshole"

Yeah, I think that pretty much sums up his opinion.

Never go to a DZ strip show.

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I think I’ll watch it and judge for my self.

If it's like his other films it will be good.
I have heard so many people say he is full of crap but with very few exceptions they can't come up with the proof to back up there claims. Specially considering he always takes on the super rich and powerful you would think with all there money and influence they would be able to find something but there is never much to be found.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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It's not that he out and out lies or fabricates info. It's that he takes controversial subjects, which by definition have different viewpoints about them, and only presents one. He gives one side of the story not an independent persepective then tries to pass it off as a documentary when it is in fact propaganda for his viewpoint.

Personally, I hope his movie has some profound impact and gets a lot of people to vote for Kerry. But that's my personal agenda.

edit because I spelled "out" wrong...twice....wtf is wrong with me :S

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Darius...... What are you talking about?

No Proof????

This guy is even know in Left circles to be a bit extreame and is know to take a lot out of context. Watch it Sure.... but have an open mind. geeezzz

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The thing I like most about him is he shows the other side that I don’t get too sees very often.
I have not seen this movie yet so I can’t comment on it.

What I meant about proof was this.
Here is one example.
I have heard people even on these forums that say BFC was full of crap. One person said the whole thing with getting a rifle if you open an account was bull shit. I did some research on line and it was not. He even made it very clear what type of account you had too open to get a rifle.

Basically he offers facts not just opinions, but most who argue agents him are lacking facts. I have in no way made up my mind as who is wrong and who is right. I am just stating an observation.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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He gives one side of the story not an independent persepective then tries to pass it off as a documentary when it is in fact propaganda for his viewpoint.
That is what any Documentist does. Some just do it with a lighter hand than Moore does. All film is edited according to the Documentist's perspective. Anything else is either broadcast news (supposedly unbiased) or narrative film.

Moore keeps coming up with funds to make his films and he knows he will always get GREAT 'word of mouth' business from people who are upset by his vision of the world. Therefore he's gonna KEEP his thumb up certain asses.

Will I see it? Dunno. But I wouldn't let Moore upset my apple cart one way or the other. Its just HIS vision of the world.~~April

Camelot II, the Electric Boogaloo!

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Hello. He IS the super rich.

You are right he is rich now but was not born with a silver spoon like many of the politicians who he apposes. I respect any one who makes something of them self’s with out Mommy and Daddy’s help. Specially if he made his money fighting for guys like me who work for a living.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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They are not factually based.

So all those video clips are just computer-generated fabrications?

Look, if folks are so bent out of shape about Moore slanting stuff, theyu should go make their own movie telling THEIR side of it.


- Z
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None of his films have been documentaries..... They
are not factually based.
The Academy seems to think they are documentaries. BFC was the 2002 winner of best DOCUMENTARY according to the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.~~April

Camelot II, the Electric Boogaloo!

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> The Academy was wrong. Moore's fabrications in BFC preclude
>it from being considered a documentary.

Methinks the Academy is more qualified to judge the genre of a film than politicians who stand to lose from its contents.

I saw a short documentary on a cable channel a while back on how great life was in Prudhoe Bay, how quickly nature recycles all that spilled oil and how oil drilling was ecologically sound. It was funded by the The National Wetlands Coalition, which (suprise!) is funded by oil companies. It was still a documentary. They even made a valid point or two, although their conclusions were clearly self-serving.

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The problem with the "facts" presented by Michael Moore is that he doesn't present them in an honest way. For example, he stated in BFC that he was a lifetime NRA member. What he left out is that he signed up for a lifetime NRA member ship ONE WEEK before filming that piece. He then used that to worm his way into getting some time with Charleton Heston so he could ambush him with a bunch of b.s.

Michael Moore has a right to his opinions and he certainly has a right to express them in any format that he likes, but I think a lot of people, including me, group him with the extremely biased liberal media (like CNN, the major US TV networks, the New York Times, etc.) for whom the truth is a very low priority.

His films may be entertaining to some people, but considering them to be documentaries takes a serious stretch of the imagination.

In the spirit of disclosure, I've been an NRA member for years and I've generally got a conservative bias.


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Michael Moron is a joke. And no, he will not sway the election in the least. Anyone that thinks or proposes that idea is an idiotic moron.

Just who is he going to sway? The only people that believe his garbage and lies are the liberal sheep. And guess what? They're voting for Kerry regardless.

Michael Moron is your typical shock-radio personality. They do crazy and idiotic stunts to get ratings. Michael Moron is no different. Everyone knows his films are ficticious. He attempts to make them so far-fetched and crazy because people will go see movies of that nature.


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