
Bush lied under oath?

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Bush got a court hearing to get his driving suspension lifted early, even though he had not completed a required driver rehabilitation course. He told the hearings officer that he drank only once a month, and just had "an occasional beer." The officer granted his request. But Bush continued drinking for 8 years after that date and has said publicly that he drank too much and had a drinking problem during that time. Presumably Bush was under oath during the hearing, though we haven't been able to pin down that detail. The Bush campaign refuses to comment on this contradiction.


How do you people who make that your central criticism of Clinton feel about this? If you found out he lied under oath, would you still vote for him?

Oh, wait....here's some more perjury from GWB.

In a (so far successful) attempt to stop a scandal, Bush perjured himself under oath, according to the sworn testimony of two of his political allies. The situation is amazingly similar to Clinton's Lewinsky problem: a potentially damaging lawuit arose (see below) that threatened to involve him. Just like Clinton, Bush swore an affidavit that he had no involvement in the case, which got him excused from testifying. And just like Clinton, the affidavit was proven false months later by new evidence. In this case, it's the recent sworn testimony of Robert MacNeil, a Bush appointee, that he had discussed the case with Bush at a fundraiser.
This scandal isn't as sexy as Monica's, but perjury is perjury, and this scandal actually involves the governor's job, not his sex life. Texas' state commission on funeral homes (the TFSC) started an investigation of SCI, the world's largest funeral home company (with 3,442 homes, plus 433 cemeteries) after complaints that unlicensed apprenctices were embalming corpses at 2 SCI embalming centers. The commission visited a couple of these, and ended up fining SCI $450,000.

But SCI pulled strings with the commission and with Bush himself. Shortly thereafter, the investigation was shut down and the agency's investigator was fired. She sought to question Bush for her lawsuit, and that's when he swore his admittedly false affidavit. In fact, that affidavit has been proven false twice now.

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No matter how you slice it dice it or spin it........gwb's alleged transgressions pale in comparison to clinton's escapades........his dope smuggling out of Mena.....his state trooper security detail all dying under questionable circumstances........some of the people involved in his business dealings being murdered or dying under "mysterious" circumstances.....I would put him right along side LBJ for the most corrupt Pres of the last century!!!!![:/]
Marc SCR 6046 SCS 3004

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I didn't vote for Clinton either time he ran only because I simply thought GHB was a better candidate. After watching Bill and Hillary on 60 Minutes, it was obvious he was admitting to have been unfaithful and perhaps having even more of a checkered past than he was willing to admit to.

He seemed to be asking the American People to give him a chance and asked us to forgive him for his indescretions of the past, which I was willing to do. I was at least willing to take a wait and see attitutude

By the time the disclosure of his indescretion with Monica came out, I was already very pissed because of his politics ie Hillarycare etc. I think one of the reasons Americans reacted so strongly was because they gave him a pass on his past affairs and because he promised us he had changed and asked for another chance. Had he simply admitted he made a mistake, I believe many would have been less offended by his disrespect for the Oval Office. The way he came out and tried to trash Monica, Kathleen Willy, Paula Jones, Juanita Broderick, Gennifer Flowers etc as "Nuts and Sluts" is what I believe sent most people over the top with Clinton.

I don't see how you can compare a relatively minor DUI GWB got almost 30 years ago with the rampage Clinton went on to try and destroy the reputations of these women, whether you believe them or not.

editted for spelling

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Fine, then address the issue of lying in a SWORN affidavit about the funeral home scandal while he was governor.

I have neither the time nor the desire to defend GWB against evrey little whiney accusation leveled at him. If he did something illegal, maybe you should call the police.

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I believe that lying under oath is wrong, no matter who does it. I believe that it is wrong beyond just the legal aspects. It undermines the basic concepts of justice if a public official does it.

If crack-smoking Wash, DC mayor Marion Barry does a "Don't do drugs" speech at a school, how much weight could it carry? Seems like all the presidents of late have done some type of drugs, how much weight does the "war on drugs" carry?

If the president doesn't obey laws, then why should I? Equal justice. I get to flaunt the same ones.

Btw, are saying that Clinton was wrong to lie under oath also?

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I have neither the time nor the desire to defend GWB against evrey little whiney accusation leveled at him.

Ironic that when it's Clinton being impeached for lying under oath, the main complaint is that he wasn't found guilty. When it's GWB accused of the same charge, it's a whiney accusation.

I'm not expecting you to defend him about this accusation. Just answer one question for me, and I'll be satisfied.

Assuming that it is a proven fact that GWB lied under oath while Governor of Texas. Would you support impeachment proceedings for high crimes and misdemeanors?

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I understand......and I for one never called Clinton a scumbag for lying under oath,hell he was just trying to save his hide and save his family a lot of embarrassment.......and I didnt even care about his womanizing......I thought it was entertaining.........I just credited that behaviour to him being a white trash ne'er do well (horny) hillbilly.So I dont believe I'm a hypocrite.I truly believe there is no such thing as an honest politician (either party)they will lie and spin to suit their needs.......just vote for the one that will do the least amount of damage,or will be a "known quantity".No my opinion about GWB has not changed nor will it make me want to run out and vote for (S)kerry:o
Marc SCR 6046 SCS 3004

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I'm not expecting you to defend him about this accusation. Just answer one question for me, and I'll be satisfied.

Assuming that it is a proven fact that GWB lied under oath while Governor of Texas. Would you support impeachment proceedings for high crimes and misdemeanors?

The difference is, Clinton lied under oath, While President in a sexual harrassment lawsuit against him. You guys can keep on believing the total bullshit he feeds you about protecting his wife and family but the truth is, he didn't want to lose the case and have to pay $$ Millions$$ in damages and he didn't want his reputation smeared. Thats why he lied. Satisfied??

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Yep, you answered my question. There are obviously two standards. If you lie about something that has nothing to do with your govrernment position while president you should be impeached. If you lie about something that has to do directly with what you do as a governor, it's ok to be president.

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Yep, you answered my question. There are obviously two standards. If you lie about something that has nothing to do with your govrernment position while president you should be impeached. If you lie about something that has to do directly with what you do as a governor, it's ok to be president.

Not what I said. Let me clarify. If the lawmakers in Texas thought there were grounds for impeachment, then they should go ahead and let the chips fall where they may, same as I thought about Clintons Impeachment. Apparently they didn't think there were grounds. You can't just go around trying to compare the two based on some dubious information you read on a Bush-bashing site. BTW just a reminder, Clinton was impeached.

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Assuming that it is a proven fact that GWB lied under oath while Governor of Texas. Would you support impeachment proceedings for high crimes and misdemeanors?

Sure....But I would also expect that nothing be done to him just as nothing was done to Clinton for lying under oath.

But I DO see a difference between a 30 year old DUI and a guy lying WHILE President...



Bush Junior has done some good work as governor of Texas. He has crossed the partisan divide, reached out to minorities, and tackled at least one tough, thankless issue (school financing; his plan was voted down in the legislature.)

"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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No matter how you slice it dice it or spin it........gwb's alleged transgressions pale in comparison to clinton's escapades........

You people crack me up. The Republican mascot should be an ostrich. :S

Don't Fuck with me Keith - J. Mandeville

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Assuming that it is a proven fact that GWB lied under oath while Governor of Texas. Would you support impeachment proceedings for high crimes and misdemeanors?

If it becomes a proven fact and not some liberal Michael Moore type accusation, I would support impeachment proceedings. So far it just seems like accusations from a party searching for anything and promising everything to win an election.

"Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do." Ben Franklin

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So far it just seems like accusations from a party searching for anything and promising everything to win an election.


LOL, did you all check out the rest of that garbage website PhillyKev posted a link to? Absolutely hysterical. No wonder his views are so warped...he gets his "facts" from the most biased source I have seen in some time.


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Assuming that it is a proven fact that GWB lied under oath while Governor of Texas. Would you support impeachment proceedings for high crimes and misdemeanors?

Aren't you one of the people who said that we should let the past be the past? I think you said it both about Kerry's Vietnam escapades as well as Bush's NG service. Didn't you?

Clinton lied while serving as the President of the United States, right?

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