
Howard Stern....9 new markets

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Houston, San Diego, Tampa, Fla., Pittsburgh, Orlando, Fla., Austin, Texas, West Palm Beach, Fla., Rochester, N.Y., and Fresno, Calif.


Stern's listeners support Kerry over President Bush by a 10-point margin, according to a poll released last week

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Listening to his "special report". Boy, is he airing out things with the press conference. I wonder if they will get it right, or put their spin on what he said?

I just think, and many people agree that .....
"If ya don't like it...TURN IT OFF!" SO much for free enterprise.

Go get em', Howard~ Power to the Peeps!

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In West Palm, they told the morning show people this morning. The main guy's having his first child on Friday... kinda sucks.

the depth of his depravity sickens me.
-- Jerry Falwell, People v. Larry Flynt

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Howard Stern sucks. But then again, most of the people that listen to him end up making me some money...so, listen on.

True that. I have tried listening to his radio show, tried to find him funny... and he just isn't. Listening to him is like watching Saturday Night Live... You wait for a joke, you wait for anything funny, and you just never get it.

I think I will never understand his appeal.

I also can't relate to his fans. When TWA flight 800 crashed off the south shore of Long Island in '95 or so, the local news coverage had live interviews with the rescue/recovery personnel. They took a call from a guy who identified himself as an NTSB spokesman.

He was right in the middle of talking (apparently) intelligently about the operation, and suddenly he blurted out, "Babbabooey, babbabooey, Howard Stern, babbabooey, Howard Stern, babbabooey!!"

You could see the news guy wince and then apologize for the idiotic and uncompassionate person on the other end of the line.

So that's about the size of Howard Stern fans, as far as I'm concerned.

They like to laugh at very unfunny things, and listen to a boring person drone on in idle banter with some sycophantic office chick who's good for nothing but occasionally gigglng, guffawing or chastising.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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I can't explain why I find it compelling, I just do. You really have to listen for awhile until you're in the know about a lot of the jokes. Many of them are inside jokes that you wouldn't get otherwise. You're waiting for punch lines, meanwhile someone who's been listening to the show for years hears them all the time.

As far as the phone calls listeners make to news stations, many times I think it's inappropriate. But, if you were a fan of the show you would know that the reason it's done is not to make fun of tragic situation, it's to demonstrate the lack of fact checking done by the media in an effort to get a scoop. They'll put any shmoe on the air who claims to be anyone and let them say anything without even confirming their identity first.

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I can't explain why I find it compelling, I just do. You really have to listen for awhile until you're in the know about a lot of the jokes. Many of them are inside jokes that you wouldn't get otherwise. You're waiting for punch lines, meanwhile someone who's been listening to the show for years hears them all the time.

We in Littleton are "in the know" about Stern's sense of humor, which is why his sorry ass will never play here again. What a piece of crap.

. . =(_8^(1)

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Now he's filed a $10 Million suit agains Clear Channel for breach of contract.

Oh, and I had to quote this from Happy Thoughts talking about casual day dress policies in talk back.

"It specifically states that all clothing should be in the boundaries of "good taste", but studiously avoids actually defining "good taste". Kind of like, "you must obey the rules, but they are secret rules".

Sounds a lot like how the FCC determines who to fine.

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