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Those were answers to WMW999 questions.


How do shop around for a federal gov't that doesn't treat you a certain way based on your race?

Move to another country?


We're talking about profiling based on race here, not how someone dresses.

She was talking about stereotyping according to dress.
When they get a call saying elderly Polish grandma's are planning a diabolical plot then I'll say profile the Polish grandma's.


So do I, as long as they are not violating someone's civil rights.

What gives the government the right to tell a private business owner who he can/can't hire ect?...


Right, no reason to try and improve and make life more fair. That would take work and compromise, and those who benefit from the unfairness would suffer

Life isn't and never will be "Fair", try all you want it just ain't gonna happen.

ChileRelleno-Rodriguez Bro#414
Hellfish#511,MuffBro#3532,AnvilBro#9, D24868

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"WASHINGTON--Recent intelligence has the FBI worried that al-Qaida may be recruiting and training women to carry out terror attacks, trying to regain an element of surprise for a network thinned by arrests, officials say."

Guess who I'm gonna start profiling.

ChileRelleno-Rodriguez Bro#414
Hellfish#511,MuffBro#3532,AnvilBro#9, D24868

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>Guess who I'm gonna start profiling.

If your answer is "everyone" - you got it! Only by applying the best possible security in ALL cases can you hope to catch terrorists. There's absolutely no reason to give a certain class of people a good opportunity to hijack a plane.

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To all of you who think that asking questions and looking in baggage is such a "Violation" of right's.... Tough shit, you are not going to change my mind.
"Profiling works!!!"

Chile says sayanara...

ChileRelleno-Rodriguez Bro#414
Hellfish#511,MuffBro#3532,AnvilBro#9, D24868

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To all of you who think that asking questions and looking in baggage is such a "Violation" of right's.... Tough shit, you are not going to change my mind.

Why not look in everyone's bag. Would you have a problem with being thoroughly searched at the airport everytime you go?

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Alas... I'll take one more.


If your answer is "everyone" - you got it! Only by applying the best possible security in ALL cases can you hope to catch terrorists. There's absolutely no reason to give a certain class of people a good opportunity to hijack a plane

Just about everyone gets their luggage searched, scanned ect... They walk thru metal detectors ect... Whether they know it or not most get eyeballed one way or another...
If your suspicious, if you fit a profile constructed from whatever means being used, then what is wrong with a little more in-depth screening? Nothing. Security already covers everybody, some who get a random or send up red-flags get more, this is a good thing.

ChileRelleno-Rodriguez Bro#414
Hellfish#511,MuffBro#3532,AnvilBro#9, D24868

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Yes, I'll take some Q&A and my bags searched, this was/is ordinary stuff for international flights/customs.
If it keeps some yahoo from killing you, me or our families, no problem.
I do not feel that this is a VIOLATION of my rights.
If the police get a APB and you fit the description, your gonna get stopped and questioned. No difference in my mind.

ChileRelleno-Rodriguez Bro#414
Hellfish#511,MuffBro#3532,AnvilBro#9, D24868

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>If your suspicious, if you fit a profile constructed from whatever means
> being used, then what is wrong with a little more in-depth screening?

What's wrong with it is that it means there is a way for a terrorist cell to get a little LESS screening by choosing the right profile. Again, why on earth do you advocate a system where smart terrorists have a means to get less scrutiny? We have terrorists smart enough to learn to fly 767's and coordinate an airborne attack; you really think they are too stupid to realize that you are not going to search 50 year old women?

I'm not going to go along with any scheme that gives certain groups less screening. After 9/11, that's just dumb (IMO.)

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Yes, I'll take some Q&A and my bags searched, this was/is ordinary stuff for international flights/customs.
If it keeps some yahoo from killing you, me or our families, no problem.
I do not feel that this is a VIOLATION of my rights.

I agree, search everyone thoroughly.


If the police get a APB and you fit the description, your gonna get stopped and questioned. No difference in my mind.

When the police give a description in an APB, it is usually more substantive than race and age, it is regarding a specific person. Big difference in my mind.

"Attention, be on the lookout for a white male in early 20's" How effective would that be in apprehending a suspect?

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How many of your "profiling works" folks think it's unfair that men under the age of 25 have to pay more for car insurance? Or that people have preconceptions based on the way you dress?

How many of you think it's unfair that some companies seem to hire people based on whether they seem to fit into the working environment (especially when it's not someone who looks like you?).

Wendy W.

Males under 25 should not be allowed to drive period. Most of them are a bunch of idiots. Ok but joking aside profiling not only works but in this case it saves lives, lots of them and its therefore necessary.
If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass.
Can't think of anything I need
No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound.
Nothing to eat, no books to read.

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No Chile they should profile white males to avoid another Oklahoma city. Don't you know the liberal spin on statistics take what happens the least and keep repeating it over and over again to try to make people think it happens all the time. Then when something happens over and over again like terrorism from Middle Eastern males between 18 and 40, just keep repeating Oklahoma City bomber. Sure other people can mention 25 different terrorist cases in the past decade alone but as long and you keep saying Oklahoma city your ok.
If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass.
Can't think of anything I need
No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound.
Nothing to eat, no books to read.

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And you seem to be ignoring the millions of muslims who are NOT terrorists. If you want to look at statisitical significance, don't go by who commits the act, tell me how many of that group are likely to commit the act.

Arond 20,000 people are killed each year by drunk drivers. That's a lot more than 9/11. And the majority of drunk drivers in those accidents are white males between 21-34. Should white males be pulled over and given breathalizers based on that statistic? If not, why not? They kill more people than terrorists do.

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Any and all laws should and will be broken to protect the national security of our country. Period.

Wow! No wonder you support Bush!

'Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety'

(drink Mountain Dew)

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People wonder why so many minorities assume that the police are "out to get" them. Well, when you've spent most of your life as the innocent member of a heavily profiled group,

SURPRISE!!! They ARE out to get you.

Of COURSE you have an us vs. them mentality about some things. It happens to you, and everyone you know. Why exactly would one believe any other way?

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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O.K. I'm convinced. Obviously we can't protect ourselves by profiling because someone might be offended. Lets just give up. Close down Homeland Security and TSA and lets just all pretend we are safe since we can't have people being offended. Lets really show the terrorists how smart we are and just do nothing.

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Lets just give up. Close down Homeland Security and TSA and lets just all pretend we are safe since we can't have people being offended. Lets really show the terrorists how smart we are and just do nothing.

For a minute I thought you were John "Flip-Flop" Kerry. Scared me for a moment. Glad you're back with us safe.


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> Obviously we can't protect ourselves by profiling because
>someone might be offended. Lets just give up.

I have a better idea. Search EVERYONE. No free passes. No one has an easier opportunity than anyone else to sneak a weapon on a plane. Or are you just worried that you might be inconvenienced by the sort of security you propose to force on others?

I swear, I am constantly amazed at the people who want to weaken our security out of a hatred of a certain type of people. If (god forbid) the next 9/11 happens, and one of the terrorists is a Korean, will these people bleat "but we thought he'd be an arab! It's not our fault! We didn't know anyone but Arabs could be terrorists!" It is fortunate that people with more vision than that are in charge of our security (so far.)

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I have a better idea. Search EVERYONE. No free passes. No one has an easier opportunity than anyone else to sneak a weapon on a plane. Or are you just worried that you might be inconvenienced by the sort of security you propose to force on others?

If it was gonna be a reall attempt at screening and security I'd be allover it. I'll submit just for the added saftey.

But what we have today is a joke. We harrass little old ladies, and take their nail files, but I don't think too many people realize how easy it is to smuggle something truley dangerous on board an comercial airliner.

I'll give an example..... a liter of gasoline. Think about it.
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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> Obviously we can't protect ourselves by profiling because
>someone might be offended. Lets just give up.


I have a better idea. Search EVERYONE. No free passes. No one has an easier opportunity than anyone else to sneak a weapon on a plane. Or are you just worried that you might be inconvenienced by the sort of security you propose to force on others?

Where did I make a suggestion about how to improve security? I have been searched at the airport so don't start with an "it isn't fair," rant.

[replyI swear, I am constantly amazed at the people who want to weaken our security out of a hatred of a certain type of people.

I resent your assesment that I hate anybody.


If (god forbid) the next 9/11 happens, and one of the terrorists is a Korean, will these people bleat "but we thought he'd be an arab! It's not our fault! We didn't know anyone but Arabs could be terrorists!" It is fortunate that people with more vision than that are in charge of our security (so far.)

I thought you wanted them to search everyone.

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I have a better idea. Search EVERYONE. No free passes.

I think this is pretty much the policy at El Al. They really don't f&*k around there.
edited to add:
I'm just wondering...If the strange activity (of the Middle Eastern passengers )described in the article had happened on an El Al flight, would the flight crew have approached or questioned these guys? Or would they just do the wait & see thing like the marshalls on this flight?
Speed Racer

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