
Vote blindly along political lines, or don't vote at all?

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Which is better? Keep in mind that many people only "belong" to a certain political party because that's what they are "historically", and they have very little idea what each one stands for.

For example, some people claim to be a certain religion, even though they've never practiced it, simply because "that's what their family is".

What do you think?


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Don't vote blindly.

as always:

1 - decide which issues are important to you (if you only have one issue, go away and find a life, come back later)
2 - listen to the candidates and decide who is most closely aligned to you on your important issues (if you despise anyone who is not 100% aligned to you, go away you nutjob)
3 - decide if you believe they'll actually do what they say
4 - any dealbreakers in there?

Political party should have nothing to do with it.
Voting against somebody is lazy because it's an easy way to avoid research on who you do vote for and dangerous

People have different priorities, that's life

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Neither, do your homework. Both ways are blind.

or, what he said

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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You don't need to mark a choice for every single race on the ballot. I'll skip over any where I would just be randoming guessing - school boards and judgeships come to mind.

That's one of the problems we face. When you get down to it, school boards, judge ships, and local representatives have a much greater impact on your daily life than national positions. Plus that's where many who get to the nat'l spot light start out.

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Neither, do your homework. Both ways are blind.


Where is the "learn the issues, decide what is important to you, and vote your conscience" option?
"Like" - The modern day comma
Good bye, my friends. You are missed.

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It actually scares me the kind of people who are actually out there helping to determine the fate of our country. One of the most apalling voting trends I see is those people who vote sole-ly based on the issue of abortion and pay no attention to the rest of the picture.


Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda

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I chose not to vote on Tuesday because I had no education on the candidates and I do not lean towards either party. If I had done my research, I would have voted. Even if I did lean towards a certain party, I still wouldn't vote without having the education. So I say don't vote at all. Don't vote blindly. Just because someone is a member of a certain political party doesn't mean that they are right for the office. I vote for the person, not the party and that is not possible when you have no education on the candidates.
I'm so funny I crack my head open!

P.M.S. #102

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Actually, I'm chaning my opinion on this. If your only 2 options are to vote completly blindly or don't vote at all, I say vote along party lines. A third party that is, whose general platform you agree with. It won't make a difference either way in the election in most cases, but the more votes a third party gets, the more matching public funding that party gets. Also, it sends a message to the big two that the people are more inclined to vote for a differnt platform and could influence them to modify theirs to more closely match that.

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