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I think that's kind of funny. O'Reilly seems to be painting Canada as evil while saying kids in America wouldn't say that they are.

Can't he tell the truth? Canada IS EVIL, and we all know it!!!

don't forget, those potty-mouths Terence and Philip are Canadian!!
Speed Racer

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Al Jazeera is now slated for Canadian Viewing.

They won't approve Fox News - But Al Jazeera is ok.

I agree, we are currently having some problems with the CRTC, the Canadian version of the FCC.


This and a poll of 500 kids 14 to 18 when prompted - answeded yes to the question - do you think that America is an evil country.

I know most Americans have a hard time believing this, but you don't really have a very positive image around the world right now. Hence, this really does not come as a big surprise.

Now, before peacefull and storm and others start yelling and screaming at me again, please note that I did not indicate wether or not I agreed with it. Just a statement of fact, how I see it. Google my ass:P;)B|

Do you really think I would yell at you????:(

I wouldn't do that...we're all friends here!!!!

A poll of One American between the ages of 26 and 28 showed Canada IS EVIL. (this is not a scientific poll. It was conducted by me and was only answered by me)


Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

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"Why can't the rest of the world see what's clear to at least 1/3 of americans? What do we have to do to force them to see the truth"

Heh, heh, heh

I think that some in Canada might find it interesting how the news from some OTHER part of the world, besides the US, is interpreted. It might even make us more tolerant...or less tolerant, but at least we'll be able to form a more educated opinion. And I'm sorry it offends some Americans (and CanuckinUSA's) that we are so multicultural here in Canada. As the Asian and South Asian economies are becoming the largest in the world, it must be very scary to think such a large portion of them will want to do trade in other counties where their people are established, hence strengthening the Canadian economy to a point where we might not have to worry about the softwood lumber (and other "free trade" issues) dispute with you guys.

We have plenty of US news channels here and most anyone who gives a hoot what Fox has to say, along with millions of other couch potatoes, have satellite TV so they can get Fox anyway. Besides, after Fox used that hockey puck follower thing, (I think that's the technical term) it lost so much credibility here that who wants it anyway?

I love my American friends and I spend a lot of time (and money!) there. It's ridiculous to generalize about people but there is plenty wrong with your country that is frankly quite scary. I know, I know, Canada is running around like a chicken with it's head cut off trying to figure out who we actually are and if we even have a national identity, trying to be tolerant without being taken advantage of and trying to be friends and good trading partners with the US, who we rely heavy on, without selling our souls but we are at least trying to be progressive and our motives are clearly genuine. (We don't have enough money or power to be cynical and manipulative) I appreciate the difficult situation you guys are in and God knows the Americans have done INCREDIBLE things for the world but the impression you guys give sometimes is one of blind national pride at all costs. I can't help but wonder why I hear so much defensiveness?

I'm off to the DZ now, so if I get slammed I'm not ignoring you (though I might later anyway)

Oh, I too think beer is a good way to resolve disputes!

It must be pointed out that FOX and FOXNEWS are owned by the same company, but a good deal of what goes on FOX is criticized by FOXNEWS. Oreilly does it all the time. He hates the programming on FOX.

Now, don't blame FOXNEWS for the Hockey Puck thing....... That was FOX being annoying trying to get ratings. Thay are doing stupid shit with baseball now too.

Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

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a. And the opinion of foreign teenagers affects the US how?

Foreign teenagers grow up to be foreign adults and shape foreign policy as it applies to the US.

That's quite a stretch... So a canadian teenager, armed with the education and analytical tools of a teenager to make an assessment of how "evil" the US is, is going to have that same exact view of the US when in their 40s and 50s, post-education, and with the experience of an adult policy maker?

I'm still wondering what the other 60% said.

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That's quite a stretch... So a canadian teenager, armed with the education and analytical tools of a teenager to make an assessment of how "evil" the US is, is going to have that same exact view of the US when in their 40s and 50s, post-education, and with the experience of an adult policy maker?

I'm still wondering what the other 60% said.

So when Arabs hate the US it has nothing to do with our policies, it's because they grew up thinking we are evil. But when the youth of other countries think we are evil, they'll grow up, become educated, and find out we're not? Are Arabs just dumber or something?

Which is it, do people hate us because of our policies or because of bias? Careful now. If you say it's our policies, then you have to admit that we should rethink them. If you say it's a bias, well then, we have one against us growing to the north.

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So when Arabs hate the US it has nothing to do with our policies, it's because they grew up thinking we are evil. But when the youth of other countries think we are evil, they'll grow up, become educated, and find out we're not? Are Arabs just dumber or something?

I trust the canadian education system, freedom, and access to information more than I do in many countries of the middle east. Knowing teenagers, I just don't believe they have the analytical skills yet to fully use this information. That's why they're students, they're still learning.

The general assertion is that many arab countries (mis)use islam, their laws, and their control of their biased media, education, and access to information to keep their people down, and to keep them focused on external enemies to keep their minds off their problems. (history has shown that most countries have done this at one time or another, even the US to some degree, but nothing to the length and breadth seen in arab countries.)

>Which is it, do people hate us because of
>our policies or because of bias?

Maybe canadian kids say we're evil because it's 'cool' to say so right now with the way the US is taking the lead in this dirty war. You don't know and neither do I. If I'm going to trust someone saying that the US is evil, it better be someone who has access to facts and the ability to analyze them. And then arab kids could very well hate us because of bias in what they're told. It doesn't have to be all or none. And then, just because some other country doesn't like our foreign policy doesn't necessarily make it 'wrong'. Each country looks out for its own interests first, and then cooperates and compromises with others second.

>Careful now. If you say it's our policies,
>then you have to admit that we should
>rethink them.

ANY country with a foreign policy and the strength to impose it on others has the moral obligation to continually reexamine it and rethink it, even when it appears to be working.

I just don't happen to think that a small sample of 500 canadian teenagers means as much as these stories make them seem. And no one's even shown that this is a representative sample.

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drop dead will you for fuckssake!

Is America so ignorant, so obnoxious, so fucking arrogant that no one can even disagree with you?

Then you decide they cannot be your 'allies' anymore?


Most Canadians have a good 'world view' of what is going on, and are news-hungry people. Most people have more important issues on their agenda, like education, hunger, world peace - not bombing the shit out of evil dictators.

And as a result, our Prime Minister does not have to hide behind a 30NM radius of security everywhere he goes, and can pretty much wander the streets safely.

Mostly we shake our heads at you and we are not too concerned about what you think of us.


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drop dead will you for fuckssake!

Is America so ignorant, so obnoxious, so fucking arrogant that no one can even disagree with you?

Are you so... (all of the above attacks on all of America) that no one can even disagree with you without personal attacks?
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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good point but I said it first - NYAHHHH! Actually OI agree with you and I should not be name calling - but REALLY! what an absolute TROLL the first post was/is. All it does is stir up shit.

But when we say Americans are arrogant and then you threaten to not be our friends anymore - all you did/do was/is prove our point.

Canada is a GREAT country, and so is the USA, but your foreign policy sucks. It always has (at least since WWII) and all you really see is yourselves.,

Hard to preach freedom and then tromp all over everyone else's gettin there. You look like knobs. I think that is the essence of why the world has an issue with the USA.

A little compassion goes a long way.


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Sorry, opinions that disagree with yours (presumably) don't constitute a "troll"

You are absolutely right. But often utterly ridiculous and inflamatory ones do.

First of all, what the hell does it's national identity have to do with the greatness of a country? What an incredibly juvenile and ignorant thing to say.

Secondly, you're American. What do you know about Canada or the Canadian identity? You probably don't even know we drive on the left side of the road.

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No it isn't -- Canada doesn't even have a culture of it's own.

Might be true, but anybody who has spent any time in Europe laughs at the notion of any country in North America having culture.

Other than maybe Britney Spears I have no clue what would constitute American Culture. Unless it is a culture of violence, guns and censorship.

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Canada doesn't even have a culture of it's own

WTF? What kind of crap is this? Do you even have the faintest idea of the cultural differences between the people of the maritimes, Quebec, southern Ontario, the rest of Ontario, the prairie provinces, Alberta, BC and the northern territories? Don't give me this crap about Canada having no culture. Travel the country, meet the people and then come back and tell me Canadians have no culture. >:(

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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Do you even have the faintest idea of the cultural differences between the people of the maritimes, Quebec, southern Ontario, the rest of Ontario, the prairie provinces, Alberta, BC and the northern territories

Obviously not. If he's not already familiar with it, it doesn't matter.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Canada is a GREAT country

No it isn't -- Canada doesn't even have a culture of it's own.

Dude, i see for your profile that you are from Colorado. I have been living there for well over a year (Pierce, AULT, Greeley, Fort Collins, Denver) so i know what i am talking about. Unless you have moved there recently from somwhere else, you don´t get to talk about culture.

I haven´t been to Canada yet, but i cannot see how it could possible have less culture than Colorado (I don´t know about the rest of the US). Hey, maybe Colorado is an statistical glitch. :S

No offense to anyone from colorado. I think culture comes down to the person, not where they are born, but if we are going to generalize...

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Not sure we should be so tough on skydyvr, because after all, it was Boo-Boo Jimmi-Jank who approved what he said... Why's he off the hook?

Side: of course Canada has a culture of its own. why is anyone allowing themselves to get pulled into this "debate"?

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Because some of us think it is wrong to advocate to only one way of thinking.

If, perhaps, the Canadian government would allow a little more of a conservative though line to even be presented as a possibility, then this argument wouldn't be neccessary.
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Because some of us think it is wrong to advocate to only one way of thinking.

If, perhaps, the Canadian government would allow a little more of a conservative though line to even be presented as a possibility, then this argument wouldn't be neccessary.

I'm not clear on your first point. Who is doing the one-way thinking?

As to your second...statement, where do you get your information on Canadian government policy? Your comments, though incredibly vague, are specious and clearly misguided. If this is the type of conclusion you draw from watching Fox then it seems to me that we really are better off without it here.

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If this is the type of conclusion you draw from watching Fox then it seems to me that we really are better off without it here.

Yes, better to let the other, government approved networks do your thinking for you.

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Because some of us think it is wrong to advocate to only one way of thinking.

of course canada has a culture of its own. how is it wrong to advocate that one way of thinking? skydyvr's entitled to his opinion. it's just that most everyone else here thinks he's wrong. so what?

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