
Say something nice about the Democrats

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The partisan Democrats have been loud in criticizing the Republicans. Can the Democrats stop denouncing their opponents long enough to just say something nice about their own candidates?

I have a bet that this thread will inevitably deteriorate into Republican-bashing.

First Class Citizen Twice Over

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I'm not a Democrat, but I think most have good intentions. Of course I think that of most people regardless of politics.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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I'll say something nice about a republican, in that case. I always think it's cool when someone can ignore what their party is pushing as the "party line" and think for themselves. Doug Bereuter, a republican representative from Nebraska, has admitted that we made a mistake basing a preemptive invasion on faulty intelligence. I'm glad people are starting to admit that - we all make mistakes, but we cannot correct them in the future until we admit that we made them. Kudos to a representative who bucked the party line and admitted the error.

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Democrats usually have better hair than republicans.

Yes, and the Democrat dudes are usually much better looking than the Republican dudes. I do all of my voting based on sex appeal...

So of course this election is a no-brainer... John Kerry and John Edwards, with their dashing good looks... and the homoerotic overtones of their campaign... Sexy! :)

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The Democrats seek a balanced budget, speak well of individual freedom, and encourage protection of our environment. Those are good things.


I want the individual freedom to keep more of my own income.
I want the individual freedom to own a handgun and carry it across the United States for personal protection.

I'm waiting for the Democrats to speak well of these freedoms.

I'm thinking I'll be waiting a lonnnng time.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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I'll say something nice about a republican, in that case. I always think it's cool when someone can ignore what their party is pushing as the "party line" and think for themselves. Doug Bereuter, a republican representative from Nebraska, has admitted that we made a mistake basing a preemptive invasion on faulty intelligence. I'm glad people are starting to admit that - we all make mistakes, but we cannot correct them in the future until we admit that we made them. Kudos to a representative who bucked the party line and admitted the error.

This is a tautology. Everybody can and will agree that basing an invasion on "faulty intelligence" is a mistake! DUH! The issue is that fact that at the time of a decision, does one KNOW that the intelligence is faulty?

If I am about to cross a street, I would be foolish to attempt to do so if I knew a car was coming. But if my best view down the street tells me that there is no car coming -- but I am simply unaware that there is one really flyin' around a blind curve I can't see around -- I am not truly negligent to step off the curb. I did my best to cross safely, but there were things outside my ability to know.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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Yes, and the Democrat dudes are usually much better looking than the Republican dudes. I do all of my voting based on sex appeal...

So of course this election is a no-brainer... John Kerry and John Edwards, with their dashing good looks... and the homoerotic overtones of their campaign... Sexy! :)

Ugh, god! John Kerry has dashing good looks?! The Melting Man??!

Um, need we bring up the spectres of Barney Frank, James Traficant, Paul Simon, Ted Kennedy, Charles Schumer...

Ooooh, those handsome Democrats!! :S

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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I want the individual freedom to keep more of my own income.
I want the individual freedom to own a handgun and carry it across the United States for personal protection.

I'm waiting for the Democrats to speak well of these freedoms.

I'm thinking I'll be waiting a lonnnng time.

The Democrats talk a good game about individual freedoms kind of like the Republicans talk a good game about individual responsibility. Unfortunately neither party really walks the walk on these subjects though.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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Um, need we bring up the spectres of Barney Frank, James Traficant,

Ah, James Traficant... How could I forget HIM? Now he was one hot little papa... and he had that way cool Johnny Cash hair... Too bad HE is not running with Kerry... MMM, a Traficant/Kerry sandwich! Now we're talkin'! :P:P:P:D:D:D

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I'm not a Democrat, but I think most have good intentions. Of course I think that of most people regardless of politics.

I think they have feel good intentions.

the depth of his depravity sickens me.
-- Jerry Falwell, People v. Larry Flynt

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> I did my best to cross safely, but there were things outside my ability to know.

Exactly. However, if your attitude is "there is no way I could have known there was a car coming; it was all the driver's fault, I did the right thing," well, that's bad. If your attitude is "I screwed up, and next time I'm gonna be more careful" - you're more likely to survive your next street crossing.

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> I did my best to cross safely, but there were things outside my ability to know.

Exactly. However, if your attitude is "there is no way I could have known there was a car coming; it was all the driver's fault, I did the right thing," well, that's bad. If your attitude is "I screwed up, and next time I'm gonna be more careful" - you're more likely to survive your next street crossing.

No. My point was, "I could not have known what I could not have known, and it is not right to chastise me for not having known it."

And it has nothing to do with what I might do in the future. In the future, I could check up and down and sideways, and start crossing a city street, just as someone drops an air conditioner out a 50th floor window. You can't look back on my death by air conditioner and say, "He was negligent in deciding to cross the street even after all the checks he did because, hey, look, he never found out about the loose air conditioner!"

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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>And it has nothing to do with what I might do in the future. In the future, I
> could check up and down and sideways, and start crossing a city street,
>just as someone drops an air conditioner out a 50th floor window.

?? Right, and you could get struck by lightning, too. But to claim that you can't ever improve your chances of survival by being more careful (cause you could still get struck by lightning) would be a silly claim. The bottom line is that if you don't admit your mistakes you can't fix them. I'm glad we have people in government who can admit them; gives me hope for the future whether those people are republican or democrat.

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a silly claim

We need to see the use of the word "silly" more in the presidential debates.

Kerry: "Your plan to remove 12,000 troops from Korea is silly"

Bush: "Is not!"

I am also voting for either candidate to call the other a "retard" when Lehrer is the moderator.

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Why the hell would I want to do that? FUCK THE DEMOCRATS! You said it Kennedy!

Er...OK. I can say some nice things. There are some nice things about the democrats - I used to be one long ago. Most of them do mean well even if they are completely misguided in many respects. There are a lot of democrats who are hot chicks - then again there is megabiatch Barbara Streisand.

skydivexxl is a Democrat and he's pretty cool. Even when he's hurling me into a concrete wall or chunking me up on a roof or spraying me with a fire extinguisher - but not when he's being an evilsonofabitch and hiding tequila from me.

billvon is a Democrat and he's pretty cool. He even knows what calumniate means.

I am not a democrat and I am a JACKASS.

Oh...I digress. Speaking of tequila, I need some.
Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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If I am about to cross a street, I would be foolish to attempt to do so if I knew a car was coming. But if my best view down the street tells me that there is no car coming -- but I am simply unaware that there is one really flyin' around a blind curve I can't see around -- I am not truly negligent to step off the curb. I did my best to cross safely, but there were things outside my ability to know.

Or you could have crossed on a part of the street where the blind curve was not an issue. If you get creamed by a car since you refused to take the extra steps to avoid the blind curve, you fucked up and made a mistake. It is quite obvious in that scenario you did far from everything to be safe.

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Can the Democrats stop denouncing their opponents long enough to just say something nice about their own candidates?

Aren't you TIRED of all the democrat lies yet?

Gheese now you want to go and encourage it?:D
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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What a perfect demonstration of the republican attack machine in action. The "somthing nice about democrats" thread = a bunch of republicans bashing democrats.

The "something nice about republicans" thread = Vinny bashing himself, and that's it.

Ok, here's something nice about democrats:

They aren't as vindictive, petty, and rabid in their rhetoric as the opposition.

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Wow -

I must have hit a bit of a nerve there Kev -
Last time I saw someone retort like that over something humorous - it was because he felt it was true and didn't want to admit that he did.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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