
Bush is kickin' some ass right now

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Please don't change the subject.

We all know liberating people who are oppressed is a good thing. If that was the reason that was given I would have no problem, mainly because the war would have never been.

Here is the reason I don't like Bush, He lies, Or makes mistakes. What ever the reason is he failed.
I think it's sad that any one would bring up excuses for him just because they’re a republican.
What did happen to Osama?
GW Says any thing to make you agree with him then when it gets proven that he was wrong, or lying he changes the reason. That’s not the kind of leader I want.

And trust me I am not crazy about the other guy, I feel we gave bush a chance and he let us down ALL OF US. I think it is truly a sad time in America. We are filled with bright minds, We have great people but we have to choose from one of these two.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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We all know liberating people who are oppressed is a good thing.



If that was the reason that was given I would have no problem, mainly because the war would have never been.

You support that or rather "have no problem" with the liuberation for human rights issues, But think that the issues would have changed without a conflict? So you would have no problem with them staying oppressed? That makes no sense.


Here is the reason I don't like Bush, He lies, Or makes mistakes. What ever the reason is he failed.
I think it's sad that any one would bring up excuses for him just because they’re a republican.
What did happen to Osama?

Perhaps he blew up with some of the rest of the fodder that were planning and are planning attacks on us.


GW Says any thing to make you agree with him then when it gets proven that he was wrong, or lying he changes the reason. That’s not the kind of leader I want.

I would advise you to not vote for Kerry then. He is at least as unscrupulous as you described bush as being, if not exponentially worse.


And trust me I am not crazy about the other guy, I feel we gave bush a chance and he let us down ALL OF US. I think it is truly a sad time in America. We are filled with bright minds, We have great people but we have to choose from one of these two.

Agreed - in a perfect world, though - there would be not even an argument like we are having now.

Answer this -
Do you think Kerry has the balls to defend this country?
Or do you think he will fail?

I KNOW he will fail. In my heart, I know it as I know my own name.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
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" According to the Treasury Department, nationwide there are more than 17.4 million small business owners and entrepreneurs who stand to benefit from dropping the top rate from 39.6 to 33 percent."
GWB, 3/16/01

"Most small businesses pay at the 39.6 percent rate.", GWB 3/22/01
"In fact, fewer than five percent of these 17.4 million individual and business owners and entrepreneur pay the top rate. A total of only 691,000 taxpayers in the nation (including taxpayers who are not small business owners) paid the top rate in 1997, the latest year for which these data are available." Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, 3/23/01

Bush lied again.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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You support that or rather "have no problem" with the liuberation for human rights issues, But think that the issues would have changed without a conflict? So you would have no problem with them staying oppressed? That makes no sense.

I don’t think the Iraqi people would have been liberated if no one did any thing. But if that was the reason given at the time I would have asked Why Iraq. There are many out there that need our help more then the Iraqi people.


Answer this -
Do you think Kerry has the balls to defend this country?
Or do you think he will fail?.

I really can’t tell you. All I now is how bush has dealt with it.

The one thing I did like about bush and every body attacked him for it was when he said that you can not win the war on terror. He was right he was telling the truth. You can not win the war on terror.

Do you feel safer because of Bush?
And if you do why?
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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One of the most negative conventions -- ever?

That would be the DNC this year. That negative hate-fest is one of the reasons Kerry has lost the lead in the electoral college. That and the fact he is the biggest liar politics has ever seen. The man can't keep his story straight to save his life.

It has cost him this election.


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Tuna --

Your ability to see what you want to see and ignore historical facts, things that have been written for all to see, is truly amazing.

Same goes for you quade...

Fly the friendly skies...^_^...})ii({...^_~...

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Your ability to see what you want to see and ignore historical facts, things that have been written for all to see, is truly amazing.

Nah. I'm just a realist who can intelligently decipher events based on factual accounts and events without getting blinded by my feelings towards a political party.

But hey, don't take my word for it. Mark this post and we'll review it after the elections to see whose right and whose taken a step off the deep end.


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Whoever -wins- has nothing to do with which of us is "correct" in this sentiment.

All one need do is read the transcripts or watch the videos from both convention's keynote speakers. Obama's speech was inclusive and one of hope. Miller's was a tirade against the opposition.

These are fairly simple facts.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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has nothing to do with which of us is "correct" in this sentiment.

It has everything to do with being correct. You feel through your research and study that Kerry will win. I have been trying to tell you for the last month or two he has no chance.

We'll break it down like this. I know most liberals hate answering a simple. "a/b" question but give it a twirl. I would like Quade to answer this for me.

Question - Through your research and study and amazing ability to comprehend facts who will win the election...Bush or Kerry.


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has nothing to do with which of us is "correct" in this sentiment.

It has everything to do with being correct. You feel through your research and study that Kerry will win. I have been trying to tell you for the last month or two he has no chance.

Then Kallend can call one of you a liar or tell you your research must have been incompetent. :S

the depth of his depravity sickens me.
-- Jerry Falwell, People v. Larry Flynt

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has nothing to do with which of us is "correct" in this sentiment.

It has everything to do with being correct. You feel through your research and study that Kerry will win. I have been trying to tell you for the last month or two he has no chance.

Then Kallend can call one of you a liar or tell you your research must have been incompetent. :S

And not answer to a direct, simple question, with a direct answer but with some bush is lying quotes.[:/]
"According to some of the conservatives here, it sounds like it's fine to beat your wide - as long as she had it coming." -Billvon

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Obama's speech was inclusive and one of hope. Miller's was a tirade against the opposition.These are fairly simple facts.

Yep, but what is truly amazing is they are both from the same party. One is fed up with his own party (one he has been a successful member of for a lifetime) and one who is trying to make his way in his own party.

If you measure the conventions on these two speakers, then yeah, Zel Miller did the tirade (and BTW, got better ratings for it as well.) However, the conventions are not simply keynote speakers.

Now, lets look at the whole picture.
Which party kept quiet while the other had it's own convention?
Which candidates followed the time honored tradition of allowing a convention to go without response until after it had concluded?
Which party picketted, hired rent-a-crowds to protest, and had more than 1800 people arrested for violating the law?
Which party had more than 5 people arrested on the convention floor for lying and stealing passes to obtain access to the others convention?

You can (and will) sit there and state that the Democrats are the party of inclusiveness and hope, but the people who pay attention know better. The hate and vitriol spewed forth by the media, the Democratic backed 527s (ex: Moveon.org), and the Michael Moore crowd more than balance Zell's paultry speech. The reason dems are so mad about it is because one of their own pulled the sheet of the party for all to see.

And it worked. :D

So when someone at a campaign stump heckles Kerry, he tells them to shut up, gets angry. When someone heckles Bush, he either praises free speech, or simply remains silent (as he did a few times curing his speech) it while security handles the problem. Now who has more class?

No matter how good she looks, someone, somewhere is
sick of her shit!

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Oh come on, you have to admit the Democrats are the party of inclusiveness (as long as you shut up and agree with them).

Zell Miller is one of the last politicians who can vote his conscience.
(he may be the last one that has a conscience)

It says something when he steps down and can't even endorse the democrat looking to fill his seat.
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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It says something when he steps down and can't even endorse the democrat looking to fill his seat.

It says more that he won't switch parties to be a republican because he believe much of the core of his party maintains his own values. He is a man with convictions.

No matter how good she looks, someone, somewhere is
sick of her shit!

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It has everything to do with being correct. You feel through your research and study that Kerry will win.

Then you've misunderstood my position.

I believe he -should- win. That he is the better man for the job.

That is not to say that I am giving odds that he -will- win. Only history will tell us that.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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So when someone at a campaign stump heckles Kerry, he tells them to shut up, gets angry. When someone heckles Bush, he either praises free speech, or simply remains silent (as he did a few times curing his speech) it while security handles the problem. Now who has more class?

Without question the -smartest- thing to do is simply pause and let security handle the situation. No question.

That said, I'm not talking about what happens in the audience or what happens in the movie theaters by an independant producer or on TV by a group carrying a grudge over words spoken 35 years ago, but rather what is actually said by the speakers put in front of the world at this time to represent the feelings of the parties.

It can and shouold be reasonably argued that Kerry has no more control over Michael Moore than GWB has over the Swift Boat Vets. However, Karl Rove -definately- has control over whoever speaks at the RNC Convention as well as what they say at it. Miller, did not act alone as a simple disenfranchised member of the Democratic Party in order to get to the podium -- he had approval, a speech that had been reviewed by the RNC and their blessings to give it. Miller's speech is representative of the party proper -- not just some 527 or guy with a grudge.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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