
A bad day.

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I think it's sad when liberals and the media drooled and salivated for this day just to get a few headlines. Pretty sick and disturbing.

No - the sick one is the one that sent them there under false pretenses, with insufficient resources and no exit strategy, and claimed "mission accomplished" for a photo op.

May I remind you that my son is in the US Army.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Was never sent there under false pretenses. Bush was extremely clear. Liberals choose to ignore it or decipher it in their own way. Nothing new.

Revisionist history doesn't work when the administration's speeches are on its own web site.

Bush lied
Rumsfeld lied
Powell lied
Cheney lied
Rice lied.

All documented.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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To you maybe. The last time out country was at war like this the administration's policy from the other side resulted in more than 52,000 casualties, many of those brought on by an increase will of the enemy to fight by certain people demonstrating in America.

Our military will follow Bush, they will retire and separate at first chance under Kerry. Now you tell me who believe more in those two leaders?

No matter how good she looks, someone, somewhere is
sick of her shit!

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I went and I knew why I was going. No Lie in my opinion.

Kudo's to your son! And to you for being a supportive parent.

If you saw the various forms of intel and the first hand scene you would see that a lot of the bad things that Iraq had going on still are in the dark waiting for all the victoms and facts to be sorted out. Other wise I think Bush would have already won.

As a soldier of 18 years I could not vote for Kerry, it will cost me to many friends in the long run. And if he is elected agianst my vote, I will retire.
An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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Revisionist history doesn't work when the administration's speeches are on its own web site.

Well, some things GWB has said -have- been white-washed from the White House web site.

Try finding -all- of his inaugural addresses for instance.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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I think it's sad when liberals and the media drooled and salivated for this day just to get a few headlines. Pretty sick and disturbing.

No - the sick one is the one that sent them there under false pretenses, with insufficient resources and no exit strategy, and claimed "mission accomplished" for a photo op.

May I remind you that my son is in the US Army.

Hey, remind me all you want. May I remind you that I've been on continuous active duty for almost 22 years, been there, and am going back (volunteered) in two weeks.

We didn't go under false pretenses. The media stirred that up. We would do it again under the exact same circumstances.

Insufficient resources? Like what? We hit them with more firepower than has ever been leveled in war. Period. Just what resources are we missing?

Exit strategy? It's called when a government is formed from the vote of the people of Iraq, when they reach of state of self-sustaining security, and we are convinced that the dangerous insurgents and reduced to a level where they are not longer a sufficient threat...then we can begin to reduce forces and eventually leave.

Mission accomplished? Yep, the major offensive combat operation missions were accomplished, and more effectively, shorter, and will the least loss of life on both sides in the history of warfare. That was the primary mission. We are in security mode now. You lefties want to continue to harp on that he said it too early, but it was the end of major combat operations, and now we are engaged in what is referred to as low-intensity combat operations.

No matter how good she looks, someone, somewhere is
sick of her shit!

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Revisionist history doesn't work when the administration's speeches are on its own web site.

Well, some things GWB has said -have- been white-washed from the White House web site.

Try finding -all- of his inaugural addresses for instance.

Wasn't Bush inaugurated only once? Shouldn't there be only one "inaugural address"?? :S

I notice that they've taken down all the speeches he gave after things that never happened, like when we developed cold fusion, found intelligent life on Venus, and cured spinal paralysis. I can't find transcripts of the speeches he never gave, for events that never happened, anywhere! :S

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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Mission accomplished? Yep, the major offensive combat operation missions were accomplished, and more effectively, shorter, and will the least loss of life on both sides in the history of warfare. That was the primary mission. We are in security mode now. You lefties want to continue to harp on that he said it too early, but it was the end of major combat operations, and now we are engaged in what is referred to as low-intensity combat operations.

Oh my god, I hope you are not expecting Kallend to reply with a concession that you're right.

You are gonna be disappointed. He's not even likely to refer in good faith to anything you said. He'll probably introduce George H.W. Bush claiming, "No new taxes!" :S

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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Excuse me. My bad. For some supid reason I had a brain fart and used the wrong word. (happens!).

Ok . . . find his State of the Union Address from 2003.

Is that specific enough? Did that happen?
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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I think it's sad when liberals and the media drooled and salivated for this day just to get a few headlines. Pretty sick and disturbing.

Reminds me of a thought I had after the shootings in DC, which I then saw mirroed in a local paper.

See below.
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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Our military will follow Bush, they will retire and separate at first chance under Kerry. Now you tell me who believe more in those two leaders?

our military will follow who ever the sitting president is... and they have already begun retiring and opting not to reenlist NOW because many disagree with the way the military is being used by the civilian leaders..

your chicken little blanket statement of what the 'military' (as if you speak for every solider airman marine etc....will do is horseshit.......:S
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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1002: Soldiers killed in Iraq
2403: Americans killed at Pearl Harbor
2976: Americans lost on 9/11
9,386: American soldiers killed taking Normandy
12,500: American soldiers killed taking Okinawa in WW2
24,000: American soldiers on both sides killed at the battle of Antietam during the Civil War
54,246: American troops killed in Korea
58,198: American soldiers killed in Vietnam
116,516: American soldiers killed in World War 1
133,811: Confederate troops killed in the Civil War
295,000: American soldiers killed in World War 2
364,511: Union Soldiers killed during the Civil War

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Insufficient resources? Like what? We hit them with more firepower than has ever been leveled in war. Period. Just what resources are we missing?




"In addition to "a massive failure or misinterpretation of intelligence" concerning weapons of mass destruction, Bereuter said, the Bush administration made a number of errors in prosecuting the war despite warnings about the consequences.

"American and coalition forces were inadequate in number to take effective control of Iraq when the initial military action was completed".
Rep. D. Bereuter (R, Nebraska), 8/18/04









The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Was never sent there under false pretenses. Bush was extremely clear. Liberals choose to ignore it or decipher it in their own way. Nothing new.

Revisionist history doesn't work when the administration's speeches are on its own web site.

Bush lied
Rumsfeld lied
Powell lied
Cheney lied
Rice lied.

All documented.

Hey Kallend - We know that you THINK Bush lied - but damn, man, come up with a new topic once in a while - there is more to life than "Bush Lied " mantra.

Open you mind a little wider - let other information in.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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Okay, McCain and Bereuter are giving opinions. The generals running that operation say NO, we don't need any more troops. We just need to rotate. So you are saying Beauracrats know more about running this than generals in the field? I think not.


Yeah, classified report that no one can refute. It's a crock, and SOP for organizations who want to sling mud to prop up their own agenda.


Noted, but still one man's opinion.


Can't access that site.


Hit piece, but guess what? You can't be on both sides of the issue. What do you want, us to go in their with overwhelming force and crush the local militias (all while killing innocents)? Yeah, vehicles get damaged, repaired, and put back in to use. Body armour is not always standard gear (are very few foreign armed services use them.) Frankly, it only stops light arms and deflecting shrapnel. It does little for direct, close range shrapnel and .762 or higher cal ammunition.

Too bad we don't have an army logisticians on here to help us out with what is really happening over there on the Army side.

No matter how good she looks, someone, somewhere is
sick of her shit!

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>1002: Soldiers killed in Iraq
>2403: Americans killed at Pearl Harbor

Well, look at the positive side. If he's re-elected, he'll have a shot at bumping up US losses past Pearl Harbor! And who knows? If we're really lucky, maybe he'll start a war over faulty intelligence that breaks all sorts of records.

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>1002: Soldiers killed in Iraq
>2403: Americans killed at Pearl Harbor

Well, look at the positive side. If he's re-elected, he'll have a shot at bumping up US losses past Pearl Harbor! And who knows? If we're really lucky, maybe he'll start a war over faulty intelligence that breaks all sorts of records.

Do you really see US casualty rates (in Iraq) changing much, no matter who wins the election? I just can't see a bunch of Iraqi freedom fighters/insurgents/terrorists really caring who wins our election, and certainly can't see them changing their strategy because of it.
-- Tom Aiello


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But saying it is Bush's fault helps make it look like the dems should win the election.
And when they are unable to change the stats - it would still be Bus's fault - but if it changes between now and the election - Bush will be at fault because he didn't do it sooner.

Do you see a pattern forming?
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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