
Assault Weapons Ban - Part Deux

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Just heard a little lead in for tonight's news that Delaware and PA, or is it PA and NJ, or DE and NJ - anyhow - that they're in a rush to enact new local laws now that the AWB is gone.

Anyone else hearing similar stories?

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Just heard a little lead in for tonight's news that Delaware and PA, or is it PA and NJ, or DE and NJ - anyhow - that they're in a rush to enact new local laws now that the AWB is gone.

Anyone else hearing similar stories?

Haven't been availing myself of the recent stories, but I have to say, I thought that DE and NJ already had laws that were more stringent than the federal "assault weapons ban" and that its expiration therefore meant nothing to them.

This is just Democrats playing on hysteria that is based upon LIES, in order to ban those hateful evil guns so that, you know, murder can't happen anymore. :S

Blue skies,
"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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"...Gov. James E. McGreevey signed an executive order Monday creating a task force to look into legislative and legal ways to keep assault weapons off the streets of New Jersey. ...New Jersey's ban on assault weapons was enacted in 1990 and is not affected by the lapse of the federal law. ..."

and yet he's looking into making that state's restrictions even more stringent?

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"...Gov. James E. McGreevey signed an executive order Monday creating a task force to look into legislative and legal ways to keep assault weapons off the streets of New Jersey. ...New Jersey's ban on assault weapons was enacted in 1990 and is not affected by the lapse of the federal law. ..."

and yet he's looking into making that state's restrictions even more stringent?

I wonder if we'll hear from any gun-control supporting liberals here who claim there is logic to the expiration of a less-stringent law's expiration spurring a tightening of the already-more-stringent state laws that preempted it.

What the hell kind of mandate or imperative can there be for tightening Jersey's laws when they're already tighter than the federal law ever was??

This is pure and simple evidence of just how intellectually bankrupt the left is in its push for gun control. Any lie, any deliberate misinformation, to justify a policy that fails on every count, every time. That's the Left in America.

Blue skies,
"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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OMFG will the leftists' lies never end?!

That story you linked to contained this:

"Assault weapons are guns capable of firing up to hundreds of rounds per minute and firing them farther than rifles or handguns."

WTF are they talking about? How can you make a more bald-faced LIE about the performance and function of so-called "assault weapons"?

It should be no surprise that this bullshit propaganda is on an ABC website. :S

Blue skies,
"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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Also from that article:

"State Police Superintendent Col. Rick Fuentes said the bullets fired by assault weapons can penetrate the protective vests worn by police officers.

"They make police armor very, very vulnerable," Fuentes said.

Oh, yes, so very unlike DEER RIFLES, which can't penetrate that armor. :S

One in five officers killed in the line of duty is killed with an assault weapon, according to FBI statistics.

What kills the other 4, and why aren't you moving to ban whatever it is?

Law enforcement officials said it would be easy for someone from New Jersey to buy the weapons from out-of-state dealers or by using straw buyers _ those with clean criminal records who buy guns legitimately and then sell them to others. Only six other states ban the sale of assault weapons.

You mean, those with clean criminal records who commit federal felonies that could get them 10 years in federal prison on every count? Those straw buyers?

Besides, everyone knows how keen corner drug dealers are to tote those eminently concealable M-14s and M-16s on their nightly excursions.
"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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That story you linked to contained this:

"Assault weapons are guns capable of firing up to hundreds of rounds per minute and firing them farther than rifles or handguns."

I'd like to see a news piece showing two trained marksmen going head-to-head with a 125 year old revolver and a semiautomatic AK to see which one can be fired more rapidly. I think most viewers would be very surprised.
I don't have an M.D. or a law degree. I have bachelor's in kicking ass and taking names.

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That story you linked to contained this:

"Assault weapons are guns capable of firing up to hundreds of rounds per minute and firing them farther than rifles or handguns."

I'd like to see a news piece showing two trained marksmen going head-to-head with a 125 year old revolver and a semiautomatic AK to see which one can be fired more rapidly. I think most viewers would be very surprised.

I saw a guy on t.v. once who could fire a .38 Special revolver (albeit it probably was custom worked) -- all six rounds -- in UNDER ONE SECOND. Yes, that's not an error, less than a single second, and he had fired off all six rounds from a .38 Special revolver, and as I recall it was with reasonable accuracy into a target.

What I'd like to see is how someone can fire a typical "assault weapon" -- a TEC-9 might be nice for the exhibition -- "farther" than one can fire a Remington 700 in some decent hunting caliber... :S

Blue skies,
"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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That story you linked to contained this:

"Assault weapons are guns capable of firing up to hundreds of rounds per minute and firing them farther than rifles or handguns."

I'd like to see a news piece showing two trained marksmen going head-to-head with a 125 year old revolver and a semiautomatic AK to see which one can be fired more rapidly. I think most viewers would be very surprised.

I saw a guy on t.v. once who could fire a .38 Special revolver (albeit it probably was custom worked) -- all six rounds -- in UNDER ONE SECOND. Yes, that's not an error, less than a single second, and he had fired off all six rounds from a .38 Special revolver, and as I recall it was with reasonable accuracy into a target.

What I'd like to see is how someone can fire a typical "assault weapon" -- a TEC-9 might be nice for the exhibition -- "farther" than one can fire a Remington 700 in some decent hunting caliber... :S

Blue skies,

Must be true if you saw it on TV.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Terribly sorry to burst your bubble, but sometimes people really DO know things that you don't...


That's going to piss him off, Kallend will come back and try to discredit you in some other way to make your point look less valid.

Well, he's going to try to descredit me as well, since I'm laughing at your comment about him.

Never fails.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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(Pennsylvania representative Mike) Sturla said that while he is a gun owner and respects the constitutional right to own firearms, House Bill 2451 is about common sense

"I know a lot of people just want these (kinds of guns) to shoot at targets and have fun with, but sometimes you have to draw lines between what should sensibly be allowed and what shouldn't."

See that? That's why we have a Second Amendment and a inherent distrust of government...for the days when they decide what's "sensible" and "allowed". Instead of being a limited servant of the people who elected him, this bozo and those of his ilk would make themselves the rulers of us all.

"Good intentions will always be pleaded for every assumption of power. It is hardly too strong to say that the Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions. There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters." --Daniel Webster

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I saw a guy on t.v. once who could fire a .38 Special revolver (albeit it probably was custom worked) -- all six rounds -- in UNDER ONE SECOND. Yes, that's not an error, less than a single second, and he had fired off all six rounds from a .38 Special revolver, and as I recall it was with reasonable accuracy into a target.


Must be true if you saw it on TV.

Without a ";)" there, Kallend, I have to take your comment as earnest, meaning that you are truly saying that I should be skeptical of this. In other words, nothing you see on t.v. can be believed. If the t.v. news shows a house burning, you should be skeptical that it really is on fire unless you get into the car and go see for yourself.

What I saw was a documentary on guns, shooting, and even the U.S. Army marksmanship team. I guess I might as well have not watched the show, if afterwards I was supposed to just say, "Ahh, pffft, they could have faked all of it."

The guy I saw, while I forget his name, was billed as a famous name in shooting, and they explained about the skills he's developed. If you don't want to believe that what I saw him do is something he actually did, I don't care. That's fine. But there's such a thing as an irrational level of skepticism, and you are sittin' square in that zone with this post.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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I wonder if he would believe that some 14 year old kid with a hispanic name won the "world's fastest gun" title earlier this year.

Besides Jeffrey, why should you trust anything on tv, when you just have to believe everything you read? :P
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Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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Let's see what The Onion has to say on the issue.

Sam Li rocks!!

I like what Jim Mertens said:
"If the criminals are going to have assault rifles, I should, too. Actually, can I have a better one than they do?"

Blue skies,
"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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