
Ft Lee Initial Rigger Training

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I'm looking for information about the training Army riggers get during the initial 92R training at Fort Lee. Mr. Google and other searches seem to be resistant. Specifically:

-- What personnel main parachutes are packed? T-10/MC-1 and variants, MC4/5, RA-1? Others?
-- What personnel reserve parachutes are packed? T-10R, MIRPS, MC4/5, RA-1? Others?
-- What repairs are taught? Basic patch, patch involving radial seam, repairs to upper or lower lateral bands, line repair/replacement?

-- After completion of the Ft Lee training, are graduates competent to work solo, or are they expected to get finish-up training at their duty assignments? (I know, there always needs to be a second person to do QC checks. I'm not asking are they allowed, just whether they're competent.) Are they competent to supervise or do QC checks?


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Your not getting an answer and I can't help. But I'm sure you remember that the training also includes all of the cargo chutes and rigging payloads for all manner of drops and deployments. Last I knew they still used a hot knife tacker for patches.

I do have a contact if I can find his card that may help. I'll look.
I'm old for my age.
Terry Urban

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