
Lists of Lies

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my word, prof...you have almost 8K posts in two years?

The amount of free time you have is astounding...if you were paid by the click you'd have a million (select currency). It really is bordering on OCD...LOL.
Since this is my first visit to this little corner of the univers, let me say this: overall (with some exceptions) the US is a force for good. PERIOD! Bitch about the methods, but we are the shining light in the world...kinds like a really cute girl with severe acne. With a little work, she'll be a knock out...but her personality is so good, everyone wants to hang with her..the alternative to allowing these nutjob islamists to continue to influence/intimidate countires/individuals is unacceptable. Are we bullies? yes, but we just want others to have freedom and play well with others. If they don't play well, we will whip out the big stick and show them the light...times are different from 1940, '70' or '00...too easy for these nutbags to get their hands on things that go boom.:S

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Bitch about the methods, but we are the shining light in the world...

Oh, The Light,
I finally found you :)


kinds like a really cute girl with severe acne. With a little work, she'll be a knock out...but her personality is so good, everyone wants to hang with her..the alternative to allowing these nutjob islamists to continue to influence/intimidate countires/individuals is unacceptable. Are we bullies? yes,



...but we just want others to have freedom and play well with others. If they don't play well, we will whip out the big stick and show them the light...times are different from 1940, '70' or '00...too easy for these nutbags to get their hands on things that go boom

Where the hell did you read that stuff ..? Jim Knopf and his island with 4 palm trees? (In German: J. K. + sein Fliwatüüt)

(How many times was I asking this question in the last few weeks? :S )

Or the other way round: Where did you live the last 30 years? Somewhere on a hidden Pacific island? In Australias desert? [:/]

But you know already that WWII is over, right?

Ahhh! I see a light:
My new boss wants me to work 1 and a half hour more per week (OK, he pays a little more, but... >:() Where are the good forces to help me, he?

dudeist skydiver # 3105

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