
Same-Sex Marriage Amendment Fails in House

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I think we need to lighten up a little on Ron. He has, at least, opened up and told us some rather personal things to support his position which is a lot more than I can say for others around here

Like your style. Well said.

May Contain Nut traces......

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There is a majority/minority thing that comes into play here. It happens with Men/Women, with Whites/Blacks, and with Straight/Gay. I think, but I'm not sure, that it has to do with one group wanting to deny rights to the other group. And not the other way around.

The problem is that at times when a person asks a question, or does not agree, the minority group attacks.

When that happens the question does not get answered, or the minority tries to make the person feel invalidated like their opinion is bad, or wrong.

Many times the minority causes more problems with that tact than they would if they listened.

I don't have to agree that gays are OK to agree they deserve the same rights as straight people.

But when they attack me, or belittle my thoughts. I'll be damned if I am going to go out of my way to help them.

For the record: I don't have a problem with gay couples having the rights that hetero couples have.

They should be able to make choices for their partner if they are sick or unable to make choices for themselves. They should be able to share property and have it transfer in the same method as "Normal" couples.

I don't see it as a Marriage since "Marriage" is from a church.

I have some issues with adoption. And with the anger I get from the "Gay Coalition" on here thats not likely to change soon.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Your ability to be closed minded and attack others for how they feel is one of the main reasons that there is a bias in the world towards gays.


Wow. I never knew I was so important.

See, belittle my thoughts. Like it or not you represent ALL Gays when you attack people when they ask questions or give opinions.


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Ask a question, or give an opinion and you attack.


I haven't seen you ask any questions. I've seen you ignore them. I've also seen you ignore answers which contradicted questions you SHOULD have asked. I've also seen you give ignorant, destructive opinions about things you know nothing about, then responded to information you were missing as if it were an attack.

A. You know nothing about me.
B. See the attack. You can't stop it. It kills you to not do it.

You do more harm than good when you act like a child.


I hardly ever use the terms "homophobe" or "religious zealot". However, I'll freely call you (and your kind) the "enemy". Not because you disagree with me, but because you've declared yourself against me (and my kind). You (and your kind) seek out ways to disadvantage me, stop me from gaining what I want (even when it has nothing to do with you) and in extreme cases, your kind does much, much worse.

I think "enemy" covers it quite well. Is that better?

See an attack. you claim I am the "Enemy". Neat little story. I don't make enemies...They make themselves.

I don't wish ill on anyone. But you just called me your enemy....Quess what that makes you? My ememy.

Silly person. Now insted of giving a shit what you say I don't care.

With that attitude you will not be able to convince me you have any point.

Your close minded stance and stupid actions have only solidified my thoughts on you.

Now Keith has class. I will talk to him about this topic...

But you are clearly a waste of my time.

See, you make your own enemies...You just made one here.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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The problem is that ....

No, I'll tell you what the problem is. The problem is that there are real people out here in the world just trying to get by and there are other people who get a tickley little thrill voting their rights away, trashing their lives, and stomping on their hopes and dreams.

That's the problem. The rest of this is just chitchat.

First Class Citizen Twice Over

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The problem is that ....


No, I'll tell you what the problem is. The problem is that there are real people out here in the world just trying to get by and there are other people who get a tickley little thrill voting their rights away, trashing their lives, and stomping on their hopes and dreams.

That's the problem. The rest of this is just chitchat.

See you cut me off an attack.

And with you attacking me, and belittling me...Which way do you think I'm gonna vote?

You could have not been a pain and talked about it...Instead you attack and call me names, say I'm stupid.

You are the reason that gays have an image problem.

You do more to hurt your cause than I ever would, or even could.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Agreed. There could be more compassion and understanding all around.

Coming from a position of love and compassion will always be more fruitful. Yelling at an angry person only makes them feel justified in their anger.

While opponents of gay rights should be forgiven for their fear and ignorance, gay activists should be forgiven for their indignation.


Action expresses priority. - Mahatma Ghandi

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I hardly ever use the terms "homophobe" or "religious zealot". However, I'll freely call you (and your kind) the "enemy". Not because you disagree with me, but because you've declared yourself against me (and my kind). You (and your kind) seek out ways to disadvantage me, stop me from gaining what I want (even when it has nothing to do with you) and in extreme cases, your kind does much, much worse.

I think "enemy" covers it quite well. Is that better?

Like I said before I am now your enemy since you are mine.

However, you might find this an interesting read...Ya know from me who hates all things gay and wishes you to burn.



Thats just wrong....Not the marriage, congrats on that but this:


But then again there weren't any skydivers at the party.


What the hell is that? I got married ON the DZ. (Well, I was actually on a skydive at the time)...My Ex-wife was getting the papers signed and met me in the landing area with a kiss and said..."were married". I kissed her back, and then had to pack..I was training. (Notice I said EX wife?)

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No video, but we did get a lovely Suitable For Framing certificate. Does that count?


You know the rules...No video and it didn't happen.


I guess you really don't know me at all do you?
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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