
Why am I not surprized?

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Bill Number: S J Res 14
Issue: Civil Liberties
Date: 03/29/2000
Sponsor: Resolution sponsored by Hatch, R-UT

Roll Call Number: 0048
Resolution rejected
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Senator John Forbes Kerry voted NO.

Vote to propose a constitutional amendment prohibiting the physical desecration of the U.S. flag.

S J Res 14: Prohibit the physical desecration of the flag of the United States.

Vote to pass a resolution that would propose a constitutional amendment granting Congress the authority to prohibit the physical desecration of the flag of the United States.
(Resolution sponsored by Hatch, R-UT)
Resolution rejected 63-37: R51-4; D 12-33 on 03/29/2000; a 2/3rds majority is required to pass constitutional amendment resolutions.

I mean, a guy that dishonors his country after he came back from a war, one who would rather kill soldiers than allow a tax cut...

I mean what do you expect?
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Bill Number: S 1637
Issue: Employment and Affirmative Action
Date: 05/11/2004
Sponsor: Bill sponsored by Senator Grassley, R-IA Amendment sponsored by Senator Cantwell, D-WA

Roll Call Number: 0088
Amendment rejected
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Senator John Forbes Kerry did not vote.

Vote to pass the amendment that would extend to Nov. 30, 2004, the federal program to make available an additional 13 weeks of unemployment benefits for people who have exhausted their state jobless benefits.

S 1637 Corporate Tax Overhaul -- Unemployment Insurance

Vote to pass the amendment that would extend to Nov. 30, 2004, the federal program to make available an additional 13 weeks of unemployment benefits for people who have exhausted their state jobless benefits.

Note: Note: A three-fifths majority (60) of the total Senate is required to waive the Budget Act..

(Bill sponsored by Senator Grassley, R-IA Amendment sponsored by Senator Cantwell, D-WA )
Amendment passed 92-5 on 05/11/2004.

Bill Status: As of 06/25/2004
Bill Number: HR 1637 -108th Congress (2003-2004)
Senate Passage Vote: 05/11/2004- Outcome: Passed

To busy to showup and vote to protect the little guy?
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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You can be present but can choose to abstain from any vote that you want to. Its the beauty of the system. It can't be taken as a yes or a no that way.

So you are saying if he was there that he didn't care enough about the little guy to vote?
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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I would vote no, too. I think people who burn the flag are despicable, and I think people who wear shirts that say things like "fuck Bush" (or Kerry) are rude. People who call returning soldiers names are lowlifes too. But all those activities are protected by our constitution; the right to say what we want in public is one of the most strongly protected freedoms we have. I would not vote to weaken it.

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I would vote no, too. I think people who burn the flag are despicable, and I think people who wear shirts that say things like "fuck Bush" (or Kerry) are rude. People who call returning soldiers names are lowlifes too. But all those activities are protected by our constitution; the right to say what we want in public is one of the most strongly protected freedoms we have. I would not vote to weaken it.

It just goes to show Kerry's distain for the armed forces and the symbols of America. Next you are gonna tell me he threw his medals...Oh wait he did that already didn't he? Or did he? I can't keep that straight.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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I'd vote against the admendment too. A law, sure I could understand.. but an admentment to the most important piece of law ever written so it can go against one of the other admendments? No way...
Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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I think it shows his support for the constitution over his desire to do the popular thing.


He served his country and then had the balls to say it was wrong I respect that more then keeping silent.
I don't see that as a weakness i don't see why people who oppose Kerry even bring it up. It just shows he has guts.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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Gee the far left supporting Kerry??? Who would have thought?:S

How about him being to busy to vote to help the unemployed?
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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I would vote no, too. I think people who burn the flag are despicable, and I think people who wear shirts that say things like "fuck Bush" (or Kerry) are rude. People who call returning soldiers names are lowlifes too. But all those activities are protected by our constitution; the right to say what we want in public is one of the most strongly protected freedoms we have. I would not vote to weaken it.

I gotta find out if hell just froze over or if I have a fever. I just agreed with Bill twice within 5 minutes. I'm going to the Emergency Room. :S

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Gee the far left supporting Kerry??? Who would have thought?:S


Tell me what part of my post you disagree with.
why is he a dirt bag for fighting for his country
then standing up agents a war that was wrong.
How about you answer that with out any BS for
once before you
ask me any thing Ron.

Just once i would love to see facts not BS

I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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I would vote no, too. I think people who burn the flag are despicable, and I think people who wear shirts that say things like "fuck Bush" (or Kerry) are rude. People who call returning soldiers names are lowlifes too. But all those activities are protected by our constitution; the right to say what we want in public is one of the most strongly protected freedoms we have. I would not vote to weaken it.

I gotta find out if hell just froze over or if I have a fever. I just agreed with Bill twice within 5 minutes. I'm going to the Emergency Room. :S

Hell didn't freeze over. It's not hard to side with common sense with crap posts like the last two 'not surprised' posts. Really... you should spend some time watching sausage being made before trawling up crap like this. It's not so cut and dried as it seems to you. One cannot simply look to votes up or down on amendments to determine someone's overall position. There are so many nuances to legislative politicking that one really has to be in the thick of it to have any REAL idea of the 'why' behind the votes. Try to look at the big picture. Are you _REALLY_ safer now than you were 4 years ago? Do you honestly believe that? What are you gonna do with N. Korea? No summit? Abandon diplomacy just 'cause you think talks will break down? Has Bush sealed the borders yet? Didn't think so. This is a huge joke.

Vorsicht die Abteilung Der Heimatsicherheit!!

What a joke...

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Kerry was not fighting for his country, but rather fighting to save his own ass.

To know John Kerry is to ask the men whom served with him.

-John Edwards

Read what his peers said about him and his 15 weeks in "combat."

As far as I'm concerned the only alliance he made with foreign countries are North Viet Nam and the Soviet Union.:S

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>Read what his peers said about him and his 15 weeks in "combat."

Almost without exception the men who served in his boat have nothing but good things to say about him. Ask Jim Rassmann, the guy he rescued from the river in 1969. Even the SBVFT crowd had nothing but good things to say about him until they came into a lot of money from the biggest GOP contributor in Texas.

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Are you really complaining about him not voting to spend additional deficit money on a welfare program?

I am pointing out how he claims to care about the unemployed, but not enough to stop by his job and vote on it.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Senator John Forbes Kerry voted NO.

Vote to propose a constitutional amendment prohibiting the physical desecration of the U.S. flag.

Why do so many Republicans have as little respect for the 1st Amendment as the Democrats and the ACLU do for the 2nd?

Get serious, Ron. If Founders' intent matters to you, you can have no part of such legislation.

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You can be present but can choose to abstain from any vote that you want to. Its the beauty of the system. It can't be taken as a yes or a no that way.

Sounds like a cowards way out to me.

Responding to Ron: While I find the burning of the American flag in protest to be absolutely disgusting, I do, whole heartedly, support their right to burn it.

"Like" - The modern day comma
Good bye, my friends. You are missed.

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