
This is gonna be a great debate!

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Bush didn't look like a deer in the headlights this time.

Strange.. I thought he was smoother on the first debate...

Kerry seems to be turning out to be a better debator.. But I am not convinced he will make a better president. And I don't necessarily believe him.

Kerry did however gain some ground with me this evening...

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Maybe you should go to the web site and check it out. It's a collection of different polls from news and polling organizations all collated and set for comparisons. That's pretty much the entire point of the site, so that you're NOT getting your polling data from only one source but rather seeing results from various polls and over the course of time.

Seriously, you should check it out.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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I disagree. Kerry made a fool of himself yet again. I didn't watch the first debate in its entirety - only the last little bit.

GWB did exactly what he needed to do here - highlight Monsieur sKerry's voting record, sKerry's tax shenanigans against 'the rich', and his lack of comprehension with regards to foreign policy.

Some of the questions were moronic - 'who would you nominate to the Supreme Court?' What a dumbassed question. 'Name three mistakes and how you corrected them.' - GWB never really answered that. sKerry's retort was goat-fuck stupid.

Excellent job by the President on this one.
Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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Can't say I heard anything new this time. Both of them kept harping on the same old things.

Bush didn't look like a deer in the headlights this time.

We're not going to hear anything new in these dog and pony shows. It's all fluff and puff and how you look to the audience. Whether you can influence the swing voters out there. Again, I just don't understand how any non-retarded person could not make up their mind on who to vote for before now. That's beyond me. Granted, my opinion is somewhat biased and I was pulling for Bush but I sincerely thought he did an excellent job tonight. I thought Kerry did well too. If Bush did win, however, it was very close. I said last time that I thought he completely blew the last one. This one, however, coupled with Cheney's performance should widen the gap. I was impressed! :)

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MSNBC so far

Who won the debate? * 165505 responses

Pres. Bush 21%
Sen. Kerry 79%

Thank you for voting. Click to send us an e-mail to share your thoughts. Plus, see past voting results.

MSNBC is a known left slanted network. Compare Fox's polls and I'm sure you will see a difference and another difference on CNN.

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I just voted. GWB is now at 23%.


Saw Chris Matthews' name on their site. He's still got to be ticked off at Michele Malkin and Zell Miller cleaning his clock.

Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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MSNBC so far

Who won the debate? * 165505 responses

Pres. Bush 21%
Sen. Kerry 79%

Thank you for voting. Click to send us an e-mail to share your thoughts. Plus, see past voting results.

MSNBC is a known left slanted network. Compare Fox's polls and I'm sure you will see a difference and another difference on CNN.

Flash polls have no value.

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I would have liked to ask a few questions:

Mr. President - what do you think of the integral fast reactor?

Mr. President - what do you think of legalizing BASE jumping in Yosemite?

Mr. President - I'm a conservative fellow, yet often refer to myself as a JACKASS. Do you have a problem with that?

Mr. President - May I date your daughters? Both of them?

Mr. President - Do you think the NBA discriminates against short blonde men with no basketball skills? If so what do you plan to do about it?

Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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Stayed on track? You're surly joking.

He avoided almost every single question. I particuliarly loved the part where the lady asked him a yes or no question and the first word out of his mouth were neither...nor did he end it with them and wasn't anywhere to be found in the middle.

Then Bush steps up...points this out and then answers yes.

Why does Kerry avoid everything, especially the yes or no questions? Because that goes against his politics of being on everyones side.


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