
TSO C23(f)

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Even though the Strong TNT manual includes the FAA TSO letter for f the FAA website doesn't list it.

The SIFE manual says is was tested to TSO C23f, not that it was approved and no approval letter is included from the FAA is included. What is included is an Austrian Civil Aviation Administration approval referencing TSO C23f.
I'm old for my age.
Terry Urban

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Hi Terry,


the Strong TNT manual includes the FAA TSO letter for f the FAA website doesn't list it.

If that letter which in included in their manual gives them the TSO-authorization then they have one. The fact that the website is not up to date is not Strong's fault. One cannot hold Strong responsible for the 'molasses mentality' of the FAA.


The SIFE manual says is was tested to TSO C23f, not that it was approved and no approval letter is included from the FAA is included.

I am not as familiar with the 'f' version as others are; does it require that the manual has to include the TSO-authorization letter?

From my communication with personnel at SIFE, I believe that they do not hold a FAA TSO-authorization.

Per the FAA letter of a couple of months ago about people being able to use gear certificated from other countries, IMO there is less necessity to actually obtain a FAA TSO-authorization.

Jerry Baumchen

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