
Anti-Kerry film to air in prime-time

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It would be just as wrong to air F911

I was about to say the same thing. hey, that's a "DOCUMENTARY" too. what's the difference?
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I was about to say the same thing. hey, that's a "DOCUMENTARY" too. what's the difference?

Difference is that the major media outlets aren't beholden to the Bush administration for changing FCC regs that allowed them to consolidate their power over the market place. So that won't be aired.

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And the liberals are steaming. It's okay to make anti-Bush movies and release them on video weeks before the election, but this is not okay.:S

Interesting either way.

Cool, somebody with money to take on Soros (spelling)
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it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Big difference between DVD release and public airwaves. If they want to release a DVD go for it, but this is unacceptable, for either side. It would be just as wrong to air F911.

But three days on the morning shows about a book that is proven to be incorrect is OK.......as long as it calls Bush a drug user.

I am starting to understand:S
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Big difference between DVD release and public airwaves. If they want to release a DVD go for it, but this is unacceptable, for either side. It would be just as wrong to air F911.

But I thought it was okay for people who own things to do what they wished with them... or is that only okay when it goes against Bush? Seriously... if I owned a TV station, I do what I wanted too.
Oh, hello again!

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If Turner suddenly decided that they were going to play F911 a few times in primetime before now and the election would you say the same thing? I'd love to see how they are going to justify to thier board the loss of income from not playing commercials during that prime time slot expecially since they have had to donate a lot of time recently to the presidential debates.

F911 was countered by another anti F911 DVD. Personally I thought that this whole thing was gone in September and not carried over to Oct since the polls were showing that the topic was pissing voters off on both sides.
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If Turner suddenly decided that they were going to play F911 a few times in primetime before now and the election would you say the same thing?

Maybe not...But when Moore released F911 you guys were all about his right to do that.

And you were right he should be allowed to do it. And yes, I even saw it.

So, this should also be allowed. It is Sinclairs right to do it...Just like Sorros can have Moveon.org.

You can be FOR free speech or AGAINST it. Not for it when it suits you but against it when you don't like it.


I'd love to see how they are going to justify to thier board the loss of income from not playing commercials during that prime time slot expecially since they have had to donate a lot of time recently to the presidential debates.

Thats their business. I would not worry about it much if I were you unless you have stock in the company.

You are going to have to find a better argument than that to condem this action when you defended Moore.

BTW are you going to watch it? Are you going to watch Ferienhype 911?


F911 was countered by another anti F911 DVD.

A Major motion picture, that was very anti-Bush, labled as a "Documentry". And a DVD release is not the same thing...Not even close.

You can't tout F911 as a right, but blame others for doing the same thing.

It is Sinclairs right to do as he sees fit with his company...Don't like it? Sell your stock.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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It's the abuse of power by Sinclair, not the subject matter, I disagree with.

what about Moore abusing his power?


This is a perfect example of why media ownership needs to be regulated

Yeah, that works great:S. No such thing as free speech in Russia, and you want that here also?

I can't see how you guys can defend Moveon, and F911, but try and slam this....Sad really.

It is a big double standard you are using.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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But I thought it was okay for people who own things to do what they wished with them... or is that only okay when it goes against Bush? Seriously... if I owned a TV station, I do what I wanted too.

I guess you don't understand how broadcasting in the United States is supposed to work.

Since the frequency spectrum is a limited resource granted by the federal government, broadcast radio and television are supposed to, among other things, serve the public trust. This makes sense if you think about it. You'd be pretty pissed off if somebody decided to start up a television station that knocked out air traffic control or caused medical equipment to malfunction. So, the government really does need to regulate it from a frequency spectrum point of view. I don't think you'll find too many folks that disagree with that.

Along with this are the concepts that there should be equal time, educational programming, emergency services . . . all things that serve the public trust.

So, no, just because a person owns the means of broadcasting, does NOT mean that they can do whatever they please with that means. Satellite and cable is another thing altogether, they have far more freedom to do what they want and I'd agree that if FOXNews wanted to air the program 24/7 until the election they'd be perfectly within their rights to do so, but NOT broadcast television stations.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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I haven't seen either film -- I'm sure I'll watch them when they come out on cable. But I do think there would be a big difference if they were to show Moore's F911. As far as I can tell, what they will be airing on Kerry is actually based on fact and is supported as such.

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Ron, you're missing the point. Again, it's not the programming in this case that matters, but rather the broadcast rules.

NOBODY was using the public airwaves to broadcast or watch F911.

Sinclair would be violating the public trust by doing this.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Satellite and cable is another thing altogether, they have far more freedom to do what they want and I'd agree that if FOXNews wanted to air the program 24/7 until the election they'd be perfectly within their rights to do so, but NOT broadcast elevision stations.

Why not? Does the airing of this program knock out air traffic control, cause medical equipment to malfunction, or somehow interrupt emergency services?


Sinclair would be violating the public trust by doing this.


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The letter warned Sinclair that its plan could constitute a violation of broadcast regulations requiring equal time for political candidates, as well as the McCain-Feingold campaign finance law, the group said.

I think the Govt should make Sinclair show F911 as well to satisfy the equal time provision ;)


Why not? Does the airing of this program knock out air traffic control, cause medical equipment to malfunction, or somehow interrupt emergency services?

see above quote
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Why not? Does the airing of this program knock out air traffic control, cause medical equipment to malfunction, or somehow interrupt emergency services?

Because it violates the equal time rules for one.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Because it violates the equal time rules for one.

Are you sure about that? Because I don't think that it does. The law, as I understand it, states that if a network gives time to one political party that is must be willing to give the same time to the other political party. The law does not require that networks balance their programing, especially when there isn't a political party involved. I don't think it's the RNC paying to air this film. Am I wrong?

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Seems there's a difference between indisputable videotaped congressional testimony and the kinds of tortured links & conspiracy theories cooked up by Moore. I've seen what Kerry said and did with testimony and his medals, and that stuff just doesn't play well nationally today, if it did he'd be singing it from the rooftops. Back then he went down a storm in MA, and I'm sure that's why he did it, but it's there on file, he did it and boasted of it. Now denying it or vacillating just won't erase it. On the other hand the larger context is important as Moore demonstrates, Kerry needs to present that instead of trying to argue over ribbons vs medals. I mean you'd think Kerry would have the stones to say "Damnit we saved tens of thousands of young U.S. lives by ending the Vietnam war early through our protests.". It might be hotly disputed but it would be a consistent and credible position. Instead he presents this incredible waffling crap, he could have a good story or one at least people could stomach.

It's very dangerous to suggest that anyone should be prevented from broadcasting anything before an election. Even if it costs Bush or Kerry the election, it's called freedom. Don't think this never happened with the founding fathers. There were awful smear campaigns conducted using print medium back then by some of our most respected founders and it helped them win (John Adams for example).

Where do you draw the line?

Stopping Moore or anyone else showing their film before November... well at that stage you're doing massive harm. Who gets to decide? Does Dan Rather get to do 60 Minute hatchet peices or are you going to shut that down? What about CBS NEWS or Fox NEWS?

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Wow. There's some serious stupidity in that law, in my opinion (Running an old Reagan film counts as "time" if it's during his election season?). However, it looks like you're right. Quade, would you feel better if, as Lummy suggested, they aired F/911 alongside Stolen Honor? Would it still violate the "public trust"?

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