Rebecca 0 #26 October 15, 2004 Ya know, I really don't think it's entirely beyond the realm of possibility that we might catch him, try him in a death-sentence-proponent state, then execute him, and that someone, somehow could get video and post it for the world to see... That tape would sell for a lot of money, and I don't care how much security there'd be, it's still possible... you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
complexity 0 #27 October 15, 2004 If OBL was caught and then to be executed -- with a knife, do you think that it would raise the issue of the death penalty or would opponents of the death penalty stay silent? For those of you who are against the death penalty, does it apply across the board, even to someone like OBL? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PhillyKev 0 #28 October 15, 2004 QuoteFor those of you who are against the death penalty, does it apply across the board, even to someone like OBL? Yes, especially with OBL. Why martyr him when we could keep him in prison for life and get information out of him? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dgskydive 0 #29 October 15, 2004 QuoteI would like to believe we are better than the terrorists who do things like beheading people. And usually I think we are. Then I read stuff like this. Why not an "Eye for an Eye"? The rest of the world seems to think, that we think, we are better then the rest of the world right? Well let's show them that we are no better then the rest. Chop his head off with a sword dipped in pigs blood. Then throw his body into a grave and cover it with pigs blood. Televise it all. Make sure that Al Jazzera gets a copy. Once they see they won't get into Paradise. They will stop messing with us. I believe it was Black Jack Pershing that did that once. Lined up a bunch of Muslim Terrorists and shot them with bullets dipped in pigs blood, then poured it on em in there mass grave. He left one guy alive to tell the tale and let him go. There wasn't another attack on westerners for something like 50 years after he did that. They aren't afraid to die if they think they are getting into heaven. Why not show em that if they get caught they aren't going to get to heaven?Dom Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 2,996 #30 October 15, 2004 >Why not an "Eye for an Eye"? Because we've killed around 7000 innocent Iraqis. I don't think we'd be OK with 'evening that out.' Besides, Israel and the Palestinians have been doing that for around 40 years; there's always someone else to kill. In the word of a smart man, an eye for an eye will make the whole world blind. >The rest of the world seems to think, that we think, we are better > then the rest of the world right? Well let's show them that we are no > better then the rest. Maybe I live in a different US that you do. We ARE better than the people who commit these horrible acts. I am disappointed that so many people think we're scum, no better than the people we condemn. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shanediver 0 #31 October 15, 2004 QuoteYa know, I really don't think it's entirely beyond the realm of possibility that we might catch him, try him in a death-sentence-proponent state He would most definitely be tried in a federal court. But either way, I think that he would be killed. If he was sent to prison, he would meet the same demise from his fellow prisoners. I am one of those that is against the death penalty, even in this case, but I see it happening one way or another. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dgskydive 0 #32 October 15, 2004 Kinda sad. WE can't win for losing. Damned of we do and damned if we don't. I know that it will never happen. My point is that with people like this. You have to find out what scares them and use that to get them to stop. They are not scared of death, unless it is in such a way that they won't get into Paradise. You and I might not want that to happen, but I bet if it did there would be a lot less of them willing to take part in terrorist acts. Hell, if we can't do the first idea, then simply boring pigs blood on everyone of them that we kill in a conventional battle will be enough to mess with their heads. You can't beat an enemy that is more dedicated then you are. They are way more dedicated then we are. The way to make them not so dedicated is to take away what they are dedicated too. Right now they think "Well if I die during Jihad, then I go to heaven." What would they do if they knew that as soon as they died we are going to poor pigs blood on them. Thus making there entry into Paradise impossible. Would they be so willing to die then? Step it down a notch, make every prisoner eat nothing but pork, make them have sex with prostitutes, get them shitty drunk. Make them do things that are against the Kuran, then they won't get into Paradise. I bet that would be pretty effective as well. We are going to lose this war. You watch. I am all for supporting our troops, but this is going to end bad. Think Vietnam but much worse. At least the Vietnamese didn't come over here and start shit. They just wanted us out and once they got that. They went abou there lives, or at least what was left of them. We as Americans and actually most of the free world dont' have the stomache to do what needs to be done to end this.Dom Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 2,996 #33 October 15, 2004 >Right now they think "Well if I die during Jihad, then I go to > heaven." What would they do if they knew that as soon as they died > we are going to poor pigs blood on them. They would have a mullah declare them immune to pig's blood. I mean, the issue isn't the details of their religion, the issue is that they are willing to die to kill us. The details don't matter as much as the fact that they are willing to strap 50 pounds of C4 onto them and walk into a store in Baghdad. And that sure as hell didn't come out of the Koran (or any other religious book) - it came from a terrorist leader who told them they'd go to paradise if they did that. As soon as we pour pig's blood on them, Bin Laden II will tell his followers that the path to paradise is to die killing infidels covered in pig's blood. >Step it down a notch, make every prisoner eat nothing but pork, > make them have sex with prostitutes, get them shitty drunk. So make it attractive for less-pious terrorists to be arrested by the US? Bad idea, I think. They can change their ideology faster than we can change our tricky punishments. If they can decide that killing people is OK, they can decide just as easily that sex is OK under certain conditions. >We are going to lose this war. You watch. I am all for supporting our > troops, but this is going to end bad. Think Vietnam but much worse. I think you may be right; the time to win the war on terrorism has come and gone, at least with respect to Iraq. > At least the Vietnamese didn't come over here and start shit. They > just wanted us out and once they got that. They went abou there > lives, or at least what was left of them. We as Americans and > actually most of the free world dont' have the stomache to do what > needs to be done to end this. You're right, because we're better than they are. We could win the war by becoming genocidal killers; if we do that, we will have lost far more than one war. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
christelsabine 1 #34 October 15, 2004 QuoteI am disappointed that so many people think we're scum, no better than the people we condemn That is a statement, not a question, right? dudeist skydiver # 3105 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dgskydive 0 #35 October 15, 2004 QuoteThey would have a mullah declare them immune to pig's blood. Then the are losing there foothold on what they believe. Which you are right can change from one whim to the next. At least more people would see them for the hipocrites (sp) that they are. Including (hopefully) those that are "on the fence" so to speak about the US. QuoteI mean, the issue isn't the details of their religion, The issue is there religion. At least that is what they are claiming to fight for right? QuoteSo make it attractive for less-pious terrorists to be arrested by the US? Bad idea, I think. They can change their ideology faster than we can change our tricky punishments. If they can decide that killing people is OK, they can decide just as easily that sex is OK under certain conditions. See my first response. QuoteYou're right, because we're better than they are. We could win the war by becoming genocidal killers; if we do that, we will have lost far more than one war. Turn off the cameras and get the media out of there and let's see how fast this could be over. I am not a murderous bastard and believe it or not I am against war. Maybe more then most because of the things I have seen and experienced in my Military career. BUT...... I do know that at times there is a need for it. As sad as that is. I also know that sometimes things must be done that are horrible an that we don't want to do. Killing these people in a horrible way (to them) is the only way to get them to stop and think.Dom Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 2,996 #36 October 15, 2004 >Then the are losing there foothold on what they believe. Which you >are right can change from one whim to the next. At least more > people would see them for the hipocrites (sp) that they are. I don't think anyone sees these nuts as true representatives of any faith. (other than the rest of the nuts.) Every muslim person I know condemns them pretty universally. Best way to deal with them is to just plain capture or kill them, doesn't much matter which one. Treat the 99% of arabs who are not nuts with respect, and we will see the numbers of nuts dwindle as we eliminate them. >The issue is there religion. At least that is what they are claiming >to fight for right? If you took away the religions of the terrorist groups in the Middle East they'd fight over land, or oil, or the color of their skins. Again, it's not religion - no mainstream religion out there teaches you should go kill people, even though both the bible and the koran say that in places. It's nuts who want to kill people. The #1 terrorist group in the world today is the Tamil Tigers, an atheist organization in Sri Lanka. They each are given a cyanide capsule so they can kill themselves if they are ever captured. They invade villages and hack women and children to death with machetes. They commit suicide attacks in the cities and recruit young children to do their dirty work. In other words, they are not much different from Al Qaeda. And yet they have no religious reasons to kill people; their hatred keeps them going, just as it keeps Al Qaeda going. >I am not a murderous bastard and believe it or not I am against > war. Maybe more then most because of the things I have seen and > experienced in my Military career. BUT...... I do know that at times > there is a need for it. As sad as that is. I agree 100%. World War II, our invasion of Afghanistan - we needed to do those things. >Killing these people in a horrible way (to them) is the only way to get >them to stop and think. It would turn the world against us and not inconvenience them much at all. I agree that sometimes you have to fight - but if you go after ten terrorists in a city of 100,000 with a neutron bomb, you're going to win the battle and lose the war. Same thing with the sort of atrocities you talk about. We can stand up to all the arab nations of the world. We can not stand up to _all_ the nations of the world. Imagine our reaction if we saw China waging 'war on christian terrorists' by crucifying and disembowling young children in front of their parents. It might indeed make their parents think twice about being terrorists, but do you think that would work out well for them in the long run? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rhino 0 #37 October 15, 2004 QuoteThen the are losing there foothold on what they believe. That is the foundation of Muslim Extremism. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Botellines 0 #38 October 15, 2004 QuoteKilling these people in a horrible way (to them) is the only way to get them to stop and think. Let´s forget human rights for a moment... Do you really think than killing terrorists and possible suspects too (since justice is not perfect) in a horrible way will aid our cause. Do not ask me how to stop terrorism because i don´t have the answer, i only know what experience has told me that doesn´t work. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GeordieSkydiver 0 #39 October 16, 2004 Terrorists make up less than 1% of the worlds population. Lets not tar all people of terrorist countries/religions with the same brush. Us Brits did that in 69 and and lost the public, hence we are still negoiating peace in Ireland 35 years later. The next time i'm in Afganistan if I get within 1000m of OBL there wont be time for no video. There's another few hundred soldiers like me out there too. He will be brought to justice, of that I have no doubt. Problem is, there's another OBL right around the corner, maybe he's still in school, maybe he's in the Gulf, but he's out there. We can defeat terrorism with miltary force, we just need the mandate to do so. Innocent people will die, and that sucks, but blame the terrorists, not the government. Extremists cant be re-educated to be good guys, all they understand is a 7.62mm long will stop them dead. I could go on and on, but I dont want to rant. Support our troops, freedom has a price and they are paying it everyday. LeeLee _______________________________ In a world full of people, only some want to fly, is that not crazy? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
peacefuljeffrey 0 #40 October 16, 2004 Quoteit's a silly hypothetical question since it would never happen, the answers do not really matter You're kidding, right? Hypothetical questions are pointless and moot always, just by virtue of being hypothetical questions? Let's say I asked you a question, and you thought it was moot... -Jeffrey P.S. Many hypothetical questions relate to things that would not likely ever happen. Sometimes they are still interesting for discussions. What's the problem with doing so?-Jeffrey "With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tkhayes 348 #41 October 16, 2004 You are kidding yourself right? You are allowed to ask and/or discuss the hypothetical question and I am allowewd to say that it is silly. OBL had nothing to do with Iraqi insurgency, so beheading him would be irrelevant to the issue of beheadings in Iraq. As far as we know, OBL has not been linked to the beheading of anyone. George Bush would not for one, be the executioner. George Bush for two, would not televise an execution, that is for and, afterall we do have extreme right wing censors in this country. The world and the American Public for three would not condone one or two above either way. silly Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
peacefuljeffrey 0 #42 October 16, 2004 QuoteYou are kidding yourself right? You are allowed to ask and/or discuss the hypothetical question and I am allowewd to say that it is silly. OBL had nothing to do with Iraqi insurgency, so beheading him would be irrelevant to the issue of beheadings in Iraq. As far as we know, OBL has not been linked to the beheading of anyone. George Bush would not for one, be the executioner. George Bush for two, would not televise an execution, that is for and, afterall we do have extreme right wing censors in this country. The world and the American Public for three would not condone one or two above either way. silly You've missed the entire point of it being hypothetical. I know it's not the way it would happen. It's irrelevant whether any part of my question is "unrealistic." I guess I'm just failing to get through to you. At this point, I'm giving up. I have better things to do. Oooh, look, there's a thread about what song is stuck in my head! See? A more worthwhile pursuit already! -Jeffrey-Jeffrey "With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tkhayes 348 #43 October 16, 2004 actually I WAS discussing it, as you suggested - appears YOU did not get it - it is still silly Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Botellines 0 #44 October 16, 2004 Quote We can defeat terrorism with miltary force, we just need the mandate to do so. Innocent people will die, and that sucks, but blame the terrorists, not the government. And that only reinforce the ideas of those who are not yet terrorists to became one. It is not fair, but that is how it is. This is a war that we start with some major disadvantages. QuoteExtremists cant be re-educated to be good guys, all they understand is a 7.62mm long will stop them dead. I don´t see how threaten to kill someone will stop him from straping C4 to his body and inmolate himself Quote Support our troops, freedom has a price and they are paying it everyday. Don´t take me wrong, it is not that i do not support our troops, it is that i do not support the administration that puts them in danger, puts me and my people in danger, and commit crimes against the humanity in the name of stopping terrorism. We both have the same goal, we ony differ in the way to achieve it. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Skyrad 0 #45 October 17, 2004 Seek help! When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy. Lucius Annaeus Seneca Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DrunkMonkey 0 #46 October 17, 2004 Watch it?!? Hell, can I be of any physical assistance in the process??? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
christelsabine 1 #47 October 17, 2004 Wasted energy, wasted brain. Did you ever believe that anyone beyond the big pond is interested in your opinion? Just to ask a question like that thread's title is a sick just sick idea dudeist skydiver # 3105 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites