
Do you live in a swing state; and if so, who are you voting for?

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Since I live in Massachusetts, my vote for GWB will only amount to a pile of shit. This election I lose either way. Kerry will either be my President or continue to be my Senator.

So, I'm wondering how you folks in the swing states are going to vote since they are the votes that will matter.


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Well, down in Alabama, the winner is predetermined, just like Mass, but now I'm in NJ for a while (and still registered from years ago).

Normally I'd say Badnarick without hesiation, but apparently the BUsh people think they have a slightly better than a snowball in hell chance of carrying the state. That's right, the Bush people think they can take NJ.

Well, come Halloween and Nov 1, if the state is anywhere near close, I'm going to vote for Bush.

OK, moral dilemma for all of you. Let's say you live in a state who's outcome is a given, such as Mass, Bama, or others. Let's say you wanted to vote your principles since it wouldn't hurt the big candidate you despise less.

Would you say it's wrong to vote for the big candidate if you suddenly were voting in a swing state?
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OK, moral dilemma for all of you. Let's say you live in a state who's outcome is a given, such as Mass, Bama, or others. Let's say you wanted to vote your principles since it wouldn't hurt the big candidate you despise less.

Would you say it's wrong to vote for the big candidate if you suddenly were voting in a swing state?

Not if it's close, and you're a liberal and Nader is on the ballot and you think you are so smart that you should be making decisions for other people. Then you scream and cry and have a fit like a little child who lost his doll and wants ice cream but is in trouble because he is grounded from cleaning his room and is crying so much that snot is hanging from his left nostril and he can't stop even though he's trying but he's so outraged that........

and so on
and so forth

hey, someone left pizza here. Gotta go. Is it too late to write in Cheney and Leiberman?

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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I went by my polling place today, the first day of early voting in Texas, to try and beat the crowd. The line was one-hour long! I've always done my voting during the early period, and have never seen a line before. If this is any indication of the turn-out for this election cycle, it should be enormous.

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