
Revive tired Canopy

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Has anyone ever experimented with painting a silicone/mineral spirits mixture(which can be used to waterproof fabrics) or spray can silicone water proofing on a tired zp canopy or any f-111 canopy to reduce its porosity and bring an old canopy back to its former glory?

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Yep. Guy in Texas near Houston... Yonky? I can picture the guy buy I can't remember his name. It was a thing when there were still a lot of F111 canopies around being jumped. It worked but the openings got harder when you suddenly turned this old canopy design into ZP. He generally had to change out the slider for a bigger size.


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Has anyone ever experimented with painting a silicone/mineral spirits mixture(which can be used to waterproof fabrics) or spray can silicone water proofing on a tired zp canopy or any f-111 canopy to reduce its porosity and bring an old canopy back to its former glory?

People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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Yep. Guy in Texas near Houston... Yonky? I can picture the guy buy I can't remember his name. It was a thing when there were still a lot of F111 canopies around being jumped. It worked but the openings got harder when you suddenly turned this old canopy design into ZP. He generally had to change out the slider for a bigger size.


That guy was Leonard Morehead of Bryan, Texas. Leo came up with a spray on coating affectionately known as "leonardizing". He coated old F-111 canopies with it and gave them performance that quite honestly was as good or better than new.

He charged $1 per square foot. Leo is still around but hasn't been an active jumper in years.
Chuck Akers
Houston, TX

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