
Who DID You Vote For?

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If you really want this info, you'll need to match the ballots. Despite the fact that most of the country doesn't realize it, there are more than two options.

Ya Ya Ya, I knew there would be these posts when I made the poll. Not to pee in your corn flakes or anything, but if you didn't vote for Bush or Kerry, it really doesn't matter a whole lot who you did vote for, 'cause those are the only two with a hope in hell of winning. *Puts up shield from all the "every vote counts" replies surely to come* :)


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Hey...one of those flags is right on my house!!!

FYI....that's BS. Funny how this was only reported to Drudge and these GOP poll workers didn't report it to the election committee.


Philadelphia District Attorney Lynne M. Abraham today refuted reports that 2,000 votes had been "planted" on voting machines at several polling places.

Cathie Abookire, spokeswoman for Abraham, said poll workers misinterpreted numbers they found on voting machines before the polls opened. Abookire said the city's new electronic voting machines have two windows that display voting numbers - one that shows the total number of votes ever cast on the machine, the other that shows the number of votes cast today.

Some poll workers saw the number of prior votes from past elections on the machines and thought that meant votes had been planted.

"They misread the machines," Abookire said. "There were no planted votes."

Edward V. Schulgen, deputy city commissioner, also confirmed that reports of machines with fraudulent starting counts were groundless.

Schulgen said all machines in the city's 1,681 polling places had generated, before polls opened, a printout reflecting the fact that each machine was set at zero. He said each was signed by an election worker.

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>> Hey...one of those flags is right on my house!!!<<
Ha, ha. Didn't notice the whole thread you started on this subject.

Drudge will want to stick a flag on Zogby's house too when he reads his prediction (5:30 PM ET - Kerry - Winner with 313 electoral votes & 2 states still too close to call)

Unless there are clear victories in key states - I think Zogby et al may be a couple months ahead of the final court decision.

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Unless there are clear victories in key states

I'm getting a strong impression that it will be pretty clear tonight that Kerry is the winner. I said way back when that the polls made it impossible to make a guess, and that it would all come down to turnout and get out the vote campaigns. All indications are that this year is going to break some 40 year + records for turnout, especially in the swing states. That is hugely in Kerry's favor.

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it really doesn't matter a whole lot who you did vote for, 'cause those are the only two with a hope in hell of winning.

Thats the train of thought that has this country in the trouble its in now.

I heard from so many people - "I voted for Kerry" - "Why?" - "He's not Bush" and vice versa.

If people stopped voted 'against' what they didn't like and 'for' what they did - you'd be surprised at the amount of change.

We need a wake up call and I would have thought the last 4 years would have done that for America - but I guess not. [:/]
Arianna Frances

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it really doesn't matter a whole lot who you did vote for, 'cause those are the only two with a hope in hell of winning.


Thats the train of thought that has this country in the trouble its in now.

no its simply a political fact. America has been locked into the 2 party system for a long while now. A vote elsewhere has no positive effect on who will actually run the country for the next 4 years, it simply "sandbags" the major party candidate you would/might vote for if there were ONLY 2 choices offered.

the fact is that no independent party has any chance of getting its national candidates elected because they are simply not given equal exposure with the majors. Their message, platform and candidates are completely unknown to the public the only time they voter sees their names at all is on the few states ballots were they are included as an 11th hour 'gimme'.

Without national attention and media exposure all throughout the year(s) preceding an election, no alternate party candidate has any chance of winning. The system as it exists today is fundamentally flawed, the world (and therefore the US) was a much different place when more than 2 political parties had any real chance at winning a national election.

i have voted Libertarian in the past and will most likely continue to do so, but it is sadly a protest vote more than an influence on who will actually sit in the oval office
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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It very well could influence who sits in the oval office.

If the libertarian platform was adopted, even in small part by either the democratic party or republican party (most likely the latter) - then this country is better off IMO.

It has to start at the bottom, local and state level, in order to get to the top, but we're working on that. There was only one office up for grabs in my local election that included a party other than D or R, but thats one more than last time.

If people adopt the 'I-can-only-vote-Democrat-or-Republican-to-make-my-vote-heard' than we are very much headed in a direction other than one our founding fathers had for us.

Arianna Frances

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which does nothing to affect who sits in the office THIS time...

anyone who voted for a third party this time chose to make a statement about how they wish the elections were... instead choosing to affect who actually leads the US for the next 4 years..


we are very much headed in a direction other than one our founding fathers had for us.

dead on.
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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To anyone who didn't vote for either of the two who had a legitimate chance of winning (Bush or Kerry), I understand what you are trying to say, but you probably wasted a vote which could have been used to remove our current dictator from office.

Don't get me wrong, I understand and feel very similar in that often (if not almost all the time) both candidates aren't the answer. But, let's get down to it, noone will ever be THE answer. So, to make an effective difference given today's system, vote for someone who CAN win, not someone who takes a vote away from someone who can win.

Last election (2000) there was one state (can't remember exactly which) where Nader collected 24,000 votes and Al Gore had 7000 votes less than Bush. It was determined that had Al Gore picked up those 7001 votes from the Nader stack, Al Gore would have been president instead of Bush.

These 3rd and 4th party votes do make a difference, I am not sure they are making the difference you are hoping they will.


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But thats the point!

I don't want Kerry, and I can't stand Bush (even though I'm technically a registered republican so I can vote in the primarys) - why would I vote for either of them? I don't want either of them!

Instead, I vote libertarian and vote for what I believe! If more people did that than we could very well influence the current dominant party platforms.

Think of it - millions of people vote libertarian because they believe in their stand on the war on drugs - more and more press is generated because of it. The current administration sees that and the senators/reps hear about it. Before you know it there's a bill in congress to legalize drugs.

Sure, we didn't get a libertarian in the white house, but we got one ideal to wear it needed to be - in front of the american people.

Arianna Frances

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