
C-9 packing variation? - seal thread around lines

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I saw a C-9 packed in a pilot rig once, which had a single turn of seal thread tied around the lines, about 6" below the bottom of the canopy.

That's quite non standard, but I'm curious, has anyone else come across that packing variation? Has it ever been accepted regionally even if not officially, or is it some rigger's odd personal variant?

Clearly on a non-diapered canopy it is designed to provide a tiny bit of staging, at least allowing the bottom of the canopy to pull out of the pack for a split second without becoming all messy. And without being strong enough to streamer the canopy!

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First time I have heard of tying red thread around the lines??????

We wonder where that practice originated??????

Remember that rounds have very little spreading force on their skirts.

Also remember that CSPA's first fatality report started with someone tying the main suspension lines together.

Personally, I only trust C9s that are equipped with the original quarter-bag or a Butler diaper (type 4 with all the suspension lines stowed on the diaper). Ant older configuration (e.g. zero staging device) is so ..... "1940s!

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This is something you will see on the big square cargo canopies. They have... a lot of spaghetti. A, B, C, D, E, F, G lines. 15+ cells. And All non cascaded. It's not uncommon at all to have ties all down the lines at like 18 inch increments. We actually tie the A,B,C,D riser groups into a bundle, and the rear group into another so the eight risers are like quartered into four. Then do double wraps on the whole thing to turn it into one big snake. And that's how it comes out. It deploys beautifully like one big fat rope. When it hits line stretch and the slider pops out, it splits into four neat groups. As the slider comes down you can see it rake open each of those as the lines deploy. You can see it all on high speed. It's great not like the normal mass of shit that will give you night mares if you ever watch it frame by frame.

That's a SQUARE! Not a round. I've never tried it but I think this would be a terrible idea on a round canopy. It depends on the design but their is very little spreading force at the base till the mouth actually opens. Remember the air on the out side of the mushroom is actually trying to keep it closed. It doesn't need a lot of help to total it. Theirs a lot that goes into that opening force, diameter, apex, porosity, geometric porosity, etc. I don't think a C-9 with it's high po fabric needs any help staying closed especially on a low speed opening. Yes their opening pop, but that pop is when the skirt pops and they over inflate. Even with the elastic vent thingy they leak a lot of air.

I don't think you are gaining any thing from that tie. I'm not sure that a single wrap would be enough to streamer it but a stronger thread would. In short I see no upside and death as the alternative. So either you get absolutely no benefit or you die. I'll stop ranting but I don't see this as a good idea.

It is possible that it was never intended to be left on their. Some people who do not know how to pack rounds have been know to tie the lines there to try to "keep them neat" Their are people that have never even heard of a line separator. Jeff once found a rig where some thing had been left on there. I don't recall if it was a pull-up cord or a molar strap. It was years ago, but it scared the shit out of him. It was the first black death rig he had ever found.


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Never heard or seen that. But of course Preserve V's have break cord around the lines and 8 inches or so up the skirt. But tied through an apex line to break the ties.

Just packed two c9 varients into strong squadron seats. They were 2001 h/cs with 1953 canopies in them.😲 Said no but a guy with two much newer nb8's needed seat rigs, so moved his canopies into the strongs. I normally dont pack undiapered c9s but did these. H/cs were to nice to leave in a closet.

Lose the seal theed. My guess is packing aid either left in by mistake or on purpose.
I'm old for my age.
Terry Urban

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Yes councilman,
I am as confused as you as to why Strong Enterprises does not sew diapers onto the C9 canopies that they install in some Para-Cushion PEPs.
Consider that Strong Ent. were one of the first factories to standardize diapers on sport reserves.

On a related note: last week I packed a Strong Para-Cushion Wedge Back PEP. What a nuisance staring at all those squiggly suspension line stows in the manual!!!!

Last month I coached a junior rigger on the finer points of closing Para-Cushion Seats ...... what a "spaghetti mess" of lines in the pack tray!

May I add another vote to councilman's petition to gain permission to stow all the suspension lines on the diaper in Strong Para-Cushion Wedge and seat PEPs?

Finally, I often tie something around all the suspension lines - on square reserves. I just make sure that it is something I will need again before closing ..... like .... say ...... a freebag bridal.

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I've packed a lot of C-9's and have never seen that. Whenever I've seen weird stuff I call the rig mfg and ask them if it is something they want to address with that rigger.

Also; I wouldn't want anything to prevent air from entering the skirt on a non diapered canopy. Maybe the pilot is getting out really low?...staging is the last thing he needs.

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