
who's to blame for iraq mess?

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Did you know the Baathists are also Socialists?

I knew they advertised themselves as such. However, their brand of "socialism" is as close to the original definition as the Nazi party was, IMO.
And yes, some (maybe most) of the insurgents are baathists. But there are so many factions fighting right now, that I do not think they are the only problem.

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You say that as if you admire the Baathists. I think they are as good an example there is about why Socialism will never succeed.

Socialism works well in many places. It is a different economic system. We found out during the great depression, that even capitalism must be tempered with socialism in order to succeed.
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Socialism works well in many places. It is a different economic system. We found out during the great depression, that even capitalism must be tempered with socialism in order to succeed.

Socialism is stupid. It ignores human nature and as for the depression, created a headache for the future.

the depth of his depravity sickens me.
-- Jerry Falwell, People v. Larry Flynt

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Socialism is stupid. It ignores human nature and as for the depression, created a headache for the future.

I agree...Most of the programs that were instituted are now the subject of major reform today because they are such a drain of funds...These programs were only meant to be temporary...

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Socialism is stupid. It ignores human nature and as for the depression, created a headache for the future.

That's a very narrowminded view. The problems were not caused by socialism, but politicians spending taxpayer savings, instead of rasing taxes and paying as they went.

It boggles my mind how many people have been fooled into believing living on credit is fiscal reponsibility.

Socialism has strengths, and weaknesses, just like capitalism does. They are just different strengths and weaknesses.
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instead of rasing taxes and paying as they went.

Or, how about not spending tax dollars on programs that the federal government has no Constitutional obligation or authority to spend on?

Most, if not all, of the social program BS that the federal government spends on is the States' responsibility, and the federal government has no Consitutional authority to tax or spend for them.


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[T]he federal government has no Consitutional authority to tax or spend for them.

U.S. Constitution Article 1 Section 8 Clause 1:

" The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;"

The Congress is well within their authority.
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Socialism is stupid. It ignores human nature and as for the depression, created a headache for the future.

That's a very narrowminded view. The problems were not caused by socialism, but politicians spending taxpayer savings, instead of rasing taxes and paying as they went.

It boggles my mind how many people have been fooled into believing living on credit is fiscal reponsibility.

Socialism has strengths, and weaknesses, just like capitalism does. They are just different strengths and weaknesses.

Er, no!!
People should fend for themselves and the government provide for the minimum necesary to survive. That means social security, the country's greatest failure, should only provide for a few years not as much as the time spent working.

the depth of his depravity sickens me.
-- Jerry Falwell, People v. Larry Flynt

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The world for not taking him out sooner??

Last I checked, SH is not in power and not sending in these insurgents. Total miscaculation by the war mongers Bush & Co. I remember hearing the Middle East experts on the news before the invasion start in March 2003 - saying that even with the head cut off, Iraq would never settle for American power in their country. Too bad Bush never listened to any of the experts - he fired anyone that disagreed with him. I'd like to hear what all of those people have to say right now.
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And still people perpetuate the myth...

was behind the 911 thing

NO he wasn't... he is/was an arse and did loads of bad stuff but he was NOT involved in 11/9... hey but dont let the facts get in the way of a good poll.

Merry christmas one and all

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I voted for SH...even though you had the BS about 9/11 in there.

My votes go in order:
1. Saddam for not complying with the Resolutions.
2. The UN for letting him go 12 years without complying
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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I voted for SH...even though you had the BS about 9/11 in there.

My votes go in order:
1. Saddam for not complying with the Resolutions.
2. The UN for letting him go 12 years without complying

Okay, let´s assume for a second that i agree with your two points, you do realize that the Iraq mess was based upon the existance of WMD and the danger of SH deploying WMD in under 45 minutes, right? Well, you got bad Intel, so if you don´t want to blame bush, shouldn´t you at least blame U.S intel?
And as a plus it was the liberation of the Iraqui people. Which goes against international legality and, by the way, are not happy at all with your presence there.

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Okay, let´s assume for a second that i agree with your two points, you do realize that the Iraq mess was based upon the existance of WMD and the danger of SH deploying WMD in under 45 minutes, right?

OK but that would not have been an issue if SH had complied with the Resolutions...If he had complied we would not have been able to assume he had anything. So #1 still stands.

If the UN had forced the issue instead of ignoring it, or some say making money off of it. Then it would have been handled earlier, and by a UN led force....But they didn't, so #2 stands.


Okay, let´s assume for a second that i agree with your two points, you do realize that the Iraq mess was based upon the existance of WMD and the danger of SH deploying WMD in under 45 minutes, right?

I could list #3 as bad intel, but not just US intel. Britain, the UN, Saudi Arabia....And more had intel that said he had them.

So #3 could be "intel" in gerneral, but not just US intel. But intel is shakey at best, and if Saddam had been following the UN resolution, or the UN had done its job...It would not have been needed...So It might go in #3.

As for blaming Bush. Well the UN, the US Congress (including Kerry) looked at the intel as well. And they believed he had WMD's as well. So I can't just blame Bush.

So it still stands that If Saddam had complied we would have no ammo against him.

US: You have WMD's
SH: Nope, look around and you know where all the stuff I had is...But please look around, talk to my scientists. Here have a Coke and a smile.

If the UN had enforced its resolutions and maybe even done something when Saddam kicked out the inspectors in 98...The situation would not have to been done now, alone.

So while I can admit that it does not look good for the Intel agencies, the main fault still rests in the order I listed with maybe #3 being intel of several countries, and the anayasis of that intel by several bodies.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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