
can the un be trusted with all the aid money

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Considering we have a convicted criminal in the whitehouse who can never seem to get his story straight, integrity in the UN is the least of my worries. Besides, the micro-percentage is insignificant in comparison to the dues for which the US are in arrears.
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Well don't let a day pass by without attempting to bash the UN or France...:P

I worked years ago with a company selling equipment to developing countries through the UN system and sure there was corruption. On the other hand - same problems did exsist with aid from bilateral national aid agencies. The issue is that there is a lot of corruption in countries where aid flows to and is really impossible to totally avoid it.

You will find the same problem existing with aid from private charitable organisations. Remember the issues regarding the money send to the American Red Cross for a specific desaster and ending in administration some years ago?

The UN has a strong infratructure in most developing countries and a lot of experience in humanitarian relief. So - yes - I would trust them to do decent job with the money.
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Well don't let a day pass by without attempting to bash the UN or France...

I was getting worried myself.:|

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Well don't let a day pass by without attempting to bash the UN or France

we wouldn't want to let that happen would we? B|

well the more money the bigger the temptation and giving the current track record of the UN I think it's wise to be a bit skeptic.

I have been a part of the private side, while i can only speak for my group, there was no skimming. As for f corruption in countries where aid flows I understand that but if you have that group taking 10% off the back end you do not need the un taking it's percentage.

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Considering we have a convicted criminal in the whitehouse who can never seem to get his story straight, integrity in the UN is the least of my worries.

Nice attempt at diversion, however you failed to answer the question at hand.


Besides, the micro-percentage is insignificant in comparison to the dues for which the US are in arrears.

Are you suggesting that it's OK for the UN to skim some off the top as long as it's not too much?

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Until a better system comes along, the UN must be trusted.

How many groups are working there? I find it odd that you only think the UN is the best to handle such giving it's track record of looking the other way in other countries and the current oil for food scam. One does not ask a car thief to watch your car and expect nothing to happen.

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How many groups are working there?

I agree, Médecins sans frontieres is a good pick. Or Les Lyonnais sans frontieres as well.

"For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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Well, when the likes of you and I give money in a situation like this, its normally to organisations like Red Cross, Medecins sans Frontieres etc.
I gave to the DEC, which is a collaboration of a number of UK aid outfits.

The role the UN plays is at a much higher level, IE soliciting support from countries rather than individuals, they also co-ordinate the big stuff, organising C130s and such like.

So its not really an issue of whether we, as individuals, trust the UN, its a matter of whether our govts trust the UN, and why shouldn't they? After all, the UN is made of representatives from our govts.

However, nobody is answering the question, if you don't trust the UN, who else would you trust?

And I hope nobody is witholding donations because they don't trust the UN, give it to BJ Worth's scheme instead.:)

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Considering we have a convicted criminal in the whitehouse who can never seem to get his story straight

Well, lets see Clinton lied under oath, but he kept his job.

Kerry comited war crimes according to his own testimony.

Perjury and murder vs drunk driving....

I know people who drove drunk...I don't think they are bad people.

Most people who commit murder are in jail, and most who lie under oath get put in jail as well...

Go Fish.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Well, lets see Clinton lied under oath, but he kept his job.

Kerry comited war crimes according to his own testimony.

To paraphrase your words: if there is no conviction then obviously there wasn't a crime.

Bush did get convicted, well we think since his documents have since gone "missing".

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To paraphrase your words: if there is no conviction then obviously there wasn't a crime.

Bush did get convicted, well we think since his documents have since gone "missing".

Clinton was found guilty of perjury and was removed from the bar.

Kerry Admitted under oath to war crimes.

Just because he was not charged does not mean he was not guilty...Hell he ADMITTED to it. Unless he was lying under oath...So which was it? Did he commit war crimes, or did he lie?
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Funny how standards change depending on the subject........

No change.

You claim Bush is a bad person due to a getting caught driving drunk...I know folks that have gotten DUI's...I don't consider them less of a person. I have in my past driven drunk...Not smart, but I don't consider me to be a bad person for it. I would venture to guess that you know folks that have driven drunk....You might even have driven drunk yourself.

Clinton lied under oath about a really small issue. He lied to try and cover his ass...I wonder what else he would lie about? At any rate he was guilty of perjury and while he was disbarred, the left didn't seem to care at all. If he had come out and said "Yes I had sex with the fat chick in the Blue Dress" I would not have respected him, but it would not have been CRIMINAL. But he lied, then tried to play games; Define "sex", what is the definiton of "is". He lied under oath.

Kerry admitted to war crimes in testimony to Congress. He did it to become a political power. Now he either did commit war crimes like he said he did...Or he lied to Congress. Which is it? Is he a murderer, or a liar?

So while you might have driven drunk (I have), I doubt you have commited war crimes, or lied to Congress under oath. I have not (Although I have been on the floors of both the House and Senate, I didn't lie...Of course I also didn't speak.;))
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Neither Clinton, nor Kerry are in office, that other guy is.

Thank God Clinton is gone and Kerry lost
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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I don't think Clinton, Kerry, or Bush have anything to do with whether or not the UN can be trusted with a bunch of money.

I liked Clinton. I think Bush is an idiot. I don't think the UN can be trusted. But the dinger just went off, meaning the biscotti's gotta come out of the oven. Yumm....

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