
Conservatives are all close minded war mongers

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It's not that they're all war mongers at all. It's that -some- very vocal conservatives, especially radio talk show hosts, so blindly follow the marching orders and talking points that it simply gives the -appearance- that they are.

In reality a conservative would almost never go to war because while it is -very- good for a certain segment of the economy, overall it's a HUGE drag. Maybe not in the short term, but -certainly- in the long term. The U.S. taxpayers will be paying for Iraq for a -very- long time.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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By reputation the GOP was always the warmoger party, while the Democrats were warm and fuzzy pacifists. But until the two Bush's came along, the record was pretty clearly leaning the other way.

Yep, leaning heavily.

Let's see... Our "warmongering" against Japan and in Europe was FDR's, the patron saint of the dems. The only use of nuclear weapons in history was Truman the Dem, then Korea. General Ike of the GOP presided over relative peace, then JFK the dem and his veep just *had* to dig us a nice southeast asian hole, that it took a republican "evil" Dick to extract us from. And then of course all of the ordnance expended by Clinton that the hollywood left allowed without complaint 'in their name'.

Only Carter tried to play nicey-nice with evil in the world and we got shat on for it.

I realize that all of the above might be plainly obvious to the typical american, but how is it that after all that, it's the GOP that are still seen as the mongers?

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Right there along with all of tunaplanets posts.

What happened to him? And Kallend? And Peaceful Jeffrey? Are posters from Speakers Corner being vanished?


They'll be back[:/]

Be careful what you wish for:S

We're doomed;) We're all doomedB|


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