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Yet ANOTHER Anti-US diatribe by Botellines.......

If it is a question of a "tango" dying or a US Marine dying,to me,it will be the "tango everytime

This coming from the "mind set" that allowed ethnic cleansing to go on unchecked practically in their backyard

QuoteQuoteHow do you know? Are you one of the Iraqi population?
No i just saw the picture of a father picking pieces of her 6 years old daughter who was blown up by an U.S bomb.
So I take it the pictures of the tens of thousand of dead when SH gassed his own people a while back didn't bother you?
Nice change of language. Before we invaded, Iraq had few, if any, terrorists. First we call them insurgents, now we call them terrorists. Very convenient.
I guess if they didn't dress in civilian clothes we could call them soldiers, but that would require adhereing to the rules of the geneva convention I think.
I wonder how many of there 'terrorists' that we supposedly kill every day, have EVER launched an attack against ANY target prior to the invasion.
Hmmm..... Kuwait.....some of SH's own people in the early 90's?
I said it before, and I will say it again. If someone invaded our country, we would clearly go out of our way to launch attacks against them, pick them off one by one, bomb them, whatever had to be done to get our country back. But we would NEVER consider ourselves to be 'terrorists'.
But if you beheaded a civilian and video'd it for television would you?
tkhayes 348
QuoteHmmm..... Kuwait.....some of SH's own people in the early 90's?
Hmm, invading another country is a terrorist action? VERY interesting. Now I know why so many people in the world think GWB is a terrorist!
QuoteBut if you beheaded a civilian and video'd it for television would you?
No actually I would not - the Nazi's tortured and murdered millions, much of it filmed. We NEVER called them terrorists. The Rwandans tortured, hacked and mutilated 800,000 people in 100 days, and we never called them terrorists either.
I think George Bush is really happy that the average American is gullible enough to buy this crap and bullshit about 'terrorists'. So easy to keep tying it to WMD's and 9/11 which has been proven again and again to NOT be related
wmw999 2,473
Quotemaybe you should look at some pictures of the WTC aftermath.
What does the WTC have to do with Iraq?
Wendy W.
So by your statement,you are now identifying uniformed soldiers as terrorists.............

Hmm, invading another country is a terrorist action? VERY interesting. Now I know why so many people in the world think GWB is a terrorist!
I don't understand you're reasoning on this one, because the wars were started for different reasons. I don't wish to argue why GWB went over there, so lets not start that.
QuoteBut if you beheaded a civilian and video'd it for television would you?
No actually I would not - the Nazi's tortured and murdered millions, much of it filmed. We NEVER called them terrorists. The Rwandans tortured, hacked and mutilated 800,000 people in 100 days, and we never called them terrorists either.
I think George Bush is really happy that the average American is gullible enough to buy this crap and bullshit about 'terrorists'. So easy to keep tying it to WMD's and 9/11 which has been proven again and again to NOT be related
I'll call them doctors, pianists, painters if it will make you happy. It doesn't change the fact that they all killed scores of civilians.
Unless the insurgents start adhering to the rules set forth by the geneva convention (stop hiding in mosques and disguising themselves as civilians, etc...), I don't think anyone is going to call them enemy soldiers.
I don't see why you think that because I support the war in Iraq I support or even like GWB, as I don't.
n : the calculated use of violence (or threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature; this is done through intimindation or coercion or instilling fear [syn: act of terrorism, terrorist act]
I would say that exeuting civilians on TV, suicide bombings, etc qualifies them as terrorists.
The nazis didn't kill people to just make a political point or instill fear in a population. I'm not familiar with the situation in Rwanda, but I'm guessing that wasn't the reasoning behind it either. We don't call that terrorism. We call that genocide.
n : systematic killing of a racial or cultural group [syn: race murder, racial extermination]
juanesky 0
They think their cause is honorable, and want them protected by the Geneva convention, even though the leadership is clearly NON IRAQI (IE Al-Zarqawi), they possess no uniforms, and use civilians/holy sites to shield themselves.
Most of these terrorist lovers, will even dare to say that all the Iraqi (read civilian population) casualties are all innocent, from Iraq and with nothing to do with the conflict.

You called them Minute men.
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