
Container advice needed

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How do new(er) jumpers get it into their head that getting to a WL near to or above 2 is something desirable, expected, a normal target?

That attitude is so passé!
Only a few young jumpers are willing/can afford to make the thousands of jumps needed to jump a sub-100 square foot swooping canopy.

OTOH the average recreational weekend jumper will only do 200 jumps (on his-her first rig) before getting distracted by wing-suits or BASE. Docile canopies are preferred with wing suits.
Meanwhile ambitious young BASE jumpers soon find themselves buying LARGER BASE canopies.
Ergo young jumpers are best served by buying mid-sized sport canopies and forget about down-sizing until after they have 200 jumps.

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I hear that currency is more important that jump number alone for WL.
However what jump numbers and currency do you consider for adequate for a 2.x loading?

Maybe never....

Every jumper is different and downsizing should occur when you have demonstrated a good abilities with the existing canopy and desire more performance. It is NOT simply a jump number to reach and then move on. That is one sure fire way to hurt yourself and one I doubt any self respecting instructor or canopy coach would recommend.

Jump what is right for you now and not what may be right for you 100's of jumps down the road.

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I know when it comes to containers everyone has their preference.
Does anyone know a container that can hold 4 sizes? from a 120 to a 170?

Vortex. I have a V4 sized for 150, and am packing a sabre2 170 in it (tight, but you can learn to pack it). I know someone flying VK77 in an another V4, with the smallest canopy ever packed being non crossbraced 106, and I personally jumped Optimum 143 in mine, which packs roughly like a 97 ZP.
"Skydivers are highly emotional people. They get all excited about their magical black box full of mysterious life saving forces."

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***The good news is that rigs for larger canopies and larger people are in high demand, so they sell fast at a good price. The supply vs demand for small-canopy rigs is not as good for sellers.

Since November 2015, there have only been 2 rigs for sale (on FB) that fit my body type. I bought both, one needed alterations the second one might get some alterations....

This circumstance is one driver for my original question.

wait, you already have 2 rigs, and are shopping for a third. dude your doing it wrong

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